View Full Version : I did it!!!!

12-04-08, 08:08
I've posted a few threads over the last couple of months about being scared of dying in childbirth because i was getting pains in my chest and feeling breathless, nearer the end the pains were getting worse, i think because i was worrying so much!!! Well i am pleased to say i didn't die and my little man was born on his due date the 2nd April weighing 7lb 9oz and he is perfect! and now i'm thinking i wasted so much time worrying about nothing, i have had a few pains since but they dont bother me as i think if my heart can cope with labour twice then it must be ok!!! Sorry for rambling but i feel very proud of myself lol. Thanks for listening. xx:D

12-04-08, 08:19
Aw, well done Bex, and welcome to your little man. Now sit back and enjoy x

Take care

12-04-08, 08:26
Aww Bex

What wonderful news !!! we are all so good at fearing the worst and of course the worst never happens.:)

Many congratulations hun on your new bundle of you:flowers:



12-04-08, 09:18
Big Congratulations on the birth of your little boy :D

What have you named him?


12-04-08, 09:30
Congratulations Bex :)

12-04-08, 10:56
Hi Bex,

Congratulations on the birth of your son.

:yesyes: :flowers: :yesyes: :flowers: :yesyes: :flowers:

I have been lucky enough to attend the birth of two of my children and you ladies really deserve so much credit for what you go through.
Hang on to all that positive thinking-it does work.
Best wishes,

12-04-08, 11:04
Congratulations on your new little son.

12-04-08, 13:21
So pleased to hear about the safe arrival of your little man.
Its lovely to hear some happy news for a change.
Well done and congratulations.

12-04-08, 18:39
Well done Bex! and Congrats!! It makes it all worth while doesn't it.
Hope you are enjoying ur new little one
take care,

12-04-08, 18:57
Congrats, that's fab news!!!

12-04-08, 18:58
PS....I really want a baby, but I am stopped by my health anxiety - I am just petrified I wouldn't be able to cope, not with the labour - but with the 9 months beforehand... People say to me,oh when you have a baby, everything is different, as you know what is causing the pains, Has anyone else overcome their HA through pregnancy?

12-04-08, 19:44

Well done on the birth of your wee man. Hope you are all well and not having too many sleepless nights. Take care and look after yourself and the family!!!!:yesyes:

Love Hazel xx

13-04-08, 02:36
:D congratulations on the birth of your son

love mandie x

13-04-08, 11:33
:yahoo: massive congratulations to you and your family, on the birth of your son:yahoo: emma:flowers:

miss diagnosis
13-04-08, 14:29
congratulations and i hope your son brings you all the joy in the world

13-04-08, 18:56
Congratulations on your little bundle and very well done. :bighug1:

13-04-08, 21:07
Huge Congratulations hun :) :) :) :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :hugs:

14-04-08, 10:26
Thanx everybody for all your kind messages, and for being there for me when i was going out of my mind with worry!!!!! His name is Zak david by the way. xx

Hope 2
14-04-08, 12:20
Hey Proud Mum :yesyes:

Just wanted to say Congratulations :flowers:
So glad to hear all is okay with u too .
Hello to the little chappy , he is your reward for getting thru it all xx

Well Done
Love Hope xx