View Full Version : Still accepting Panic coping Stories for book ~

27-03-05, 07:48
Hello there,
we are still aceepting panic disorder/panic attack coping stories for the book "Surviving Panic Disorder." We are interested in hearing:
1. about your first panic attack
2. when you realized it was panic
3. what you tell your friends/family etc.
4. how you cope
5. any other facts you wish to share

500-1500 words - don't 'fret' about grammar and etc... it will be edited.Please submit your story to venus@efn.org in the email, or by pdf, .txt, .rtf, or pm6 file.
-Angi Gilchrist, USA:D[:P]

27-03-05, 23:40
Hi Angi

Will do that for you.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

27-03-05, 23:42
Angi - when will this book be published?

28-03-05, 00:57
Hi there,
It was due to be published very soon, but we just decided that we want more personal stories. They are the most interesting to me.
So, as soon as we feel there are enough good personal stories it will be published.
Thanks!! :)

28-03-05, 12:47

You are welcome to take mine from the website - www.nomorepanic.co.uk/mystory.htm


28-03-05, 21:58
Hi Angie

Trying to put mine together but getting a bit lost on how to relay how i felt but will keep trying.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

30-03-05, 08:57
Hi Nicola,
I read through your story again today and it is written very well. I can relate so much to many of the things you describe.
I would like to use your story in the book.
I will email you a release form in the near future.

30-03-05, 22:39

Will post mine tomorrow if okay.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.