View Full Version : Internet Addiction?

13-04-08, 12:38
Hi Everyone

I know its sounds silly, but do you think you can get addicted to the internet? I ask this because I think I am, as I spend quite a lot of my time on the internet, as I don't really go out.

If you are addicted, which sites are you addicted to? I am afraid I think im addicted to virtual world site, its much easier to talk to people on there than in person, face to face, for some reason.

If I don't go on the internet I get twitchy and everything, silly I know I cant really help it.

I don't really know how I am going to cope at the begining on May as I am going on holiday, lol. Sorry that is silly speak now, lol.

I just wondered if anyone else had an Internet Addiction?, and what did you do, are you still addicted?

Many Thanks


30-10-09, 20:21
Well get this then, I got an addiction to ringing Psychic lines , cant be much worse. You can get addicted to almost anything. especially if you find it comorting like I do with talking to people, try and get out more and be more socialable with your friends. Your not alone with your addiction, mine is silly or even sillier than yours xxxx

30-10-09, 20:53
Hi Shygirl

I am addicted I suppose but I don't go out very much, only to the shops, so it's something for me to do, I'd be totally lost without it and a bag of nerves.

May I ask you a question?! You say you don't go out much, but then in next paragraph say you're going on holiday! Do you not go out because you don't want to then? Just asking!
