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14-04-08, 02:57
About sex,,,,,:blush: Does anxiety cause lack of interest? Just curious cuz i have no interest what so ever and its been like this a long time.

Pink Panic
14-04-08, 12:06
In my case it makes me forget all about anxiety and makes me very relaxed. :blush:


14-04-08, 12:11
I have no interest at all but I think thats more to do with the depression side of the illness than just panic...... hope you feel better soon :)

14-04-08, 12:13
:blush: there was a time when me and hub were still very much in love - or was it that i was very much in love!?lol that s-e-x was for me the same as pink - however 11 years together and this last episode i had no interest in it, the episode was triggerd by a miscarriage so i admit initially it was to avoid another pregnancy, but after that it was just not something i could care less about - luckily for me my husband has a very low sex drive - sometimes i wonder about him:winks:

14-04-08, 12:20
I found the tablets I took made my sex drive disappear.

And when I was in the middle of my breakdown the other Summer sex really wasn't on my agenda at all.

But I have made up for it since but it took abit of getting back into it to be honest.

miss diagnosis
14-04-08, 13:09
oh yeah im back in worry mode and off sex big time at the mo. once i went for months. boyfriend very understanding though. so dont worry your libido will come back

14-04-08, 21:27
im a guy..so maybe its different. I was not on meds, but I did lose interest in anything sex related.

Its much better now you cant restrain me sometimes, but I just wanted to say that even a guy went through this so it must be normal haha

14-04-08, 22:41
when i was on citalopram a few years back my libido was non existent - my dh was very understanding. However some much needed cuddles at the right time did get things back on track again...............xxxxx

15-04-08, 00:24
I have lost interest in sex due to depression from anx. I really can't be bothered doing it. I feel sorry for my husband, but he is very understanding.

15-04-08, 09:19
:hugs: its just another activity that loses its appeal when anxious or depressed - but like the other guys have said, interest/pleasure does come back in this and lots of things:winks: :blush: first thing is to tackle the anx/depression and forget about it altogether:yesyes: it will come back like everything else:yesyes:

15-04-08, 09:59
yeah my interest is down to nothing, not even my same flirtatious self, but it is down to depression and how I feel about my body. But should I have a panic attack or a health worry thats me completely off for weeks...it kind of sucks wish it wouldn't happen because I find it such a nice release, thats partly why I refuse to take medication for my anx if I am like this now I think I will remain celebate for the rest of my life hehe.

15-04-08, 10:16
:yesyes: hi you may 'feel' like this but you wont 'be' like this forever - its something to look forward to in the future when your feeling better:winks: when im chronic i go off it but now im just sort of slightly anxious most of the time - you know the level has come down althoguh its mostly always there - i can have a bad day or a pa and it doesnt interfere with that side of things:blush: you will get like this when your depression lifts - mine did at christmas and ive been okay since:yesyes: