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27-03-05, 08:33
Every medication I've tried has given me constipation. The weird part is that if I battle the constipation, the medicine's positive effect vanishes as well. I know I'm not imagining this because it happens every time!! Like if I eat loads of fiber and my stomach starts working, my panic and OCD and everything come back. Doctors tell me this is not possible, but I KNOW it happens to me, I've experienced it so many times, and it's really really annoying. What could cause this and am I really the only one with these experiences?

Thank you.

27-03-05, 11:29
hello Kroko,

I have only been on one medication and I had no problem with constipation. It could be that medication just doesn't mix with you at all. To be honest, I don't see eating more fibre to stop the constipation makes your anxiety come back. Could it be your mind playing tricks on you?

Sarah :D

27-03-05, 12:36
hi kroko.............i too get severe constipation with my medication but dont think i found that when i sorted that out the medication stopped working think its as seh says just your mind playing tricks

fan x

"dont wait for the light at the end of the tunnel..........stride down there and light the bl**dy thing yourself!

27-03-05, 13:02
Hi Kro, Yes strange that, I seem to get the runs all the time with anxiety, never been the other way even with meds.

27-03-05, 13:22
I'm 100% certain that it's not just my mind playing tricks on me. The first time I battled the constipation away I didn't think I'd get the panic and OCD back at all...and yet I did...and it happens every time!!

27-03-05, 16:27
hi you say you have to "battle the constipation away"...........im not sure why that is and maybe your getting yourself all hyped up about the toileting and causing your anxiety/panic to appear over that.......

being constipated wont harm you if its only for a while dont try to cure it over night take something thats gentle but helps

fan x

"dont wait for the light at the end of the tunnel..........stride down there and light the bl**dy thing yourself!

27-03-05, 17:14
I am on Cipralex and found that when I first started taking them, I was constipated, but it seemed to ease off after a while, but what I do get is continual headaches, and can only take paracetamol because of the anti-meds, so the doctor says, but they dont help me at all. Vernon I know you are on Cipralex, do you get headaches with them, mine are daily, am on 10mgs, a day can anyone who is on the SSRIs tell me if they get headaches constantly, from Blossom

28-03-05, 20:32
I'm seriously not just imagining this...

28-03-05, 20:41
hi no your not imagining it and it is very real but you are caught up in a vicious circle where you take meds get constipated worry about constipation get anxious meds not working etc..................

fan x

"dont wait for the light at the end of the tunnel..........stride down there and light the bl**dy thing yourself!

22-04-05, 14:24

I took a laxative yesterday, and without even thinking about it, my panic started coming back. So it happened again...I doubt I'm just imagining this.

22-04-05, 19:14
Isn't that cos you were sub-conciously thinking about it though. Maybe cos it has happened so many times before you are bringing the panic on a bit?

What is in the laxatives - perhaps you could be sensitive to some ingredients.


23-04-05, 06:06
It's not just laxatives, I tried eating plums every day and when it started making my stomach work it made my panic and everything come back, too.

23-04-05, 10:36
Could it be that you are allergic to something? :D

23-04-05, 12:53
By the way, I tried an enema to get things running...twice...no effect.

23-04-05, 16:14
The fact that no one seems to have answers - I've told doctors about this and they don't believe me - gives me a feeling of desperation, I really don't know what to do.

01-05-05, 21:53
hello there, thank god u put ur message up. i had sever constipation for over 2 months now and then gave myself piles lol. have been taking laxatives for the last two weeks and do u know what......ive statred getting panic attacks again and feel completely miserable evn though im on effexor. i ahvent felt like this scince i statred takint hem 5 months ago and i am absoloutly sure that it is to do with the constipation . all the time i was constipated i ahve felt fine but now that i am taking laxatrives and trying to eat more healthily i feel bad agin. whether this is in my mind or there is a physical explantion foir it i dont know. why cant there be an explanation for it though. why is everyone so quick to say its in our minds. if the laxatives are enough to change somethign in our bodies to make our bodies act differently then why isnt it plausable that the small effect is enough to cancel out part of the medication??

beth xx