View Full Version : Is this really Anxiety?

14-04-08, 14:03
I have been to see my doctor today who knows i am going through hell with anxiety! and i have told him the symptoms i am getting at the moment and he was not interested! he just said i have an anxiety platform, at the moment i am feeling unbelievably cold and when i go for a walk and it's up hill i start to sweat and feel faint, also my skin has gone very dry! surely this isn't anxiety, is it?

14-04-08, 15:34
hey WDWFan,
I know how furstrating it can be to get your symptoms almost shrugged off by a doctor! It is really annoying, i know. But the thing is, anxiety and stress can come out in all sorts of ways, many of them physical symptoms. this can be really frightening if you dont kow what's causing it, but you will get through it!
if i were you i'd start to tackle the anxiety issues before you start to worry about the physical stuff. it can be a viscious circle sometimes as the more you worry about your symptoms, the worse they'll seem. that's definatly not to say your symptoms dont exist, but the reason could well be anxiety. it manifests itself in so many different ways.
check out the page on health anxiety on this site, it really helped me to realise how anxiety can affect the way we percieve our physical health.
it will get better though, i promise.
take care,


14-04-08, 15:35
I also sweat a lot when I am anxious, even when it is freezing cold.
Sometimes I feel faint when walking uphill but think its cos I am unfit!

14-04-08, 17:17
Thanks guys, i just can't believe this is anxiety! I'm going through a really tough time at the moment! :weep:

14-04-08, 17:43
hi ya i sweat loads when stressed or worried, i never used too. if you are having a tough time then you prob do have anxiety probs, so many people have this so you will get loads of advice here and make friends too.
xx donna

14-04-08, 18:01

First of all i want to say that your doctor is not doing his/her job properly if not interested in your health. I really would advise you to change that doctor to a more understanding one and one who is going to take the time and trouble to make you understand what Anxiety is all about.

Your symptoms are very familier hun so try not to worry about it.

Love Lisa

14-04-08, 18:51
Thanks everybody i know all the symptoms i get are anxiety related but i just can't get it into my head! this morning i couldn't stand the wind on my arms!

14-04-08, 19:02

This hot / cold thing is all to do with your body reacting to anxiety - the old fight or flight thingy. When you're anxious the body gets ready for action and diverts blood to all the major organs - leaving your hands and feet cold and your heart and lungs pumped and primed for action !
Clever piece of engineering huh ? Acknowledge this and see how quickly the warmth returns !
be kind to yourself

14-04-08, 21:18
This friday I was playing pool with my friend and I was HOT as hell, everyone was wearing sweaters and I was in a short sleeve shirt and was sweating like crazy. I am a small skinny kid and I sweat buckets, but it was more of feeling my face get REALLY hot, my skin gets so hot that even the people that worked there came up to me to tell me that they turned the A/C on cause they see I am dying from heat. Then them saying that they saw me "dying" i got even more anxious LOL.

One time I was getting a haircut and I got REALLY hot, so hot that the lady noticed and gave me water and sprayed cold water on my head just to cool me off. Needless to say her noticing made me even more anxious and I left in the middle of my hair cut.

EDIT: Just to add to my post. I never used to sweat this much, even when I used to play sports in the heat. Also my doctor once didnt even want to listen to my symptoms and told me that I should be worrying about girls and not my health. I changed doctors.

15-04-08, 01:27
I've been threatening to change my doctors for a while now but i have been with him such a long time! but maybe it's time!
I get to cope with the symptoms of anxiety then new ones come a long, thats when i start to wonder and worry what it is!