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12-04-08, 11:49
I've started this thread purely as a hello and hugs each day thread so you can let your many friends know you are ok.

So here is a big hello to you on this sunny Saturday morning and hug to go with it.:hugs:

Hope to play scabble with you later on Facebook ok. :hugs:

Love Piglet :flowers:

12-04-08, 12:17
Oh Im a scrabulous addict too!

Hey Karen!


Happy Days

xxx :flowers:

12-04-08, 12:23
Hi Karen !!:hugs:

Get me down for a game of scrabby too !promise i wont cheat:winks:


12-04-08, 13:04
Hi Karen :)


12-04-08, 16:41
Hi all :hugs:

Karen xx

12-04-08, 16:52
Hey Karen

Big hugs to you. Not so sunny where I am but then I've never seen much sun in Stoke! :hugs: :hugs:

Jo xxxxx

12-04-08, 16:57
hiya karen


jodie xx

12-04-08, 17:04
Hi Karen,

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Best wishes,

12-04-08, 17:54
Hello hun bun:hugs: :hugs: paddie is back in town..lol!!:flowers: Been poorly mate..better now..so here anytime you fancy a natter..call me or txt ..Look after yourself my friend:hugs: Piglet this is a wonderful thread:flowers: Lov Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

12-04-08, 19:16
Hi Karen

I just remembered you mentioned an Open University course you were considering enrolling for last year. What ever happened to that?

I graduate in June (if I pass my final two assignments) after 5 years of study. It can be done, anxiety and all! :yesyes:

I think we all need a positive goal to focus on. How is the reflexology going Piglet?

Take care:flowers:

12-04-08, 19:25
Just incase I don't come back on tonight I'll say goodnight.:hugs:

I am planning a nice comfy cosy evening sniffing lavender and neroli oil (Karen I heartily recommend neroli for lifting the spirits - I was telling Bobsy this on the phone the other day and she rather likes frankinsense for the same thing). See Megs page on Aromatherapy it's most informative.

I will put some drops on my pillow and play a nice relaxation cd (Reiki music is always really nice) and spend a little bit of time meditating which is something I've only just recently got into and then do my muscle relaxation exercise cd.

You know mate there are so many ways in which we can pamper ourselves to lift the spirits that would be worth you trying. :yesyes:

Night night. :hugs:

Love Piglet :flowers:

12-04-08, 19:38
Hi Karen,

I'm Lisa....Hope you are well hun! :hugs:

Love Lisa

12-04-08, 20:42
I just remembered you mentioned an Open University course you were considering enrolling for last year. What ever happened to that?
I got blacklisted for never completing any courses :blush:

12-04-08, 20:45
Thanks for all the messages :hugs:

Piglet - Thanks mate :hugs:

I am planning a nice comfy cosy evening sniffing lavender and neroli oil (Karen I heartily recommend neroli for lifting the spirits
Thanks - I'll have a look :hugs: Anything for knocking someone out :wacko:

I hope you have a relaxing evening :hugs:

Karen xx

12-04-08, 20:47
Hi Karen....Hope you've had a better day.

I need something to knock me out tonight, my husband is staying out the night and i struggle to sleep even more when i am alone. Damn insomnia!
If anyone has any good ideas...i'm open to suggestion :)


12-04-08, 21:10

I have also been trying meditation Piglet. I visited the Tibetan Buddhist Centre in Eskdalemuir, Scotland, very interesting place.

http://www.samyeling.org/ - There is a link to meditation.

There has been an interesting series on Alternatives Therapies on BB2 hosted by Kathy Sykes. Meditation was covered last week. You can get a free booklet by logging on to:


Bluebell I always listen to my deep muscle relaxation CD when I go to bed I am usually sleeping before it is half way through. I got it from my CPN.

Sleep well everyone, night night. :hugs:

12-04-08, 22:36
Hi there

The relaxation and meditation sound a lovely idea for a relaxing evening:)

I have had a relaxing evening watching Britains got Talent with my feet up and a glass of wine:winks: , did you watch it Karen? ive been looking forward to the new series starting, loved the little chappie singing and the lovely young ladies playing the electric instruments.

Im looking forward to a relaxing day tommo too, hubby going fishing:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

good night folks

Love and hugs Karen too:hugs: :hugs:

12-04-08, 23:24
Hello folks! I am glad I found this thread was panicking I would not be able to catch up with Karen. Now that I have hugs from me cherubs and hubby:hugs: :flowers: :flowers: :hugs:

13-04-08, 00:24
LOVE DEBERA:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :bighug1: :bighug1:

13-04-08, 11:43
Good Morning Karen,

Why don't you come and chat to your friends on this thread?

It is very sunny here this morning. I think we are lucky as I have just been watching the London marathon on TV and it is pouring with rain. What is it like with you?

Take care:flowers:

13-04-08, 12:00
Good morning Karen :hugs: .

Yes I did see the programme on meditation Chill and it was very very good and what propelled me to give it a whirl.

It's a lovely sunny day here so far and while I'd hoped to mow the lawn there are more pressing tasks to do indoors.

I am expecting a posh new bed this week so I want to try and paint my floor before it comes.

Karen have you ever tried St Johns Wort?????

Hope everyone has a lovely Sunday.:yesyes:

Love Piglet :flowers:

13-04-08, 12:29
I need something to knock me out tonight, my husband is staying out the night and i struggle to sleep even more when i am alone. Damn insomnia!
If anyone has any good ideas...i'm open to suggestion :)


Hi Bluebell

Sorry for the late reply hun but I normally put some music on low when I go to sleep as I have trouble sleeping when my boyfriend is out.

Maybe try this hun :hugs:

I am watching the London Marathon, how about everyone else? Its tiring me out and I'm not even running!!

I found some weekly meditation classes at a local Buddhist centre which I am going to try out. Only problem is my counselling course starts on the same day each week in a few weeks' time so I'll only be able to go four times but I could easily go back after my coiurse finishes :)

Jo xxxxx

13-04-08, 12:36
Piglet - I hope you are having a nice day :hugs:

I am expecting a posh new bed this week so I want to try and paint my floor before it comes.
How lovely for you :)

Karen have you ever tried St Johns Wort?????

No because it might make me gain even more weight :sofa:

Sorry, not a good day here for lots of reasons. I'm feeling upset and sad :sad:

Guess I should shut up now :zipit:

Karen xx

13-04-08, 13:42
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Karen

Kaz x x x:hugs:

13-04-08, 15:48
Hi Karen

Just dropping in to say hello hun :hugs: :hugs:

Ive just finished a mountain of ironing !:ohmy: always glad when its out of the way:yesyes:


14-04-08, 09:41
Good morning :D .

Love Piglet :flowers:

14-04-08, 09:43
Morning all :)


14-04-08, 09:58
Good Morning all,

Hope everyone had a nice weekend.

I have a new motto for myself this week;-


Karen xx
:bighug1: big hugs for everyone

14-04-08, 10:39

14-04-08, 11:00
Hi Karen , its a lovely sunny day here , my mother in law is coming to collect my kids cos i got the hospital today. The good news is they are staying there tonight , so the tv is all mine :yesyes: (well apart from my hubby,lol).
I watch corry on a monday , do you ?

14-04-08, 13:22
Morning Karen hun..mornin all:) Hope today is a good day all round..good luck at the hospital mirry:hugs: Lovin the new bed Piglet what is it like??love paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

14-04-08, 13:39
Just saying Hi Karen:D

Kaz x x x:hugs:

14-04-08, 14:28
Afternoon Karen :hugs:

I can't say it's a lovely sunny day here - it's a nasty rainy day and I'm still in PJ's after a longggg sleep :D

Hope you are ok today

xxx :flowers:

17-04-08, 09:44
Just saying hello.:)

Things are hectic at home at the mo so I'm not getting on the computer much but I'm thinking of you Karen. :hugs:

Love Piglet :flowers:

17-04-08, 17:14
Thanks Piglet :flowers: :hugs:

Karen xx

17-04-08, 21:33
Just saying hello:flowers:

Kaz x:hugs:

17-04-08, 23:45
Thanks Kaz :hugs:

Karen x

19-04-08, 17:00
Hi everyone , I got on ok at the hospital thanks paddington , need more tests before they do anything :ohmy: ,lol.

Ive been out shopping today , did ok but felt sick and now feel whacked.
What have you all been up to today ?

20-04-08, 11:52
Hello :hugs: .

Love Piglet :flowers:

21-04-08, 10:35
Just saying good morning hun. :hugs:

Love Piglet :flowers:

21-04-08, 10:37
Morning Karen:)

Just to say hi and sending you some flowers your way:flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers:


22-04-08, 09:38
Just me saying hello again - would be nice if you answered then I know you're ok.

Love Piglet :flowers:

23-04-08, 10:07
Again only me saying hello.:D

It's a lovely sunny day and I am dressed in my painting gear to carry on trying to finish my bedroom. It's been going slowly because of me having my tooth out but hopefully I'll finish soon and be back in by the weekend.

I've been sleeping in the little room, or earlier last week on a mattress on the floor so it's been like musical beds in this house - I keep kicking the wall in this little single bed cos I forget I haven't the leg room lol.

Love Piglet :flowers:

23-04-08, 10:50
How are you feeling today Karen ?

It's a new day, I hope its brighter for you. :flowers:

23-04-08, 13:30
Hi Ness - Thanks for the flowers :hugs:

Hi Piglet mate :hugs:

Sorry for not replying :blush: I'm not good at reporting in on these kinds of threads which is why I don't start them. I know your intentions are good and the idea behind it is good but I tend to post when I have something to say (yes I know usually negative :blush: :blush: :blush: ).

Anywaym how is your tooth? I hope it is settling down :hugs:

I bet the bedroom will loook fab when oit's done! :yesyes:

The weather looks a bit grey a miserable here today.

Katie - I'm not too bad today at the moment thanks (but it's early yet!) :hugs: How's you little girl?

Karen xx

23-04-08, 13:53
Hi Karen,
Nice to read you're feeling a bit better.
The weather is lovely here today,nice and sunny.I always feel better when the sun shines.:hugs:
julie x:hugs:

23-04-08, 13:54
Sorry for not replying :blush: I'm not good at reporting in on these kinds of threads which is why I don't start them. I know your intentions are good and the idea behind it is good but I tend to post when I have something to say (yes I know usually negative :blush: :blush: :blush: ).

Karen xx

I can close it then if you prefer.

It wasn't meant to be a chore for you, nor to have the overtones of the school register.

It was just so your friends had a more positive place to say hello to you and know that you were ok.

Love Piglet :flowers:

23-04-08, 17:25
Hi Karen, just popped in to see how you were today.

I'm babysitting my niece (she is 3) so have played bubbles, have watched Robin Hood, picked flowers for her mummy and am now managing a quiet 5 mins on the pc

Take care


23-04-08, 18:22
Thank you Julie :hugs:

Pickle - Sounds like you and your niece had a lovely day :flowers:

Piglet - Sorry :blush: Me and my big mouth :doh: I didn't mean that you should close this thread honestly mate. It is a good idea :hugs: I was just saying because I know it is supposed to be positive and I often don't feel very positive :blush: I just come here, say hi and dopn't have anything else to say. Think I'd better shut up now lol!:foot:

Karen xx

23-04-08, 18:44
Karen you can just say 'hi' and nothing more, that's absolutely fine, it's pressured that I don't want you to feel.

I found years ago when I was acute with anxiety the normality of everyone going about their daily business around me (while I lay on the settee clutching my heart and writing a will) very helpful.:shades:

There is a normal life out there hun and it wants you to be part of it - so perhaps the thread can echo that sentiment ok?:hugs:

I can't exactly promise to be normal because I've never quite achieved that even pre anxiety days but it can be perhaps an alternative distraction for you I hope. Everyone benefits from distraction don't they.

Love Piglet :flowers:

23-04-08, 19:44
Hi Karen, hope you had a good day, with any luck you had the sunshine too.

Phew my 3 yr old whirlwind has just left clutching a hand picked bunch of bluebells for her mummy. I think she will be asleep before she even gets home.

Take care and have a good evening


23-04-08, 22:48
Hi Piglet

Yes you are right! I forget there is a normal, every day life going on out there sometimes! It is easy to get so caught up in whatever out particular illness or worries are that we forget sometimes, so I will pop in and say 'hi' and if I've got more to say I'll say more.

Phew! Glad we sorted that out :winks:

I found years ago when I was acute with anxiety the normality of everyone going about their daily business around me (while I lay on the settee clutching my heart and writing a will) very helpful.:shades:

LOL You always bring a smile to my face hun! :) It is true. I'd be clutching my scales and diet book lol! :shades:

Today Nigel insisted on sneaking out across the communal gardens in my block of flat to put the piece of fish (I'd bought fish for dinner but only wanted one and because of my eating disorder issues can't keep the second bit as it's not 'safe' :wacko: ) out for foxes because he wouldn't let me put it out in the rubbish bin! I guess you have to know me and my ED and OCD issues but getting me to buy food is a biggie and to eat it and well I did and the animals got fed too lol!

Pickle - Sounds like your niece had a good day! Hope you have a good evening :hugs:

Karen xx

23-04-08, 23:09
Hi Karen:D

Bet the foxes enjoyed their dinner:winks:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

24-04-08, 02:22
Hi Karen,

I just found this thread and wanted to say hello.

I haven't got much news - I've just done a bit of gardening so the garden will look a bit nicer when I finally dig out the sun lounger. :shades:

I've been sewing a bit which is a hobby of mine, and taking my sisters dog on nice long walks, and of course I've been playing games in the NMP arcade. :blush:

Thinking of you. :flowers:

Love and hugs from shoegal xxx

24-04-08, 09:29
Today Nigel insisted on sneaking out across the communal gardens in my block of flat to put the piece of fish (I'd bought fish for dinner but only wanted one and because of my eating disorder issues can't keep the second bit as it's not 'safe' :wacko: ) out for foxes because he wouldn't let me put it out in the rubbish bin!
Karen xx

Hee hee now that made me laugh - the vision of Nigel in a rainmac (sure he just had a hoodie on in reality lol) tiptoe-ing across the gardens with a plate of fish ......... (cue dramatic drum roll)...... dun dun dun. "Really officer I haven't stolen someones dinner":ohmy: Yeah right - you can explain it down at the station son!!!!:shades:

Big squeeze for eating fish lovie - nice one!!! :hugs:

Love Piglet :flowers:

24-04-08, 10:21
How's it going Karen ?

Yep,.. I was impressed about you eating fish too, brilliant turn around. It's so good for you too and its really healthy! Funny Nigel in his rainmac lol:D .

Well, today I'm hoping my little girl will be able to come home later this evening. Our boiler has broken down, which isn't what I need right now, no hot water or heating and so I have to wait for the man to come round and fix it before I can go and see her, as I really don't want her coming home to a cold place.

She has plenty of company until I'm able to get there, my dad is with her and entertaining her no doubt.

I can't wait until she comes back, I want to plan to take her out over the weekend, maybe to the zoo.

Hope you're feeling well today Karen. :flowers:

24-04-08, 11:39
Katie just to say I hope the boiler gets fixed quickly and also super news that your little one is coming home today!!! :yesyes:

Love Piglet :flowers:

24-04-08, 12:24
Hi Karen

LOL about Nigel and the fish, we had fish for tea yesterday too:yesyes: we had smocked haddock its my favorite:) .

Hope you have a good day today, im just waiting for my lift to work so nothing exciting happening for me today.

I had some nice treats delivered today though, ordered some make-up from a website some one recommended on NMP and also had a lovely necklace delivered from Mirry:yesyes: .

:flowers: :flowers: :flowers:


24-04-08, 16:35
Hi everyone :)

Piglet - Makes a change for me to make you laugh! Nigel's boot looks more like a kitchen larder because he stores all the food there that I won't keep in the flat lol! :blush: :wacko:

Glad I gave everyone a laugh about the fish lol! We were more worried about the resident nosey neighbour who reports everything to the committee lol!

Katie - I hope you got your boiler fixed and it's great your little girl is coming home today. I bet you are thrilled about that :hugs:

Not a lot happening here today. Just a quiet day at home.

Shoegal - Great to see you here :hugs:

Andrea - Nice to receive treats in the post!

Karen xx

24-04-08, 19:10

My freezer/fridge still exist I still exist I have not left the planet, hope you are having a good day!:hugs:

24-04-08, 21:43
Just saying Hi Karen:hugs:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

24-04-08, 22:08
And a HI! from me too :hugs:

I'm still unbelievably chuffed with you! And yea I had a laugh about Nigel tip toeing across the garden with the fish, trying to avoid the nosey neighbours!

Hope you are having a good day today

xxx :flowers:

25-04-08, 02:02
Kaz :hugs:

Thanks Dying Swan :hugs:

Stargazer - I will see you soon :hugs:

Karen xx

25-04-08, 03:19
What a lovely thread!

Just saying Hi! Karen. I sense a smile on your face and that's a good sign!

Hugs :hugs:

25-04-08, 09:36
Morning blossom. :hugs:

Well I'm decorating again today but I really am on the last stages now thank goodness.

I won't know myself will I without all that green lol!!! I'm now looking for some artwork for over the fireplace but I am waiting for GroovyGranny to get her latest holiday pics on her webpage incase there is something she'll let me have.

You see when you lay in bed at night what you gaze at is very important (no filth at this point thankyou) and I want what I gaze at to be very tranquil but uplifting at the same time. Beaches, sea, sand or woodland trees and flowers, waterfalls all do it for me. Normally I would just paint myself something but I want a photograph image on this occassion.

Catch you later alligator.

Piglet :flowers:

25-04-08, 09:41
Hi Karen

just to say hi and how are you?

Thinking about you:flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers:

Take care of you

25-04-08, 21:59
Hi Karen:hugs:

Hey Piglet......have you seen Nibbles photos???

I have 3 of them adorning my walls and all are admired by guests!!!!

Give him a shout and he will post you a link.....all framed and ready to hang and very reasnobly priced too!!!

Kaz x x x:hugs:

25-04-08, 22:20
Hi Kaz,

Yes I will most certainly do that hun thank you - at the moment he is thrashing me at scabble lol and to think I taught him how to play .... tch!!

Just off to bed now folks so nan night all. :hugs:

Love Piglet :flowers:

25-04-08, 22:56
Hi honey, posted on other thread. Hope today bought a little ray of sunshine into yourlife. Did you get my pics by the way that I sent you or are they a bad reminder, if so I could send you some more.:hugs:

Keep well, speak again soon:yesyes: :bighug1:

25-04-08, 23:47
Hi All

Piglet - Wow - You've done well with the decorating :yesyes: I can imagine that it is very important having just the right picture to look at whilst lying in bed lol! A nice beach or sea scene would be very nice I should think!

I look forward to seeing your nicely decorated room if I come to visit you again at some point.

Ray - Yes this is a nice thread! How are you mate? :hugs:

Stargazer :hugs: I didn't get any pics :shrug:

Ness - Hugs :hugs: How are you hun?

Kaz :hugs:

Karen xx

26-04-08, 07:43
Hi Karen :)

I've just opened the curtains and it's a glorious morning here in Surrey, blue sky and brilliant sunshine.

I'm (hopefully) moving in 3 weeks so it's out to the Summer House and shed today to start clearing them. I wouldn't mind, but they are full of the kids things - car bits, camping equipment lol. Oh well, if they leave the clearing to me there won't be many of their things to move hee hee

Hope you have a good day and lets hope eveyone gets some sun today

Take care


26-04-08, 11:07
Good morning everyone and yes Pickle it's lovely and sunny here today too.

I actually feel a bit brighter myself today (anxiety levels have been appalling this last week and sleep even worse) because I had a lovely nights sleep.

I had a nice evening because I had all the girls round at the same time last night for a spot to eat before the eldest two went to work. It's so rare to see them all together at the same time lol.

Anyway I also went to bed fairly early and chilled out by doing my nightly meditation (I started meditating 3 weeks ago) and also listening to a new cd I've got for Progressive Muscle Relaxation. It makes me smile just using it because the lady has a broad Yorkshire accent to match my broad Lancashire accent so it sort of feels really homey.

I do use the cd from NOpanic on muscle relaxation too and they are practically the same thing just with two different ladies with two very different accents - the Nopanic one has a very 1940's Cholmley Warner type voice. Hee hee so now depending on how I'm feeling I can choose the accent.

Accents aside I do think doing muscle relaxation just before bed is great - your limbs melt like honey into the bed lol!

Love Piglet :flowers:

26-04-08, 15:16
Hi Karen

Im doing ok at mo, not long moved house and starting to get things sorted out with all the unpacking.

What about you babes, what you up to:hugs:

Speak to you soon
love ness

26-04-08, 19:59
Hi hun, pictures I sent to you when you were in the unmentionable:blush: in the post.:shades: :bighug1:

26-04-08, 22:25
Hi all

Pickle - Sounds like you're going to be busy with all that packing!

Smudgie - How are you settling into the new place?

Piglet - Ooh mate I bet that was nice having all the girls round last night :) Just like old times! Nice when they come to visit and nice to have some quite time too heh? The best of both worlds!

Stargazer - Oh I'm not sure now :wacko: It was a bad time in there :wacko: It messed my head up a lot and I'm still confused about a lot of the stuff that went on there. It wasn't a good time and they really did mess my head up. A lot of it is unreal and a lot of it comes back to me in flashbacks and nightmares. I haven't got them now if you did send them to me :shrug: Sorry :blush:

Karen xx

27-04-08, 09:19
Morning Karen :) have you got any plans for today? It's not as sunny and warm here today but still no rain so it's back in the garden for me lol

I never reaslied I had so much rubbish - and I mean rubbish, not even 'one man's rubbish is another man's treasure'!! I'm talking rubbish all round. Why do we keep empty tins of paint, or sandpaper that has no sand left? or shelves that 'might come in useful one day'!!! I now have an empty summer house and a shed that is all boxed up and only HALF full lol.

Can't wait to get started on the house (not) I dread to think what I'm gonna find in here lol

Anyway, take care and have a good day


27-04-08, 09:25
Hi Karen

How are you today? thinking about you.

How the house going, well we are in, something to sit on and a bed to sleep in apart from that we have done nothing. Exhausted i dont think i cxan find the right words for it.

Im never moving again.
Our friends have said in a joking way, your not staying then.

we need a good kick up the a** .

we are happy with it and will get there eventually, how cares anyway.

Speak soon

27-04-08, 11:45
Morning campers :D .

Love Piglet :flowers:

27-04-08, 12:54
:flowers: Hope you have a nice Sunday Karen:flowers:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

27-04-08, 18:51
Hi All

Piglet - Hope you're having a good Sunday hun :hugs:

Pickle - LOL! Don't let Nigel read this!!! He likes to hoard everything 'in case there is a use for it'. I, on the other hand do not like clutter, so when he started coming to stay with me he regularly took things I no longer wanted. I think half of my flat contents are probably back at his house lol!

Hope you had a productive day!

Smudgie - Glad you are settling in. You will get there hun :hugs: Don't put yourself under any pressure. You can do it a bit at a time.

I am still looking for a cheaper flat to move to so I keep thinking the more I declutter now, the less I'll have to pack and move.

Kazzie - You too mate :hugs:

Karen xx

27-04-08, 18:56
Good evening Karen, hope you're well today :)


27-04-08, 19:09
I think I'm somewhere between you and Nigel in that I don't like clutter but always like a bit of recycling and feel sure I'll have a use for something the minute I get rid of it lol!!!

Piglet :flowers:

27-04-08, 19:23
Thanks Bluebell :hugs: How's your Sunday been?

Piglet - Yes, I must admit I do get rid of some things on impulse and later find I need them :doh:

When I came out of hospital last year I decluttered my fllat (well... emptied it - furniture and everything :wacko: ). Oh well, if I ever find somewhere to move to at least I'll have less stuff to move lol!

Karen xx

27-04-08, 20:31
Oh well, if I ever find somewhere to move to at least I'll have less stuff to move lol!
Karen xx

Now I like that statement - why - because it's actually a very positive response and shows an optimistic streak in you that is what comes out when you try and help others too and one that I'm not sure you're always aware that you have. Nice one mate!!! :hugs: :yesyes:

Love Piglet :flowers:

27-04-08, 21:43
Thanks Piglet :flowers: :hugs:

Despite a few very stressful and difficult days at home I am trying to stay positive!

I hope you've had a good evening mate :hugs:

Stargazer - Look forward to seeing you on Wednesday :hugs:

Karen xx

27-04-08, 23:20
Me too

Piglet - Hi there matey hope decorating is going well:hugs: :hugs:

27-04-08, 23:21
Sorry Karen forgot your hugs here they \are:hugs::hugs:

28-04-08, 16:09
Hi Karen :hugs: Hope you are having a good day


28-04-08, 19:14
Thank you girls :hugs: .

Love Piglet :flowers:

28-04-08, 19:22
Thank you Pickle :hugs:

Hugs Piglet :hugs:

I've just spent the past couple of hours writing notes for my CBT session tomorrow - well I say notes - it ended up being 4 pages long! :oopsie:

I thought perhaps I'd better email them to my therapist tonight in case she gets a chance to read some of it before I see her tomorrow otherwise she'll spend the whole session reading lol! I've got a lot to talk to her about this week :ohmy:

Hope you are all ok :hugs:

Karen xx

28-04-08, 20:25
Karen, I am just popping into say 'Hi' and hope you are having an ok day.:hugs:

I've just spent the past couple of hours writing notes for my CBT session tomorrow - well I say notes - it ended up being 4 pages long! LOL hun! I do that with my shrink and then just write out two or three headings!

I decided to go to an extra art class today and it has done me the world of good! I am painting something quite dark, but comical all the same!


29-04-08, 00:48
Glad the art helped Happyone :hugs:

I found it quite cathartic just writing my notes for tomorrow. I don't usually write quite so much but I seem to have a lot to talk to her about this week.

Karen xx

29-04-08, 10:45
Hi Karen,

Hope your meeting with cbt therapist goes well.:hugs:
julie x:hugs:

29-04-08, 10:56
Thanks Julie :hugs:

Karen xx

29-04-08, 10:59

I didn't know what cathartic meant so had to go look it up! I now have a new word in my vobulary for Scrabby!


29-04-08, 14:24

I didn't know what cathartic meant so had to go look it up! I now have a new word in my vobulary for Scrabby!



Hello all :hugs: .

Piglet :flowers:

29-04-08, 16:22
Hi Karen, Piglet and All :D

Phew am I glad that day at work has finished, it seemed to go on for days lol

Hope your appointment went well and that you have had a good day

Take care


29-04-08, 16:55
Hi All

I didn't know what cathartic meant so had to go look it up! I now have a new word in my vobulary for Scrabby!
LOL Happyone! :hugs:

Piglet :hugs:

Thanks Pickle :hugs: I had a very good appointment and my therapist told me today she is pleased with my progress. I do still struggle with lots of things but she said she thinks I'm more showing more determination and emotional strength to move forward than she's ever seen in me before.

Karen xx

29-04-08, 17:03
:yahoo: Karen. Well done for getting such positive feedback from your therapist.

I think we've all noticed a significant difference in your posts over the last week and I think it's obvious that you are trying so hard :hugs:.

It's great to come on to the site and read your posts and almost be able to see you smiling.

Keep up the good work :bighug1:


29-04-08, 18:29
she said she thinks I'm more showing more determination and emotional strength to move forward than she's ever seen in me before.

Karen xx

Oh that is sooooo good to hear - well done!! :hugs: :yesyes:

Piglet :flowers:

29-04-08, 18:36
Well done Karen:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

Great News:yesyes:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

29-04-08, 19:08
she said she thinks I'm more showing more determination and emotional strength to move forward than she's ever seen in me before.

well done you Karen!


29-04-08, 19:40
Thanks Pickle, Piglet, Kaz and Happyone :hugs:

On the way home from my appointment I went to the supermarket, managed to keep in control and buy something for myself for dinner tonight. It is the first time in a number of weeks that I've shopped sensibly, in control (without feeling the need to buy binge foods) and have also bought a proper veggie meal for myself.

My favourite British strawberries are back in season again too :yesyes:

Karen xx

29-04-08, 19:59
Karen...thats very well done. Controlled buying is a massive step in the right direction. I am very proud of you :)


29-04-08, 20:12
hi karen just wanted to say:yesyes: you go girl, give yourself a :hugs: , that is a great step forward for you and you should be very pleased with yourself.

i love the strawberries too

29-04-08, 21:11
Thank you Bluebell and Donna :hugs:

I feel good tonight. I'd started to take such extreme measures to try to avoid allowing myself access to food and money because I didn't trust myself for fear of bingeing. I had to go to the supermarket by myself today to prove to myself that I can remain in control and also that I made the right decision discharging myself from all the NHS professionals.

With the help of my CBT therapist I am making progress because I trust her and therefore I feel more in control. I can look after myself.

Karen xx

29-04-08, 21:14
Karen you really should feel proud honey you have done so well, i am proud of you :hugs: and YES you can do it yourself with some support there for you too, you are a strong women dont forget that:yesyes:

29-04-08, 21:29

With the help of my CBT therapist I am making progress because I trust her
that trust is so wonderful and I think it really helps to make one stronger. When it feels like someone is fighting with us, instead of against us, it is a world of a difference.:hugs:

29-04-08, 23:29
WELL DONE YOU!:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

30-04-08, 00:48
When it feels like someone is fighting with us, instead of against us, it is a world of a difference.
That is so true Happyone and it is why I can make progress with my CBT therapist whereas I would never have got anywhere with the CMHT because I didn't trust them.

Stargazer - Thanks hun :hugs: See you tomorrow.

Karen xx

30-04-08, 08:51
Hi Karen,
Sounds like you're getting there.Be proud,you've brightened my day and I feel happy for you.You're lovely.:hugs:
julie x:hugs:

30-04-08, 10:27
Just popping in to say 'hi'.

It's really nice to hear you're doing so well Karen.

Well done! :yesyes:

Love and hugs from shoegal xxx

30-04-08, 10:55
Morning button. :hugs:

Piglet :flowers:

30-04-08, 12:47
:flowers: Hi All..i lost this thread:doh: oh well found you again now..it's taken ages..lol!!Karen i am soooooo pleased for you hun:hugs: the shopping ....the fish episode..:roflmao: this wonderul bond you have with your therapist ,wonderful:yesyes: Hey we doin prety good hun:) Have a lovely day with stargazer too.Oh Piglet..Jess has some wonderful photo's too..i bought one of trees reflecting in water.it is so calming ..maybe ask her too hun:) I hopeyour tooth has calmed down too matey..I went to have a dress fitting [for son's wedding]on saturday..in a SMALL shop..standing behind a FRAGILE..screen..and you know what?.. i did ok:yesyes: And the dress will be stunning when it is finished..just hope i can carry it off:scared15: Have a good day everyone.love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

30-04-08, 15:35
Hi Karen :hugs: , Happy Wednesday


30-04-08, 21:12
Julie - You are very kind :hugs: Thank you :flowers:

Shoegal - Thank you :hugs: I hope you are ok.

Pickle - :hugs: How are you today?

Piglet - Hiya hun :hugs: Hope you are ok.

Paddie - I am glad you found us! It's probably because I've got two threads running lol!

You're doing great hun :yesyes: Well done going for the dress fitting. You are going to look great and your son will be so proud of you :)

Thanks for your support. We'll have to catch up for a natter sometime :hugs:

Stargazer - Lovely to see you and youngest cherub today :hugs: It was nice to catch up and have a chat as friends do and do 'normal' things for once. I'd love to see more of you and the girls :hugs:

Karen xx

30-04-08, 21:40
Ahh I'm glad you had such a lovely time at Stargazers house mate. :yesyes:

Love Piglet :flowers:

30-04-08, 23:10
POsted on other thread too, remember you have a key if flat gets too much for you.....:hugs:

30-04-08, 23:11
So proud of you:yahoo: :bighug1:

30-04-08, 23:18
Good to hear Karen:hugs:
:hugs: for you too Stargazer

Kaz x x x:hugs:

01-05-08, 01:12
Stargazer :bighug1:

Thank you Piglet and Kaz :hugs:

Karen xx

01-05-08, 10:08
Morning karen

just popped in to say hi and how are you doing?

Im fine feeling energetic today so starting to unpack at last. i think I will start with putting up some pictures then go to the garage and get lost in all the c**p out there, im a hoarder in a big way, just hope I find my way out again, lol

take care of you

01-05-08, 16:30
Hi Karen, how's you today? :D

I'm so glad you enjoyed your visit to Stargazer :hugs:

I dont think this moving lark is going to be easy - the solicitors that the Estate Agents recommended are sending me mad. I havent been stressy about the move until today. How many pieces of Id do they need to let someone move house lol

Happy Thursday


01-05-08, 17:40
:hugs: Hi Karen!


02-05-08, 11:15
Hi all:hugs: so glad you and stargazer had a wonderful day:yesyes: Adam is off work at the moment so i have limited time on the pc..oh if onlyhe knew how long i can spend on here:blush: So if i go absent again you all know why:shades: ha ha ha!!Know what you mean about he i.d. too.it is ridiculous isnt it:shrug: .Any way best look like i am DOING somthing folks:roflmao: i hope you all have a wonderful weekend:hugs: love paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxx

02-05-08, 13:17
Hello Karen and peeps.

The sun is out, flip flops are on their way, I've practically finished my bedroom and me and my new memory foam mattress are getting used to each other - all in all having a better day today than I have in a while.:yesyes:

Love Piglet :flowers:

02-05-08, 18:29
Hi Karen, Hi Peeps what a strange day :huh: - sun, rain, wind and sun again lol

Anyway, thank goodness that week is over, and THREE days to ............ pack more boxes and find more rubbish lol.

So have any of you got plans for the weekend? My kids tell me they are throwing a 'goodbye' bbq for their friends on Sunday - I wouldnt mind but we arent moving to the other side of the world, we are going a mile up the road :D

How has your day been Karen? Hope you are feeling a bit better now (I checked in on your other thread)

Anyway, Im off to buy a birthday pressie for a 2 year old now - any ideas? It's been a long time since I had to buy something for a toddler.

Happy Friday


02-05-08, 22:39
Play Doh Pickle:D

You can smear it up the walls , up yer nose, down yer nappy and be a real pain with it:roflmao:

Just an idea:whistles:

Kaz x x x :hugs:

03-05-08, 03:42
Piglet - Flip flops and sunglasses :shades: Must be getting warmer lol! I bet it is a relief the painting is almost done - it's a chore when doing it but a sense of achievement when finished. Glad you're having a better day mate :hugs:

Pickle - Sounds very busy for you with the move and everything.

LOL at the kids party. Any excuse heh!

No plans for the weekend for me apart from cleaning and defrosting the freezer which is in desperate need of being done. Nothing exciting.

I agree with Kaz - Play Doh seems to go down well as a pressie!

Kaz :hugs:

Smudgie - Glad you are feeling more positive and feel like unpacking :hugs: That's a good sign. Just do a bit at a time.

Paddie - Just sneak on the PC when Adam's not looking! :winks: :whistles: Or send me a text if you need to. Any plans for the weekend :hugs:

Karen xx

03-05-08, 07:49
Hi Karen:hugs:

Well Ive been busy around the house. Put the pictures up which makes it look like home.
I didnt venture into the garage as I know I would probably wouldnt be able to get back out. Another day I think.

Hope you have a good weekend, take care of you
love smudgie:hugs: :hugs:

03-05-08, 08:40
Morning All :D

Play Doh!! Oh you're all so bad lol, great idea tho so I've decided to get her one of the Play Doh factories. Heaven knows what her mother will say but (hee hee) it's payback for all those things her she bought my two when they were small hee hee :D

Well the sun is out (for the time being) and those empty cardboard boxes are calling me - had a dream last night that it was moving day and nothing was packed!!!!

Have a great day everyone

Happy Saturday


03-05-08, 14:15
:hugs: .

Love Piglet :flowers:

03-05-08, 20:11
:hugs: All

Karen xx

03-05-08, 20:26
Hi hunny:hugs:

hows you?


03-05-08, 22:49

04-05-08, 09:11
:hugs: :hugs: to everyone


04-05-08, 09:44
Morning Karen and all

Well I had a good day yesturday, did a bit around the house then went out to meet a friend, sounds silly but I drove myself 40mile round trip to she her by myself. Cant believe I did it. Only felt anxiety on the way home.

Karen yeh I think I can call it home now, Im not doing too much just bits at a time.

Hope you doing ok, what you been up to?

Speak to you soon

04-05-08, 11:17
Morning all. :hugs:

Love Piglet :flowers:

04-05-08, 21:02
That's fabulous Ness :yesyes: Well done you! I've just been reading about you travelling to meet up with Nikk from here and I think it's great :hugs:

I'm glad you are settling in to your new home too. It helps to get a few bits unpacked so it feels more like home. I'm still flat hunting as I need to move somewhere cheaper really. I started looking last year but then it all got put on hold while I was in hospital. I haven't really got back into looking again since.

I've been on the internet most of the day. It started off on Ebay looking at Karen Carpenter stuff and I've been reading about her all afternoon :oopsie:

Piglet :hugs:

Karen xx

04-05-08, 21:37
Happy Mpnday Karen(bit early lol):D

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

05-05-08, 11:48
I know you hate bank holidays so here's a hug and hope you are keeping busy. :hugs:

Love Piglet :flowers:

06-05-08, 01:42
Thanks Kaz and Piglet :hugs:

Piglet - Thanks hun :hugs: Yes I do have a hard time on bank holidays and today was no exception. It hasn't been a good day.

Karen xx

06-05-08, 07:33
Hi Karen hope your feeling brighter today , the sun is shining this morning where i am ,
I am trying to grow my own veg this year, lol ,
tomatoes , cucmumber and lettace .
What hobbies do you have ? do you have any Karen ?

06-05-08, 17:35
Hi Karen and Peeps :hugs:

What a lovely day it's been, I hope you all had the sunny weather too. There's nothing like the sun coming out to lift your spirits and make you feel better.

Have a great sunny evening,

Happy Tuesday


06-05-08, 17:37
i hope today is a better day for you karen, you cant beat abit of sunshine to make us all smile xxxxx

06-05-08, 23:40
Hi Karen,

When you come to see me Friday be sure to look at the planning notice on lamp post yep its our planningnotice oooo now I am getting excited bigger kitchen soon !!! But a little worried about having the work done re the ness etc.:hugs: (Sorry that should read mess) see so jittery can't even type:hugs:

07-05-08, 01:48
Mirry - Good luck with the veggies! I did think about trying to grow some stawberries in pots on my balcony once but then decided it's easier to go to the pick your own places!

I don't really have any hobbies really :shrug:

Pickle and Donna - Yes the sun has been shining here.

Stargazer - That's exciting for you :hugs: You can tell me all about it on Friday :bighug1:

Karen xx

07-05-08, 09:59
Morning :D .

Piglet :flowers:

07-05-08, 16:18
Happy http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/13/13_3_4.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZCxdm594YYGB) everyone :D

Hope your day is going ok Karen :hugs: and that you have been able to enjoy some of the sunshine

I've got my neice this afternoon and we have been in the garden playing ships (in an old suitcase I found while packing). Me, her and loads of teddies that were in the suitcase lol She doesnt seem to understand that her 'aged' auntie isnt as agile as she used to be and can't 'fold' her body in to the case no matter how hard she tries lol :D

Have a lovely afternoon :hugs:

07-05-08, 16:32
hi karen hope today is a good day for you xxxxxx

07-05-08, 19:51
Hi Sunshine!

How are you?


07-05-08, 21:24
Hi Karen:hugs:

Hows ya doing????

Kaz x x x:hugs:

08-05-08, 00:12
Hi All


Karen xx

08-05-08, 09:59

Love Piglet :flowers:

08-05-08, 20:54
Hi Everyone

:hugs: :hugs:

08-05-08, 21:50
:hugs: hi karen and hi everyone

09-05-08, 17:56
Hi everyone :hugs: , hope you are all having a lovely Friday and able to enjoy some of the sunshine

http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/23/23_33_13.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZCxdm594YYGB)

http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/3/3_4_29.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZCxdm594YYGB)


09-05-08, 18:28

10-05-08, 13:32

Love Piglet :flowers:

10-05-08, 15:03
Hi Karen, hope things are a little better for you now than they were earlier in the week.

10-05-08, 16:43
:hugs: Karen

:hugs: Everyone


10-05-08, 18:55
Hi Karen and Peeps

Sorry not been in touch,life has been hectic the last week.

So your flat hunting karen, wish you luck Im not doing it again in a hurry, good luck though and I wish you well and find something you like.

Seeing Nikk was great and did us both very good, we've met again since and forming a lovely friendship.

Karen life is hard and we all do things we shouldnt, Im here for you as much as I know you would be for me.

You take good care of you and speak soon
much love nessxxxxxxxxxxxxx

11-05-08, 02:05
Hi All :hugs:

Ness - I'm glad things are going well for you and your friendship with Nikk is helping :hugs:

Karen xx

11-05-08, 12:59

Love Piglet :flowers:

11-05-08, 15:26
Hi Karen:D

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

11-05-08, 18:17
:hugs: Piglet

:hugs: Kaz

Karen xx

11-05-08, 19:19
Hi Karen :hugs:


12-05-08, 09:40
Morning :hugs: .

Piglet :flowers:

12-05-08, 19:03
Hi Karen

Just popped in to say hi and how you doing?

Ive had a horrier of a migraine tipical when i have some time off to relax but such is life. Better now so I hope it rains ha ha.

Take care of you

12-05-08, 21:23
:hugs: Karen Hunny,

Thinking of you.


13-05-08, 10:23
Just saying hello. :hugs:

Love Piglet :flowers:

13-05-08, 12:27
Hows tricks Karen :hugs:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

13-05-08, 15:55
Thank you Ness, Happyone, Piglet and Kaz :hugs:

I'm not doing too well :weep:

And I'm not feeling too welcome here right now :sad: :confused: :unsure:

Karen xx

13-05-08, 23:59
Read your post sorry our friendship counts for nothing but you can have a hug any way:hugs:

14-05-08, 02:06
Stargazer, your friendship means an awful lot to me and I hope you do know that. Depression is what stops me enjoying anything but that doesn't mean I don't value our friendship or love you and enjoy the time I spend with you. It's just I am quickly depressed again when back home and back to my reality.

Love you lots :hugs:

Karen xx

14-05-08, 09:34

Love Piglet :flowers:

14-05-08, 11:13
:hugs: to Karen

:hugs: to Piglet thank you for being there for Karen

14-05-08, 12:45
:hugs: to Piglet thank you for being there for Karen

That won't change hun it's just the other stuff is too heavy for me to handle.

Love Piglet :flowers:

14-05-08, 14:00
Hi karen hun..just popped onto explain where i have been.Adam may be reduntant soon and the heating and hot water has ben condemned so i am all over the place ..what with that and all the upset with my son's weding i have not been on line at all..i sent you a e-maul card i hope you got it hun..i am still trudging to the gym and it has STILL not made a scrap of difference bt i will not give up ..i made a promise to my self and to you too:hugs: Sorry for not beong around much hun..be back when i can..love as ever ..Paddie..xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxps.love to every one else too.:hugs: xxxxxxxxxxxx

14-05-08, 23:46
Hello Paddington hope have a hug to help you deal with the rubbish life is throwing at you at the moment.:hugs: :bighug1:

Good girl with the gym:yahoo:

15-05-08, 01:34
Piglet - :hugs: I know you find the other stuff difficult and thanks for still being my friend.

Paddie - Nice to catch up with you on email :hugs: You know I am here for you whenever you need me. We can get through this together.

Stargazer - :hugs: Lovely to see you today and thanks for understanding :hugs:

Karen xx

15-05-08, 10:10
Morning :hugs: .

Love Piglet :flowers:

15-05-08, 10:57
morning all:hugs: lol..sound like a police man!!Or was that evenin' all:shrug: Any way ,,thanks stargazer for my hug..means alot:flowers: And Karen too:flowers: Well the gas man came and out a part in the water gizmo thingy..but we still have to start thinkiong about a new central heating system:ohmy: Piglet ,very kindly,suggested there may a council grant available or sum such help so i will check that out!Any hoo mateys..have a good day today..i am off to have a dress fitting later in that small room with the flimsy screen:scared15: ..then off to the gym..AGAIN!:blush: This is how red my face goes..lol.love to everyone ,Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

15-05-08, 15:01
Afternoon Hunny.:hugs: What's the weather like your way? Here it is dull and damp. It is my big little uns birthday today and on other years we have been able to put out the paddling pool....not this year!


15-05-08, 16:36
:hugs: Karen

:hugs: All


19-05-08, 10:47
How are you Karen? :bighug1:

19-05-08, 11:54
Paddie - Well done for still doing so well with the gym :yesyes: You are a real inspiration to me at the moment.

Any news on the heating system? I hope you can get a grant as I know it will be very expensive otherwise and that's more stress and worry you don't need.

Good on you for going for the dress fitting - you'll look lovely and your son will be so proud :)

Sending you lots of hugs :hugs: and we'll have to catch up properly sometime this week maybe.

Happyone - How are you hun? :hugs: I hope little 'un enjoyed the party even if the weather wasn't too good.

Pickle :hugs:

Jo - Thanks for the hug :hugs: I'm still feeling rather awkward being on here hence why I haven't been posting. I'm working on a project of my own which kept me busy all yesterday but I don't want to say too much about it until I know if I can get it off the ground or not. Also have CBT homework I've been thinking about. How are you?

Karen xx

19-05-08, 13:00
Hi Karen,

I hope you are well today.

Best wishes,

19-05-08, 13:11
Just saying Hi Karen:D

Kaz x x x:hugs:

19-05-08, 16:21
Hi ya button.:hugs:

Piglet :flowers:

19-05-08, 16:28
hi karen hope you well and smiling hugs xxxx

19-05-08, 17:04
Hi Karen

just dropping in to say hi.

having a few days home from shop exhausted and need to slow down a bit.

Not done much around the house, im not bothered really.

Weather is lovely so been sat in the garden catching the rays.

Look forward to hearing from you

love ness:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

20-05-08, 01:59
Kazzie, Donna, Piglet :hugs:

Chalky - Thanks for the well wishes.

Ness - It's good you are having a rest. Take it easy :hugs:

I'm not posting much for fear of saying the wrong thing and of reprisals :scared15: Still don't know how much trouble I'm in and what action will be taken so I'm scared to post.

I no longer feel this is a safe place for me and I feel sad about that :sad: Things are not going too well but I no longer feel able to talk about any of it.

Karen xx

20-05-08, 11:02
Hey Karen, not been here for yonks but wanted to say hi and hope you're coping ok.

Had my little boy who is now 5 months, where does the time go!

Still have to fight to be well but it's a battle i'm determined to win - hope you've got some fighting spirit left to beat this thing - it can be done but only us can make it happen.

Big love,

Lizzie XX

20-05-08, 15:06
hi hun:hugs: thanks for the support..dress fiting was bearable..just.Will e-mail you:hugs: Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxx

20-05-08, 16:41
Hi Karen, just popped in to see how you are doing :D .

I've torn a muscle in my chest (oops) probably packing and carrying all those boxes so havent been around for a couple of days so it was nice to see you had posted again

Take care

http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_1_67.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZCxdm594YYGB)

21-05-08, 02:58

I don't come out on the site very much now but am aware things have been difficult recently.

Just wanted to say Hello and keep being strong.

Never Give Up.


21-05-08, 10:21
Just saying hello lovie. :hugs:

Piglet :flowers:

22-05-08, 17:00
Hi Karen and All,

Just popped in to say http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/23/23_29_124.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZCxdm594YYGB)


24-05-08, 02:48
Thanks all :hugs:

I've felt a bit awkward coming here recently and I cannot post freely anymore.

Karen xx

24-05-08, 03:59
Hi Karen

Just popped in to ask how your doing?

I'm not good myself, lots of probs:mad:

Hope your managing to cope.

Take care


24-05-08, 09:11
Hi Elspeth

Thanks for your post asking how I am :hugs: I am not too good either at present. I've had to many stressors and that's made me recede back into me eating disorder behaviours.

I'm sorry things are not good for you either. I hope things soon improve for you :hugs:

Karen xx

24-05-08, 12:03
hi Karen

I do understand how you feel, and I for one did sometimes find your posts upsetting to read but now i feel even worse because at least if you are posting we know how you are and now i find myself wondering what youre doing????? I hope that this hasnt made things worse for you but i have a feeling it probably has. I feel that the site has changed of late and not necessarily in a good way for you. You have always in the past been able to say exactly what you have wanted to and now obviously cant. Have you managed to speak to the admin people to see if you can come to some sort of arrangement? Look forward to a time when you can speak freely again.

Hopeful Lilibet x x

24-05-08, 12:20
Sending you a hug :hugs: .

Love Piglet :flowers:

24-05-08, 12:38
Hi hunny,

sorry you are not doing so well at present. Thinking of you.


24-05-08, 13:02
Thinking of you...


24-05-08, 16:59
Thanks for the hugs Piglet :hugs:

Happyone - Thank you :hugs: I hope things are a little better for you.

Bluebell - Thank you for your support :hugs:

Lilibet - I can only really say yes, you are right in a lot of what you say but I am afraid to say too much now because I am worried that every word I write is being monitored and I don't feel I can write open and honestly on here anymore like I once could.

I am sorry if my posts upset people because that was never my intention. I was merely expressing my despair and this has always, or had always, been a safe place to do so. There are strict rules about what I can and cannot say now and it is hard for me to feel I can write how I really feel for fear of upsetting people and ultimately having further action taken against me. I feel sad that I no longer feel this is the safe place it once was for me :weep:

Thanks for caring Lilibet :hugs:

I doubt I will post here every day anymore. I am not sure what I will do to be honest. I'm still feeling hurt and upset :weep:

Karen xx

24-05-08, 18:04

I do care like lots of people do here but you are right in what you say, you cant post like you used too. I dont know why things have altered but they have and you need to try and find another place where you can be honest because it doesnt do you any good bottling things up. Its a shame for you but sometimes change is good. I assume and i may be wrong of course, but hopefully you keep in touch with some of the members here by pm or email as im sure they havent abandoned you have they? Piglet, stargazer, paddie etc? When I first joined this site you posted in the same way but that seemed ok so maybe the admins have changed the forum rules. Anyway, chin up and all that and keep in touch as im sure its not just me that misses your posts!

love lilibet

24-05-08, 18:34
We had to act on complaints received. If we ignored all them then people will think we are not taking them seriously.

I have told Karen she can post again within the guidelines.

24-05-08, 20:31
I just wanted to say a massive well done on starting up the new website/forum Karen - I wouldn't have the first idea how to do such a thing, so I think you are really clever.:yesyes:

I hope it goes from strength to strength although they do take time to grow obviously - is the focus on support for getting better rather than finding ways to be still anorexic??? I do hope so!! :hugs:

I think NMP is still fully behind you hun in supporting you for getting better and I don't want want to drag up the whole debate allover again but I think we could all do with learning to post responsibly actually, not just you.:hugs:

I've had a horrible few months again with anxiety and have found NMP to be massively helpful on one hand (all the reference material here is just excellent) and terribly triggering on the other.

I've always thought it's an unwritten rule in life to not act in a way as to to make other people feel crap if it can be avoided. Take bad news for instance, people have a choice, they can either write it in such a way as people get the gist without getting the gore, or they can let the buck stop and not pass it on at all. Either way is always a judgement call and neither is wrong but .......

........ Sometimes on NMP we go wildly off the mark topic wise - which is sometimes fine if it's positive stuff but at others it just adds to our list of things to worry about.

The site can't possibly be all things to all people so it's better if it plays to it's strengths and focusses on the issues it was set up to deal with. When I go to the doctors I don't expect him to do a filling and when I go to the dentist I don't expect her to deal with an ingrowing toenail ..... you get the point.

I am always your friend you know that by now I hope.:hugs:

Love Piglet

24-05-08, 20:43
Hi Karen:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Just wondered if you might make the meet up next Saturday????:shrug:

Fully understand if you cant but was just wondering.....I know its a way to come for you:wacko:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

24-05-08, 22:48
Dear Karen

I have just logged onto your new site, and WELL DONE YOU. You have taken really positive steps and I for one am VERY VERY proud of you. I can't really say now why I am so proud of you because I have tears in my eyes after looking at your site but you have obviously thought of everyone. Could you now take a step back and see how far you have come. Remember EVERYONE NEEDS SOMEONE!

Lilibet x x x

24-05-08, 23:27
Hey Karen:D

Could you please post me a link to your new site???

Would love to see it:yesyes:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

25-05-08, 00:23
Hi Karen

Just looked at your site, good for you. Hope you get lots of members and you help each other out. Congrats and take care.


25-05-08, 00:33
Where is Karens new site:shrug: :shrug: :shrug: :shrug: :shrug: :shrug:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

25-05-08, 03:23
Lilibet - Thank you so much :hugs: It means a lot that someone approves of what I am doing and thinks it is worthwhile. I have been working on the idea for most of the week but the forum is just getting set up now. I've had some help with the technical stuff but still have a lot to learn.

I hope it will help others and it is helping me at the same time by doing something that others might benefit from for a change.

Elspeth - Thanks for your support too :hugs: I couldn't find what I needed out there so I'm trying to have a go myself.

Kaz - The site is www.eatingdisordersupport.co.uk (http://www.eatingdisordersupport.co.uk)

I'd love to come next weekend but I am not sure I am up to it. Thanks for thinking of me :hugs: and maybe next time.

Karen xx

25-05-08, 03:37
Hi Piglet

I do get your point about responsible posting and I've been guilty of going into too much detail at times. I know it is wrong but when feeling emotionally overwhelmed it is hard to think straight and I often just want to let my emotions out some way.

The events of the past couple of weeks have made me think quite a lot and that's where the idea for my own forum for anyone suffering from an eating disorder came from. I've not felt comfortable at the ones I've visited in the past so we'll see how this goes.

And yes, it is recovery orientated :winks: but I'm not about to preach to anyone else about how they tackle recovery. For instance, I know at present I am not ready to give up anorexia completely but I am working with my therapist to find other things in my life and to live more safely with it. I don't want all this swinging from one end of the scale to the other anymore and I definitely do not want another hospital stay, so I am trying to stay safe.

Thanks mate :hugs: I do know you are my friend no matter what and I value our friendship :flowers:

Karen xx

25-05-08, 11:27
Hi Karen,

I just want to wish you every possible success with your new Forum.
It certainly seems to be very well laid out and is clearly very informative.
Best wishes,

25-05-08, 13:05

I also want to wish you success with your new forum. I hope it offers support and advice to all who suffer with ED and I believe a positive move for you. My wish for you is that by helping others with ED recovery you will find it yourself. :)

Many hugs,


25-05-08, 13:07
Good for you Karen! It's great to focus on a project.

I wish you well with it. :yesyes:

Eeb x

25-05-08, 13:45
Hi Karen

I wish you well too hun with your new site:hugs: , It looks real good and im sure it will help yourself and other sufferers with eatting disorders a excellent source for support and advice.

Thats a real positive step Karen:yesyes:


25-05-08, 16:05
Thank you Eeb :hugs:

Andrea - Thanks for your support and encouragement :hugs: I am still in the process of gathering information and writing articles but hopefully I'll get there and it will help others. It does give me something to focus on too.

Laura - Thank you :hugs: I hope my site helps others who suffer with similar problems to me and maybe I will find some inspiration and help to move forward with my issues too.

Chalky - Thanks for your good wishes :hugs: I know talking my eating disorder here has caused a lot of problems and although I may still need to write here for support at times I hope the recent problems are now behind us.

Karen xx

25-05-08, 20:24
Go Girl, Youre Doing Us Proud

Love Lilibet X

25-05-08, 20:42
Go Girl, Youre Doing Us Proud

Love Lilibet X

Ditto!!! :hugs: :yesyes:

Piglet :flowers:

25-05-08, 21:17
Well done Karen hunny,

it is a great thing to do, I am dead proud of you!


25-05-08, 22:41
Thanks Lilibet, Piglet and Happyone :flowers: :hugs:

I've spent quite a lot of time working on various bits of the forum today (I hope no one minds me talking about it on here?) With some help I've now loaded a number of avatars, which I guess wasn't one of the most important jobs but it took hours looking for different ones and then working out how to load them!

Also I have written another couple of short articles for the forum on the different types of eating disorder so at least the forum looks like there are a few posts now!

I'm a bit worried about coping for the next day or two - the dreaded bank holiday tomorrow again :wacko: - and I am also on my own until at least late tomorrow night or possibly until Tuesday evening. I suddenly realised that this is the first time I've been alone for more than a few hours in months, since well before I was in hospital. So it is a bit of a challenge for me.

I have got lots to keep me busy learning how to use the rest of the functions on the forum, which is quite difficult since I knew nothing about websites or running a forum until last week!

Thanks again for everyone's support. It really is appreciated :hugs:

Karen xx

25-05-08, 22:53

Well done on the site.

Is Nigel hosting it for you to keep costs down etc?

Alex and I can always help out with any technical issues if you need us. Just let us know.

Good luck!

25-05-08, 23:01
Thanks Nic :hugs:

I might well take you up on help with technical advice or problems! Choosing and downloading my theme, setting up a couple of separate forums and doing the avatars has been challenging. I am still trying to learn a lot about the Admin settings etc - I think learning how to back up is next on the list in case of a disaster :ohmy:

No, Nigel isn't hosting it for me. I had to find my own company to host with and so the initial cost in setting it up has been rather expensive but it will be worth it if it is a success and it offers help to others who suffer like me. It's been good for me to have a project to work on too.

Karen xx

25-05-08, 23:05
The admin side is scarey but yes you will get there.

Backups - oh yes - look what happened to NMP when we had the Buncefield fire!!!!

There are some free hosting sites like Bravenet

If you want to add games etc I can tell you where to get them too.

25-05-08, 23:22
WELL DONE KAREN:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

I have had a look at your site and its cool:shades:

Nice one!!!!

K x x x

26-05-08, 09:36
Hi Karen

How are you?

Ive been to your website, well done:hugs:

I so pleased you have done this not only for yourself but for others out there.
speak to you soon
love ness:hugs:

26-05-08, 19:46
Thanks Nic :hugs: - I'll check out Bravenet and see if I can figure it out. Some games would be cool too if I can work out how to add them and where to put them on the forum :shrug:

Kazzie - Thanks mate :hugs:

Ness - Thanks hun :hugs: I'm glad you approve as it's helpful getting other opinions.

I'm struggling a bit today. I don't like bank holidays and also I'm on my own so it's doubly difficult.

I couldn't trust myself having access to the whole food stored here or to my money because I am alone and so it is locked away and therefore I've not eaten today. I'm feeling a bit hungry now but I used to be able to go for days on end without eating so feeling like this seems like failure. I'm sure one or two days won't hurt with all I've been eating recently. Just waiting for bed time :wacko:

I hope you're having a good day.

Karen xx

26-05-08, 21:40
This time last year you were staying here with me for the weekend - and we decided that perhaps sweet potato didn't need to be cooked quite as long as I did it ............. snort!!!

Bank holidays nearly over now and what a mixed bag with the weather eh!

I've got another CBT tomorrow - just wish the taxi fare wasn't so flipping much or I'd happily go for months. I think next week is supposed to be my last week but I think they sort of waive that a bit if necessary.

Better go and rinse the hair dye off now - just done my underneath bits dark!!

Love Piglet :flowers:

26-05-08, 23:24
Wow Piglet was that really a year ago??? :ohmy: It seems a lifetime ago now because so much has happened.

We did have a good time didn't we? It is strange that you were only talking about having CBT then and it's taken so long to happen. I hope you get more sessions as the number you get on the NHS are never enough really.

It is a shame about the taxi fares and that there isn't more help for travel costs.

Hope you've had a good weekend :hugs:

I've done some cleaning, washing etc and probably messed up my forum trying to add more smilies :oopsie:

I'm glad the day is nearly over. I've got CBT tomorrow too and have already sent my therapist two very long emails :blush: I think she is used to it by now lol!

Just waiting to feel tired enough to go to sleep but don't want to wake up too early tomorrow although I've got to go for a blood test first thing.

Karen xx

27-05-08, 16:36
Hi All

Piglet How did your CBT go hun? Are you getting any more sessions? :hugs:

Karen xx

27-05-08, 19:20
Hello button,

Yes I can have another discretionary 6 sessions if I want to as we are only just getting into it and we have still yet such alot of ground to cover.

It's nice now cos youngest piglet has left school so I don't have to worry about finding a piglet to accompany me anymore - actually it's lovely having the company fullstop.

I also had my inapacity medical now which I am waiting to hear the outcome of. The doctor was very nice but he isn't the one with the final say so I can't go by that really.

Love Piglet :flowers:

28-05-08, 00:24
That's great news Piglet :yesyes: I'm glad you've got the chance of more CBT sessions as the initial 6 are never enough really. You are just getting into it.

I bet it is lovely to have youngest Piglet for company too. Just nice as summer is approaching.

I'm really glad for you hun :hugs:

Karen xx

31-05-08, 11:15
I'm really cross this morning :lac:

This is my flat and I've got someone staying here who did help a lot last year but now is making things worse. I aske one thing this this morning - to get up earlier - but he's stil lying in bed :mad:

I'm feeling depressed an suffering enough with my own issues but now all I hear asre his 24 hours day :weep: I can't take it anymore.

I'm paying for everything here for both of and I cannot afford it.

Seems today is going to be another bad day.


31-05-08, 11:22
Hi Karen:hugs:

Its a pain when people outstay their welcome isent it??

I dont really have any advice to offer you but you musent allow this person to drag you down:lac:

Have you got anyone who could have a word with them if you cannot face it yourself:shrug:

Keep your chin up:)

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

Ps I shall miss you at the meet up later today:hugs:

31-05-08, 11:27
Thanks Kaz :hugs: It's and awkward sitation as I am not sure how I would cope if I were to live alone again and I don't have anyone else to stay with me or who I could stay with.I'll miss you too later :hugs:

Maybe the next one in September as that gives me some time to sort myself out.

Karen xx

31-05-08, 11:30
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Karen

Hope you will make it in September:hugs:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

31-05-08, 14:04
Just letting you know the medical assessment outcome was successful :yesyes: .

Have a lovely weekend hun and if you fancy a scrabble game later give me a shout.

Love Piglet :flowers:

01-06-08, 04:16
Kaz - I'd love to make the September meet up as it would be lovely to see you again :hugs:

I am really hoping I can get my current issues sorted out over the summer as this is generally the best time of year for me and if I can't do it now then I really am in trouble.

I'm considering the possibility of having a couple of sessions of hypnotherapy maybe alongside my CBT just for this one issue to see if I can help get back control a bit.

There are lots of things I would like to do - attend meet ups and see other friends if only I can get this one thing under control and start to feel a bit better about myself.

Piglet - That's excellent news about the incapacity benefit medical :yesyes: I bet that's a huge relief and will make a big difference. I am so pleased that at least that's one less thing to worry about.

I hope things are improving for both of us.

I do have some physical problems at the moment. My joint problems are causing me lots of pain, stiffness and mobility problems right now. I had to have help to rearrange some stuff at the flat to move stuff off the floor because I cannot bend down or kneel without pain and if I do get down on the floor I cannot always get back up. I've gone from using a walking stick ocassionally to using it all of the time now and things are getting worse.

I am so stiff and in pain in the morning that I can hardly move, let alone walk. I almost crawl out of bed. I don't like taking painkillers but have had to give in and take them but they don't seem to have much effect and it's not like it is just one joint. I can see me going from using one stick to walking with crutches before too long because I don't even feel a stick gives me enough stability or support.

What a sorry state of affairs and all self inflicted I expect :doh: even though arthritis runs in the family too. I expect I've made it worse due to my anorexia. Still such is life and things could be worse.

Piglet - A game of Scrabble tomorrow would be good! :)

Karen xxx

01-06-08, 13:02
Karen hun have you mentioned this to the doctor - perhaps there is something she can give you to help with the pain etc????

Love Piglet :flowers:

01-06-08, 13:11
I agree with Piglet. Do mention it to the doctors and they may be able to help :hugs:

01-06-08, 13:36
hi karen just wanted to to come say hello and hope u doing ok? you sound a lot brighter than u did month back and i think your website u doing is great for keeping u positive and busy so welldone. as others have said mayb doc can giv u something for the pain. but stay positive and keep smiling hun xxxxx

01-06-08, 13:49
Hi Karen :hugs: , like Donna said, you seem much brighter and more positive now, which is great to read.

Well done, and keep up the great work

Take care


01-06-08, 23:01
Poor honey have a hug and another on Wed for real!!:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

01-06-08, 23:48
Thanks Piglet :hugs: I did mention it last time and she prescribed me some painkillers. I don't normally bother taking painkillers but I've had to resort to them this time but they aren't really helping. I'm seeing her tomorrow so I'll mention it again.

Jo - Thanks :hugs:

Donna - Yes the forum and website is keeping me busy and giving me something to keep me occupied which can only be good I suppose! There is still loads to learn and lots to do. Thanks for your support :hugs:

Pickle - Thank you too :hugs:

Stargazer - Thanks for the hugs :hugs: Look forward to seeing you on Wednesday :)

Karen xx

02-06-08, 16:12

Love Piglet :flowers: