View Full Version : i cant do anything

12-04-08, 00:42
i started suffering from panic attacks shortly after i turned 17 - about a year and a half now. ive been to the doctors countless amount of times, read all the books i could read, been on all the websites i can go on but nothing has helped me - not even a little bit.

the first panic attack i ever got i was at work, i had no idea what was happening to me. i felt like a was dying or something - i cant describe it.

after that i was scared to do anything - to start i was just scared to go into town and then it was to leave the house. i could only go in shops if i really needed to - and that is still the case. if there is a queue i have to leave straight away or my brain just explodes and starts telling me that im going to faint and i have to stamp my feet to bring myself to.

i constantly feel like im in a bubble. i often have trouble breathing - hyper and hyopventerlating, i often feel like im choking - even on my own saliva, i cant eat infront of other people, i cant talk to someone other than my boyfriend for more than 30 seconds or i just feel like im going to faint, i cant go out, loud noises scare me, i hate going into crowded place, it feels like i cant see properly, i feel like im going to fall over when ever im outside of the house, sometimes if someone is talking to me it feels as if im blacking out, i suffer from sweating, hot flushes, it feels like im going mad most of the time, i shake and shiver, i get nervous when people just walk past me and there is loads more - basically i only feel safe in my house and half of the time its only because my boyfriend is with.

theyve taken over my life and does anyone know how to get rids of them? does anyone else feel the same? :weep:

12-04-08, 02:47
Hi, I read your post just now, and I know just what you are going through; trouble is, the more we stay indoors and are afraid of things, the worse it gets and we become a victim and totally trapped. We have to get over this, even though we have to force ourselves to get out of the cocoon which has enveloped us, trying medications and counselling would help. Talk to your GP, friends etc. go out for walks, meditate, anything that promotes mind over matter. I hope you get well soon.

12-04-08, 11:19
Hi JessieJane,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
I was drawn initially to your Thread by its title-"i cant do anything".
I am always drawn to that little word "cant".Your Anxiety will ALWAYS tell you that you cant do this or that, or that something terrible will happen if you do.Doom and gloom constantly re-inforced.
Cant is fully expressed as can not.
This is important because you now have an option:-
You CAN choose NOT to listen to your Anxiety.
You CAN choose NOT to re-inforce and enable your Anxiety by withdrawing from life,contact with other people,etc.
Stop and think about all the traumas you have come through in spite of your Anxiety.
You really are capable of so much!!!!
Challenge your Anxiety one day at a time-tomorrow and the day after can take care of themselves.
Try your best today and things will start to change.
Believe in yourself.
Best wishes,

12-04-08, 12:57
It's a strange phenomena, emotional problems like panic and phobia's. We know they are not good for us, and would love to get rid of them, but they seem to be always there, right at the back of the mind, always reminding us that we have a problem. Overcoming an emotional problem means taking direct control over your thinking and learning how to control your bodies response to negative thinking. It's not an ideal solution, but it gets you functioning normally again. It would be great if you could just erase your memory so you could go back to the way you where just before your first panic attack. Maybe there is a way, I don't know, but I read a lot of books on everything to do with the mind, and how we might be able to reverse the dreaded panic awareness. It could be that there is no way of neutralising it, but I don't believe that, and will keep trying find a solution - you don't have to be a professor of psychology to work this out. Everyone can study their own mind and maybe find answers.

12-04-08, 13:05
Hi jessejane
There are some good replies here. If you look on web sites such as MIND, you will find leaflets on how to deal with panic attacks. They are horrible but thay can be managed. I have them fairly often;last one was in Lidl's which was very embarrassing but I got through it. Take Care

12-04-08, 20:39
thanks for all your replies. they mean a lot to me x