View Full Version : Neck

12-04-08, 11:24
Hi peeps,

This is hard to explain... I've been worrying my neck feels diff, like when i feel it at the side the muscles feel really hard all down the side of my neck is that normal?

I know it sounds wierd but hope someone can help xxxx

12-04-08, 13:26

my neck gets stiff when i'm anxious or feeling dizzy, its from where i tense up. try massaging your neck you may find tender spots but it does help. also if i put a heated bean bag on the area that eases it.

good luck

12-04-08, 13:59
I've had the same thing. It's due to tensing your neck muscles without realising it. Eventually they remain tensed up and you start to get pain and stiffness in your neck. When my anxiety was really bad I had this all the time and it really scared me. Now I'm a bit better it has gone. So try not to worry.
