View Full Version : Chest Pains driving me crazy!

12-04-08, 21:26
Hi I am new to this site and have found some of the posts very reassuring, however i was just wondering if there was anyone who could help put my mind at rest.
I have been having aching pains in my chest on my left side and sometimes down my arm, and a general tightness in my chest for about a week or more now.
At first i was really panicked so saw a doctor , i had an ECG which was fine and the nurse reassuredme it was probably just anxiety as i am leaving the country amongst other things soon.

However i am still having the pains randomly throughout the day and am getting myself more and more worried! Anyone have the same????
Any tips on getting rid of them?

jackie l
12-04-08, 22:53
hiya, i also have the chest pains and they always start in the same place. its all to do with your chest muscles being tense. iwas like you and i went to see my gp and its all to do getting worked up worring about the chest pains,thus the vicious circle!what i find works for me is trying to do the breathing relaxtion or try to burp(this clears the chest cavity of unwanted air). hope this helps you , take care ,lots of hugs xxjackie:yesyes: