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12-04-08, 12:38
Does anyone know if alcohol has an effect on anti-depressents? Does it stop them working for instance? I take 40mg seroxat (paroxatine) and am unsure if having a glass of wine or two could stop them from working? Advice anyone? :unsure: Thanks C xxxxx

12-04-08, 12:49
Hi Popsy,

Have a look through the instruction leaflet for your medication and see what it says about alcohol consumption.
Alcohol,of itself,is a depressant when taken to excess.
You must judge what is best for you but for what it's worth I would try to avoid doing anything which could have a negative impact on your Meds.
Best wishes,

12-04-08, 12:56
Hi, I'm on 30mg of seroxat and the paitent information leaflet says to avoid alcohol. I have got drunk while taking them before and i find my symptoms are 10 times worse the next day ...... best to avoid i think.

see how you do but dont drink to excess. :hugs:


12-04-08, 13:01
Thank you for advice, i think i will try and avoid then, maybe just on the odd occassion!:noangel:
I am new to this site and i cant believe how much better i already feel from reading other peoples stories and chatting, its fab to know IM NOT THE ONLY ONE!!!! :ohmy:
Thank you to who ever developed this site! C x x x x

12-04-08, 13:11
I can only add to what has been said: read the leaflet that came with your medication. Generally it is best to avoid alcohol with anti-depressants.:)

12-04-08, 14:46
Hi Popsy,

Alcohol,of itself,is a depressant when taken to excess.

In clinical terms a depressant is something that inhibits brain function (makes you feel more numb), not something that induces depression. That's why alcohol is a depressant. I wouldn't be surprised if many drugs we call antidepressants are /technically/ depressants - but I'm not sure about that :\

Obviously there's a come-down from alcohol, but that is due to withdrawal, not to the drug itself. The same applies to other addictive drugs. For example, cocaine is a stimulant - the opposite of a depressant - but you still feel depressed when you come down off it (or so I gather!).

12-04-08, 14:58
My meds have always had a label on saying "Avoid alcohol", but I've always ignored it and have never suffered ill effects. That said, I've never been on Seroxat, just clomipramine and citalopram. I would see what the experience is of other Seroxat users before making a decision.

Obviously there's a risk with depression of using alcohol as a crutch. Pharm companies are very cautious and I suspect in many cases the "don't drink" warnings are there to stop them getting sued. But maybe it's best to err on the side of caution.

12-04-08, 15:05
Alcohol, though mood enhancing in small quantities is a depressant when the effects start to wear off. I take 30mg of seroxat and if i drink to excess i feel dreadful the next day ........ depressed, panicked ..... the other symptoms you dont want to know about!! it always feels like i've taken a step back a week.

Also, alcohol is processed through the liver as is seroxat, so if you drink regurlarly whilst on this medication you risk doing yourself serious damage


12-04-08, 23:05
i used to take citalopram and despite the avoiding alcohol warning - i still had my sat night tipple - however the effects the next day were horrendous - hangovers are a million times worse for an anxiety sufferer. Even now some 5 years later i try to avoid alcohol in excess as the next day i just feel like i am back to square one - twitchy, irritable, restless etc and the dehydration and tiredness just fuels my anxiety to ridiculous levels.

13-04-08, 13:29
My friend used to be on meds and she would drink heavily, get drunk really quickly and then be so spaced out the next day.

I've never taken meds but if I were you I would limit alcohol or if you can, cut it out completely :hugs:

Jo xxxxx

13-04-08, 18:58
I take Mertazipine and my instructions say to avoid alcohol simply because it increases the feeling of tiredness. Well I take my pills at bedtime with a 'nightcap' and can't see how an extra dose of 'tiredness' can be anything but helpful :whistles: