View Full Version : panic feelings after eating

11-04-08, 21:14
Basically after i eat a hot meal and feel "full" i get a really horrible weird feeling and i start panicking and i get all dizzy.. And it's not even that i've eaten too much it just that i feel full like most people do after eating. I went out for dinner with people tonight and after i ate i was so scared something was going to happen to me. Does anyone know why this could be? It's really not nice =[

11-04-08, 21:55
Hi beautyfrompain

No Panic Attack is nice,but when you think you are going to lose control in a crowded restaurant,its terrifying.I think its the fact that you have had a prior attack after eating that is triggering this.After eating your body is on high alert expecting an attack and the stress of the situation may be bringing on the PA.With me it used to be crowded places,shops,supermarkets, sometimes just walking down a crowded street.Because I had had several PA"s in crowded locations(I dont think anyone ever noticed),my fear was that I would lose control and I would get stressed and have an attack.

11-04-08, 22:11
I get that sometimes too, I dunno, I suppose it might be that because your body is focussing on digestion, it can make you feel tired which I know is what sometimes sets me off.:ohmy:

11-04-08, 23:26
In the periods when I suffer from panic attacks I have this feeling too. With me it never happens during the breakfast, but always does after the lunch/dinner. I don't know why, but after eating I have this strange feelling that something is again wrong with me. It is very strange.
What I do is I repeat to myself that everything is OK with me, and this feeling is just anxiety an I am going to ignore it.
In the days when I don't have anxiety I don't have this 'after eating' feeling.
Sorry that I cannot be of some help but at least to know that you are not alone.

12-04-08, 00:59
Hi All
First of all let me assure you that ther is nothing wrong with feeling the way you do after eating. It goes something like this: -
When you have anxiety your adrenaline is running high which in turn plays havoc with your digestive system due to a chemical imbalance so you feel bloated. This feeling makes you think the worst therefore you become more anxious which sometimes can even lead to a panic attack. So the more you think about it the worst it gets and so on. When we have anxiety we tend to get caught in a loop. Of cousrde there is nothing wrong with us physicaly its just they way we inteprete these feelings. The way to get over this is with positive thoughts which is easier said than done when you are suffering from anxiety. The best way forward is counseling and therapy.

I hope this has been helpful


12-04-08, 04:08
I've been trying to pin down the "panic" after eating for the last several months. It wasn't what I ate but the heat, the shaking and yes the terror was un-nerving. It just didn't "feel" like one of my "usual" panic flares.

A little research later and a consult with my Doctor confirmed that I had "reactive hypoglycemia". I'm not sure I understand all of what is going on but it is some version of the body over-reacts and sets the process in motion to reduce blood glucose. The result is a glucose level that is too low. Then the body releases adrenaline, increasing glucose in the bloodstream. It's the release of the adrenaline in combination with our already panic-ready habits that causes trouble.

In my case, my Doctor recommended that I eat small meals including protein and complex carbohydrates every 2-3 hours. I also take a teaspoon of vegetable glycerine in a glass of water at each meal -- in order to slow down the gastric emptying.

I can't say it has been an overnight cure ... but I think my body is moving in the right direction.

Good luck on your healing journey.

12-04-08, 08:28
Hi there,
I have panic attacks and sometimes one of the symptoms is this tight feeling in my muscles - as if all my clothes are ten sizes too small. Was it a restaurant you have been to before and "associate" with a panic attack? Is it only ever hot food that cause the sensation? I don't know whether you only get this when dining out or whether you get these feelings at home? Perhaps next time, you could try eating a few pieces of banana before you go out. I find that this helps whenever I have a difficult "outside" situation to face. It "settles" my stomach without leaving me full and bloated.

12-04-08, 10:24
yeah it's just in general when i feel full and get all panicky but atleast it's not just me lol thanks for the advice. Xox