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View Full Version : Counselling - shall I bother?

14-04-08, 13:55
I've been on Citalopram for the last 3 months due to anxiety caused by a couple of very stressful years eg. childbirth, house move, renovations etc. The tablets have helped loads and for the last few weeks have considered myself at least 90% recovered. I've just had an appointment through for counselling - it took 3 months for the appointment to come thru. I actually can't make the date of the appointment and am wondering whether its worth rescheduling as I'm not sure I actually need counselling given that my anxiety had a very obvious cause and, fingers crossed, is/was a temporary thing. If I refuse the counselling I will be removed from the waiting list. Do you think counselling is necessary in my case??? What should I expect?


14-04-08, 14:20
Hello Mumof2:)

Well it's hard to say what is for the best 'in your case'. I'm of the opinion that it's usually a good idea to take any help on offer!

It's great that you have found the tablets helpful, but talking through the underlying stresses might lessen the need for tablets.

Is your reluctance to reschedule because you're a bit nervous about counselling? If so, don't be. I'd say give it a whirl and see how it goes.

You said you're about 90% recovered, so why not see if the counselling can heal the last 10%?

Good luck with whatever you decide

xxx :flowers:

14-04-08, 14:23

You asked what to expect?

Counselling does vary quite a bit, depending on the type of counselling and the counsellor themselves.

Usually though, the first session will be an assessment of your individual history and needs. So generally they'll ask you a bit about your family, childhood, job, relationships, kids etc, and also what is causing you stress.

Nothing to worry about - the first session is usually the easiest!

xxx :flowers:

14-04-08, 14:24
Hi Mumof2

If I were you I would reschedule the counselling.

Personally, I believe that talking about feelings and getting to the root cause of anxiety is more affective when it comes to recovery than meds alone.

Meds enable you to cope with everyday life and take the "sting" off of the anxiety but they will not get rid of the deep-rooted feelings which cause it.

I'd reschedule and go for it hun, it cant do any harm after all and its always good to talk to someone :hugs:

Jo xxxxx

14-04-08, 15:29
hey mumof2,
if i were you i'd definatly take the counseling sessions, even if you're feeling okay right now. it'll help to reinforce positive thoughts so that you can say with confidence you're 100% okay :)
put it this way, it definatly cant hurt!

the counsiller will probably just talk to you about the issues that you have been having, and give you some advice on how to deal with them if they ever do come back. it's always nice to have the option of talking to a professional. i'd definatly take it.
take care and good luck :)


14-04-08, 17:26
Definately go to the councelling.


14-04-08, 17:38
hi i think you should def go, it will help you and you never know if the anxiety will come back. pills do help but exercise and talking are a must i think so go for it i say xxx donna

14-04-08, 18:08
I would go, it helps, beware of coming off citalopram I crashed when I did