View Full Version : Scared. Pregnant and anxious

14-04-08, 12:28
I am 18 weeks pregnant and not felt brilliant the last few days. No appetite and retchy etc...

Last night woke up and had awful pains in my tummy and lower back. Thought it could be a urine infection as they are common in pregnancy and I am prone to them anyway.

Seen the Dr this morning and there is blood in my urine but no other signs so he thinks it's not that. Though because I have a colourful medical past regarding kidney issues he did provide me with a perscription whilst the sample goes to the lab.

Obviously I can not think logical - I have make this into a mountain and therefore I can't stop crying cos' there must be something wrong with baby or I am going back to square one with my anxiety.

I have a midwife apppointment this afternoon and now I am dreading it in case she can't find my babys heartbeat or other horrible problems. My midwife is quite an anxious person so it makes me worse cos' I need reassurance not panic and things to worry about.

I'm sorry I just needed to get my thoughts out of my head... I know they make little sense and if you do read this tirade of words - thanks xxxxx

miss diagnosis
14-04-08, 13:07
i know how u feel.i was pregnant at 20 and my baby daddy dumped me.
I was practically living in the maternity hospital with everything under the sun.Sever vomiting,threatend miscarriage,false labour kept me there for a week! And a c-section in the end.the result? a now perfectly happy and healthy nearly 8 year old son! so please try and relax and enjoy your pregnancy. it will all be worth it in the end.

14-04-08, 19:05
Oh thanks Miss D.... I needed to hear that and that hand to hold!

My previous pregnancy was glorious but that was prior to my breakdown.
Well I did see the midwife and my usual one is off with stress ( oh the irony!). We listened to baby's heart beat so I felt reassured and it was kicking away making big thuds. So I know the problem is with me either anxiety or urine infection. But the midwife reckons it will be a urine infection because my sample this morning showed blood.

I am now trying to be more rational about it all xxx

14-04-08, 20:33
Hi Sam,

Keep believing in yourself!!!

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Hope you feel better soon.
Best wishes,

15-04-08, 00:28
Sam sorry to hear you are so anxious sweety.Everything will be ok.When midwife say's all is ok get yourself a big bar of choc,and put you feet up.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: xxxxxxxxx

15-04-08, 09:54
Hi Sam,

I know how you are feeling, one thing I did do and I am not to sure if it would help you. I bought a doppler off Ebay and listened to the baby's heart now and again for reassurance, it got me through but I guess it can have a negative effect as well but I seriously appreciated having that with me.

Hopefully your tests come back all fine, all sorts of things happen in pregnancy so it might just be a small hiccup.

Hope you enjoy the time, I was very anx during my first one, don't think it will be any different when no 2 comes around.

Take care!