View Full Version : Starbucks!

14-04-08, 18:35
To resist temptation or not now that is the question.

I am sorry if this seems off topic or trivial but I really would like your opinions.

I absolutely love Starbucks Signature Hot Chocolate (stronger richer version of hot chocolate) but I am concerned about the caffine content.

I hate coffee and have been a strict decaff tea drinker for about 8 years now, I don't drink cola and I don't eat much chocolate but I love the Starbucks signature hot chocolate and I have one almost everyday. I limit it to no more than one a day and I only alow myself the smallese size one.

Recently my anxiety and depression has come back and I am wondering if I shoud cut out the Starbucks Hot Choc because of the possible caffine factor, but it is one of those things that I look forward to everyday.

Do you think it could make anxiety worse? Should I stop the Starbucks?

Any advise greatly appreciated

14-04-08, 20:14
:D i love starbucks latte and frappacino mmmmmmmmm - oh sorry!:blush: is there caffeine in chocolate? cocoa yes but i dont know about caffeine? anyway it is good for you if you eat the very dark stuff, but im sure anything in excess can have some sort of side-effects. i drink tea also and some days it gives me palps an dsome days not but then i may have had anxiety anyway. there is such a thing as caffeinism if you drink alot of coffee that sould cause someone to have anxiety - but i think you would have to be drinking copious amounts of coffee or cola to get this but a good therapist would ask. also alot of ppl become very sensitive to anything that could trigger an attack, bu ti think this is anxiety itself, the calmer you feel the more able you are to take things that you perceive as potentially causing probs. how about cutting down to say 3 a week? see how you feel then and then reduce yourself off them altogether and see how you feel then? i have had addictions to crisps in the past and they have made me feel yuk! its the msg i think? but like i said anything in excess could prpb ause some probs:lac:

14-04-08, 21:36
I wouldn't say I am really addicted the the Starbucks Signature Hot Choc but I do like them and I look forward to my hot choc. Because its quite a strong hot choc thats why I am thinking it has some caffine & someone said to me that hot choc has caffine in it, so I am thinking stronger hot choc more caffine maybe?

As I don't have any other caffine I didn't think it would hurt me but I must say they are most compelling from Starbucks.

I know what you are saying about crisps (crisps my lovely crisps) I loved them when I was a kid/teenager then went right off them and haven't touched them for years, recently one of the girls where I work had some and fancied trying them and now I love Quavers but not really into anything else, well maybe French Fries plain and Cheese & Onion Flavours, and occasionally Squares (plain) and sometimes Wotsits (not sure about these though still making my mind up).

15-04-08, 08:59
:yesyes: :winks: so basically you are getting hooked on them again?! lol its mad isnt it, if you like them youve had it! im 36 in august, how about you? but i feel like a kid when i eat crisps:yesyes: i love all of them, but i do try to avoid some - which just leads to me eating masses of the ones ive banned salt & vinegar mainly! god my mouth is actually watering now!:blush: have you tried skips? coz i think they have taken the msg out now, but either way i suppose a few bags of crisps a day will be bad for you, if not coz of flavours etc then just the fat and salt will be rubbish for you wont it? i try to compensate for this addiction by juicing, but i think it could be cancelling out my good work.:blush:

anyway, i wouldnt worry too much about the hot chocolate, and a milky drink at night is good for you anyway - but im guessing you dont have yours from starbucks before you go to bed? i have green and blacks hot chocolate and although not 'strong' it is nice and much cheaper prob than starbucks and also prob less sugar? maybe look at healthier alternatives? or just sod it and keep having the ones you like and dont worry!?:yesyes:

15-04-08, 19:47
Apparantly too much sugar in the diet can increase anxiety, so it may be worth looking at how much sugar/sweetness is in the chocolate and also taking into account how many other sugery foods you consume throughout the day....just a thought