View Full Version : it cant be just anxiety

13-04-08, 12:36
i cant believe i could feel this rough 24 hours a day with anxiety, i kept getting woken up last night gasping for air , how can i feel breathless 24 hours a day through anxiety ?i feel im suffocating being choked etc why wont it stop if its nothing serious im really at end of my tether now :weep:

13-04-08, 13:56
Hi... im so sorry that you are feeling so rough, have you seen your doc about this... it would put your mind at rest.... we have all felt the same thing about our symptoms.... i used to wonder how it was possible to feel so rubbish if there was really nothing physically wrong..... but thats what anxiety wants us to think..... when we are anxious or having a panic attack, we produce loads of adrenalin,which is designed to create a 'peak performance state' by raising our heart rate and increasing our breathing... very useful in pre-hisotric times when we were required to wrestle a bear at a seconds notice :wacko: ... .. but not so useful in our everyday lives.....its not harmful to us physically but it can produce the symptoms you describe..have a word with your doctor but assuming everything is ok, which im sure it is, get as much info about panic and anxiety as you can and give some of the suggestions to combat it a try.. we are all different, so its trial and error to find what works for you but it can be stopped... it just takes time and support...
Hang in there
Rachel :bighug1: