View Full Version : Hello All

27-03-05, 12:43
Hi everyone,
Am new here and was so relieved to find this site. Now I know that I am not going mad! I have been suffering with panic attacks for around 6 months now. They started fairly gradually but have recently become worse and can be triggered by all kinds of things. I think if I allowed myself to, I could become agoraphobic since social situations (hairdressers yesterday!) seem to affect me. I have two wonderful daughters ages 9 and 6 and a lovely caring partner so I really want to get a grip on this illness for their sakes.
So thats me.....nice to meet you all.


27-03-05, 12:47
hi annette welcome to the forum, im sure you will find being here really helps

you can get through this and im sure we will all help you to

fan x

"dont wait for the light at the end of the tunnel..........stride down there and light the bl**dy thing yourself!

27-03-05, 13:10
hi annette welcome to the forum, dont avoid anything annette I did that and am paying for it now, It only gets harder the more you avoid. Anyway u will find lotd of help here. Vernon

27-03-05, 13:46
im fairly new to this site too.. i know exactely what you mean by social situations... i hate appointments of any kind some i get through easier than others but i do feel relieved and pleased with myself when i have been and got through one...
i also thought i was going mad!!! and loosing a grip on life...until i found this site...
the information on here is great and the people are lovely too...
iyou will find lots of useful info and friendly people here

27-03-05, 13:56
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome.


27-03-05, 14:04
Welcome aboard Annette!! Looking forward to getting to know you better..

Sarah :D

27-03-05, 18:01
Welcome aboard, Annette

There are loads of people on this site who suffer just like you and you'll get a wealth of support and reassurance.

Yep, I get all worked up if I have to go somewhere with any appointment.

By the way, we have a chatroom http://pub4.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/342349380
Gets busy from 8.30 till late!

Take Care


Don't wait around for other people to be happy for you. Any happiness you get you've got to make yourself.--Alice Walker

27-03-05, 18:41

Welcome to the forum.

You'll get lots of help & support here with people who know how you feel.

I'm a lot better but still find appointments/set times/having to be someone I perhaps don't feel like being on that day---can still be a royal pain!

It does get easier, though, with time & effort & one finds ways to cope.

Linda. x

Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.

27-03-05, 18:44
Hi Annette

Welcome aboard.

I got round the hairdressers issue by finding one that comes here. I used to do this cos I hated sitting in the salon and feeling trapped. Now I do it cos it is cheaper and I get to sit in my own house watching TV whilst she cuts my hair. I don't avoid the salon now I just choose to have it done here. That is the difference - I used to be unable to even go to a salon.

Hope we can be of some help to you.


27-03-05, 18:50
welcome Annette,

yes it is great to see your not alone, i've had pa's for years, just wish there had been something like this then, all i got was a pull yourself together from my doc lol, anyway welcome and take care xx

kairen x

27-03-05, 22:38
Hi Annette

Welcome to the forum. I always feel uncomfortable at the hairdressers too so you're not alone with that one.

You'll get some good help and support here.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

27-03-05, 23:01
hey annette,
welcome to the forum. i think it's important that you don't avoid any situations. i know it's hard but i think vernon is right, the longer you leave it the harder it gets (these things are always easier said than done, i should know!)
anyway, hope you find some solace in this site,
henri x

27-03-05, 23:05
hi annette

glad you joined the site....Please DO NOT avoid any thing as i did that and ended up suffering from agoraphobia/panic depression and anxiety for over 12yrs...no matter how hard it maybe for you to do things please do not give in to the feelings of anxiety.
Also i would like to say when you have done something that you found difficult give yourself a pat on the back it is supprising how many people dont do this.

take care


27-03-05, 23:11
Hi Annette

Great to hear from you and i hope we can help you. It isnt hard especially where you have children and you try to hide it from you. I hope this site can give you all the help you need and you now realise you are not alone. Your husband sounds great but if it ever gets too much for him let him see how others feel and then he can see how he can carry on supporting you.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

29-03-05, 21:04

Do you know what started this all off as it sounds like it was something unconnected and has now been allowed to grow..

First Steps : First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance