View Full Version : Problems remembering what I did which day...

13-04-08, 19:39

At the moment with the dizzies etc..I keep dwelling, and especially in the middle of the night if I wake up for some reason I find it hard to get back off to sleep as my mind starts thinking about what happened that week and I find myself getting anxious and unable to sleep because I can roughly remember certain things that stood out the previous week but I am unable to remeber what day certain things happen. It feels as if all the weeks are just one long day. I am really worried about having a memory problem and in the dead of night I test myself what I ate yesterday or what day we went to the cafe,,or just choose a day like tuesday and try to remeber anything that happened that day. Sometimes I can remember certain things that happened but not others. It really fightens me that I am going the same way as my father. Anyone else have this problem? The only relief is finding that my wife has a similar problems with days at the moment and although we are both experincing stress at the mo we both remember going out for a meal and where but both struggle on which day it was.

Please help!!


13-04-08, 20:41
Hi ... i can definitely relate to what you are saying...forgetting what happened on what day.. this happens to me sometimes, especially when i am stressed or tired.. ive always been terrible with names, even with people i have known for a long time, which can be embaressing .. but i have an excellent memory for faces... i honestly wouldn't worry about it, when you are less tired and stressed your memory will improve...but i would resist the urge to keep testing it cos that will just stress you out even more :ohmy:
Best Wishes:hugs:

13-04-08, 20:48
I couldn't agree more with the previous reply. I forget everything! I have tried all I can to remember, notes, diaries, writing on arms, blackboard, but I forget to look! I just laugh it off now and consider that is how I am and make the appropriate apologies. We usually only retain information that is extremely important (sometimes!!!) and let the lighter stuff go so no more worrying. When I can't sleep I count as far as I can or do puzzles til my eyes ache. I may go on all night like this but at least I am occupied and not solving personal problems. Positive.

14-04-08, 21:30
thanks for the reasurrance. I feel this one is a difficult one to crack as I am reminded all the time about things I should remember. As with HA once I detect a lapse of rememering things I feel the panic start and so my memory suffers more, it is self perpetuating. I understand with dementia that you dont know you have it but I feel in the early stages you must start to forget words and what you did each day etc.. and so it develops.

I hope it is just the anxiety...I really do. Saying that I have had so many terminal illnesses that is in my mind of course...my mind just feels at a loss if it has nothing to obsess about.

mee:weep: :weep: