View Full Version : feeling so panicky again

13-04-08, 12:21
hello to you all. i just wanted to no if anyone has started to feel better then feel like your taking astep backwards. i started to feel alot better but today i feel as if im back to square one my wholr body feels weak espicially my legs im shakin and ifeel as if i cant breathe i think im slowly gonna go mad anyone had this. helpless:weep:

13-04-08, 12:50
im always going backwards. i have days where i will feel almost normal again and forget that i had all my symptoms but then all a sudden i will wake up and wont be able to breathe or i will panicy and shake all day long at work.
last week i managed to get on a train and on a bus but yesterday i woke up and i was to scared to go to the shopo to get some milk.
i guess we have to have backwards to days to have forwards days, if that makes sense but never give up. we have to keep pushing forwards if we want to get somewhere.
you're not alone with this.
good luck, jessie x

13-04-08, 13:02
:hugs: hi, do you think this could be because youve made such good progress? alot of us find in recovery that the first set-back feels soooo bad because weve had a taste of what its like to be okay again? if this could be the case then it is just the anxiety habit playing its tricks with you again:lac: you feel the anx and you react? its about watching that anx and not reacting - knowing its a symptom of the habit you brain has developed - you cant beat a habit overnight - give yourself time and look after yourself when you are feeling like this - it will lift and you will be on the road again in no time:yesyes:

13-04-08, 15:12
Hi Goth,

You have to try to keep this in perspective.Think of all the changes you have made,the progress you have acheved.Put a setback in that context and maybe it's not so bad.
Keep doing the right things.
Keep believing in yourself.
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Best wishes,

13-04-08, 15:26
Hi Goth

I have had many times over the years where i have taken steps backwards, but what gets me through is knowing i have made lots of progress in the past, i have written all my achievements down in my diary, so when im feeling low i can look at them and remind myself of what i am capable of doing:) . always makes me feel better and gives me the encouragement to get through it!:)

hope you feel better soon hun
:hugs: :hugs:

13-04-08, 19:28
This thread has really mde me feel more positive, i too have found i was starting to feel much better and then a few days ago had a real step backwards and felt so desperate again, its nice to hear other people saying that this doesnt mean yor never going to get better as thats how ive been feeling.....i'll keep on trying its the only thing to do :):hugs:

13-04-08, 21:38
There's so many variables that can set you back Goth. For instance, a bad nights sleep, remembering something, not feeling well, and lots more. You always get good and bad days, but don't get disheartened by having a bad day.

13-04-08, 22:26
Hello goth,
I'm sorry to hear you're feeling pretty low :( Trust me, I know what you're going through though. Some days will be easier than others and you feel like you're making progress, then another day you'll feel so bad and it feels like it's completely undone all the work you've put into trying to feel better.
But you ARE making progress! One little set back cant take away all the times you've felt okay, and you will feel okay again. I promise :)


14-04-08, 15:31
I have this too and i hate it. Feeling so normal and content with no worries then bam, a thought pop ups, someone says something and your panicking all over again, its horrible. :(