View Full Version : Mark Speight

14-04-08, 10:40
Heard on the news that he's been found dead.I thought this was going to be the outcome,but prayed that he was just lying low for a while.Very sad news and for some reason its made me feel quite upset.:weep:
julie x:weep:

14-04-08, 10:45
:weep: your not alone julie, it is soooo sad when anyone takes their own lives - its so final and the opportunity to recover and live your life is lost completely:weep: i have watched this guy on smart for the last 10 years and on other things, and my daughter loves him because she is really into art - such a shame:weep:

14-04-08, 10:58
I havent even told my daughter cos she loves him too.
Such a shame.

14-04-08, 11:02
I loved his big picture/little picture art work. Always the highlight of the show for me.

He was a very talented man.

It was all a huge mess wasn't it really? His poor family and friends.....

14-04-08, 11:02
Yes I too was very sad by this news. :weep:

Love Piglet :flowers:

14-04-08, 11:09
:hugs: hi all, my daughter is 10 in may and i come from a family of very open people, so we tend to talk about EVERYTHING!!!! sometimes even im embarrassed:blush: im amazed that my husband seems to cope better with questions about S-E-X from her:blush:

and a few times recently suicide has been mentioned on tv and she has asked and it has concerned me that she now knows this happens - im sure all you mums of older kids know this only too well - its sad when they lose their innocence isnt it? and to see someone they know off the telly do this is very sad for all of them to see this happen to him:weep:

14-04-08, 11:16
Poor man, I can't begin to imagine what he must have been going through to take his own life, dreadful news and i agree, his family must be going through hell now.
My son was inspired to take A level art because he loved his shows ..... such a shame :weep:

14-04-08, 11:43
Oh my god, that's awful. I only saw a report on the news the other day that he had been spotted at a tube station :ohmy:

Must be a hard time for his family, such a shame.

Jo xxxxx

14-04-08, 11:54
Myself and my daughter found out last night on the late news she is 11 this sad news prompted her to ask loads of questions about suicide, she loves art and liked Mark a lot,

Poor Mark may he rest in peace he was only 42, fit as anything, he really had a lot going for him,he must have been distraught in his grief over the loss of his girlfriend.


Hope 2
14-04-08, 12:34
Hi Hopeful and everyone :D

I was thinking of posting a thread about him too cos it really got to me also .
I saw it on msn about 3am and was so gutted .
Like u all , my 6 yr old watched tv and he made me laugh cos he was a bit crackers at times , full of fun , full of life . His best mate said in the press he had a serious side too .......... and I wonder if it's this side of him that took over kinda thing .
It is hard to get yr head round isn't it when someone who seems to have such a fantastic future and a unique gift like he did , would end his life , so very sad .
I think he loved his girl so very much , and he felt guilty cos he was asleep when she died . I wonder if the guilt overwhelmed him cos of the inquest . I think my daughter will be quite 'whatever mum' about it but I reckon thats lucky sorta thing .

Sorry folks for going on:blush:
Just feel strongly about this :scared15:
Night God Bless Mark ........... You were a star mate .

Love to all
Hope xx

Hope 2
14-04-08, 12:41
Tis me again :blush:

Thanks so much Hopeful for starting this thread .
It has given me a place to talk cos I haven't got anyone who will understand like u guys :hugs:

Thanks Hope xx

14-04-08, 13:16
YeS..When i heard the news i too was sad but not surprised..i was hoping he had come home to wolves but his heart was obviously broken.So sad..i wonder if he knew how many people were rooting for him?Well may he rest in heaven with his beloved Tash....god bless ya mark.love paddie.xxxxxxxxxxx

14-04-08, 13:38

I saw it on the news last night and have been thinking about him a great deal. I have liked him on things for years, since Jake was a baby when he was on channel 4 with Baby Baby. Jake now almost 11 loves him too and is really upset and is asking questions about why. He was a great artistic influence with Jake and a whole generation of kids.

I feel so bad for him and for his family that have been left without their son. He was very well loved and lets hope that he is at peace now.

God Bless

Hazel xo:hugs: