View Full Version : Weeing (TMI maybe...?)

11-04-08, 16:53
Just when I thought I was getting better :scared15:

I've had a headache for like a month which I'd gotten used to. Last night, I suddenly developed an urge to wee every 20 minutes. I had a panic attack because I thought there was something majorly wrong. All day today, I have not been able to stop going. Must have been 30 times already. Hardly any comes out when I do go, and I can hold it. It's not like I'm desperate, it feels more like the minute I go I'm trying to hold the next one in and my bladder feels tense. Interestingly, once I got to sleep last night, it didn't keep wake me up. :whistles:

My headache has, of course, vanished. Gone. Kaput.

I googled too. So, have I got an infection, diabetes (again) or is this just anxiety? I think I know the answer, but is there anyone with similar experiences who can help?

I haven't been able to stop thinking about it all day. I'm trying hard to convince myself it's anxiety and that if it's no better I'll go to the Doctors on Monday but I think I'm just making worse....:doh:

11-04-08, 16:57
Not quite the same, but if i wake up in the middle of the night for whatever reason, i feel i must go to the toilet. even if i dont need to i must go or i convince myself i will panic and not get back to sleep. Also when i go and sorry this is too much information i feel like i must wipe twice (but only in morning, night and middle of night) otherwise something bad will happen. Id say its definitely anxiety, its a pain isnt it!

11-04-08, 17:16
I haven't heard of any infections that make you want to go more often. Infections usually are accompanied by pain with it, i.e. cystitis. The fact that you didn't wake up when you went off to sleep is a good sign too.

As for diabetes, there are lots of other symptoms - thirst, etc.

Did they not do bloodtests when you went to the docs about your headaches?

I'm sure it will be nothing, but like you say - go to the docs on Monday if it gets worse.

11-04-08, 19:44
Have you drank any drink containing the ingredients sucrose or aspatamene (can't spell). I find that if i drink any drink with these in or sometimes even just the flavoured waters i find my self weeing more and when i stop it goes in a day.

11-04-08, 20:57
Hi Atmolav,

The urge to urinate is a classic sign of anxiety and takes us back to the development of man.When faced with your common garden prehistoric man-eater,our ancestors had a choice.Naturally,their adrenaline levels would soar and they would face their dilemna - Fight or flee. Fleeing meant being light on your feet,ergo the need to urinate and also defecate.Weigh less= run faster= survive.
This primitive urge has never left man despite the tremendous changes which have occurred as mankind has progressed.
If it isn't the above,then a simple urinary infection could have caused this.A situation which can be quickly remedied by a trip to your Doctor and a course of antibiotics.
Best wishes,

12-04-08, 18:43
Thanks guys,

I actually went to the emergency docs this morning, who said there was no real sign of an infection and no sign at all of diabetes, so that's a relief. She said it could well be caused by irritation, to drink lots of water and try and stop thinking about it.

12-04-08, 18:56
There you go then! Drink, drink, drink!!! Good news :)

13-04-08, 11:21
Drank 5 pints last night...think I'm gonna live :-)

14-04-08, 11:42
:yesyes: i also have had this problem on and off for aboutb 5 years now the doctor told me its all to do with anxiety i no its uncomfortable but i think the more u think about it the more u need to go but its nothing to worry about i found having a warm bath usually helps hope you feel better soon take care lin x

17-12-08, 19:17
I too have had this problem off and on for about a year. Ive been symptom free for a month or two but just reading this thread has made me feel the need to urinate again.

When it affects me it feels like I need to go all the time. Very frustrating and urgent feeling. One thing that tipped me off to the fact that it was just OCD was that when I fell asleep I never woke up with urgency and never had any incontinence problems.

I did go to the doctor and they assured me that there was no sign of infection. Sadly sometimes when this this problem hits me the only way I can get rid of it is when I start worrying about something else. Then while worring about something else I notice "Gee I havent had any urge to pee for hours".

Assuming you have no real physical problem. Things that help me are: Quitting caffeine, prayer, staying calm as possible, telling myself over and over "This isnt real you can beat this.". Good luck. My thoughts and prayers are with you. This can be a very frustrating problem.

Cathy V
17-12-08, 19:52
Hi there bryman. this thread goes back to april so she might not answer you :)

17-12-08, 20:11

Sounds like a urinary tract infection to me. I've been suffering from UTI'S for a long time now and I go through spells where I have to go all the time or I have the sensation I have to go. Do you feel like you have to push?

Take care,


17-12-08, 20:13
Hi there bryman. this thread goes back to april so she might not answer you :)

Well darn lol

I know your post wasn't directed at me directly but I saw it too late before I posted.

Oh, well...maybe it'll start some conversation on weeing and what it has to do with anxiety :D