View Full Version : MOTIVATION???????????

26-03-05, 17:43
What motivates you....how about letting others know?

We all know that feeling when our symptoms get the better of us and we have days that one downer after another, when feelings get the better of us, how do we cope with them? How do we get back on track?
What is your motivation? How do you put it into use? Does it work? Do you feel that it is easy to get motivated? Or is it really difficult?
All of these things are different for the individual, tell us yours.

take care


26-03-05, 18:52
I am motivated by the simple desire to lead a 'normal' life again. As a student, I feel left out by not going out to pubs and clubs. This really frustrates me and I try to turn this frustration into motivation. It can be very difficult sometimes but doesn't mean that we won't all achieve it one day soon!!

Sarah :D

26-03-05, 18:52
Hi Della

I think this is an important topic and one that's often overlooked. I mean, I believe most of us have built up a wealth of knowledge and wisdom in terms of anxiety, in which we can use to overcome it. But what we lack, is the motivation to do so.

It sounds stupid, as why would we ever want to continue living like this? Isn't that enough to motivate us? This is something that has always confused me, and continues to do so. Which is why I would find it so difficult to answer your question.

I find action inspires more action though. It's just taking the initial action that is the difficult bit. I think positive internal dilogue can help you get there. Something else which helps me greatly though (and incidentally contradicts the positive internal dialogue) is an awareness of your surroundings. This means becoming less aware of your thoughts, and closer to a place where you're likely to take action.

Hope even just a little of that makes sense :D


26-03-05, 19:32
Hi Della

That is an important part on the road to recovery, i feel without some motivation this illness could take too much of a hold. For me hoping one day i can become the Sal i was and stronger with it.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

26-03-05, 19:56
what a great thought this is...........as motivation is probably the biggest factor in our recovery.......

I suppose we all as indiviuals have a thought that motivates us.....mine is seating in the graden, the sun shining and a cool bear in my hand without a worry in the world..............perhaps even a nice malboro light to help that cool bear down!!

I have read that people just want to be normal again, but what is normal?? we are all so very different I suppose what we mean is to be like we were, but i hope to be better than I was before this!!! as this is a lesson im never going to forget.

really good thought topic this.



26-03-05, 20:02
That's a very good point Doddy. When we say 'normal', we do mean that we want to be like we were before this horrible anxiety took over but...we will be even better than we were as we have learnt so much along the way and all these things will make us much stronger people...(That's what I tell myself anyway lol) :D

26-03-05, 20:44
having read some of the replies to my post on motivation i noted that many people JUST want to be normal, however normal is a indiviual thing.
As i have now recovered i can say that the old adage "what doesnt kill you cures you" does make us stronger and if not a better person then one that knows we have a lot of courage and inner strength.


26-03-05, 23:00
Hi Doddy

Totally agree with you this has been a hard lesson to learn but i am never going to forget it. AS for normal we cant judge that we can only hope we get back to how we were before and feel more confident and stronger but at peace with ourselves.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

27-03-05, 03:09
I'm motivated by the desire to be happy, i know that sounds very simple but thats what i want and for me to be fully happy i want to lead an anxiety free life.

Plus now that i'm getting better i've found that i'm really feeling the urge to work in the mental health sector i've noticed that i've become a far more tolerent person since i started having my panic attacks and although i was never one to be judgemental i'm far more willing to see the bigger picture when people are dealing with things were as before i didn't have the patience.
So looking at the positive side of my anxiety in the long run it has made me a better person.

Sorry if i drifted of the topic there , you know what i'm like once i start rambling.:D:D
