View Full Version : Problem with certain brand of ice cream

12-04-08, 08:22
Hello, I am new and I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this thread - I have looked to see if there is a more appropriate place. I would be grateful for any advice on this matter which may seem ridiculous, but is upsetting me.
Having made huge progress in the realm of eating disorders, I have found that when I get panicky or stressed or angry (usully a very uncomfortable emotion), I "act out" with a certain brand of ice cream. And it is never just one 75oml tub of the stuff - two or sometimes three. It is always this ice cream. I have checked its ingredients to see if there is anything different about it compared to others, I have tried not going into the shop...etc etc. It is costing me too much money and feels like it has control over me. Indeed, it is an actual obsession. I suspect I may be allergic to ice cream as whatever we crave is usually something we can't tolerate. Even if no-one can quite identify with this, any suggestions on how to "stop" are most welcome. Thanks