View Full Version : Very upset

14-04-08, 22:52
Just to let you all know that I feel very upset at the moment, particularly that my latest thread was deleted even after I clearly titled it with a warning of the content and I don't think I broke the forum rules.

I therefore feel I need to take some time out and might not be around for a while, or at least not posting on my personal thread. I am struggling a lot with my eating disorder and I cannot in all honesty promise not to mention this issue in posts here so maybe it is better I don't post at all.

I'm sorry for offence I might have caused.

Karen x

14-04-08, 23:08
Karen - you know that I have supported you for over 4 years and it feels like you throw it back in my face sometimes. Every post you do is negative and you are now taking over other threads as well to get attention and I will not have this.

This is not the Karen I know and like I am not going to reply anymore. If I can't get the old Karen back then you have lost my support - sorry to be harsh but you are causing me lots of hassle and stress at the moment and I can't deal with you. I want to get better and will not let this drag me down again.

If I have to be hard to deal with you then I will.

We CANNOT deal with ED - end of story so you need to get help elsewhere - not that you will. People are at the end of their tether Karen and you are losing all support and friends the way you are. I will NOT give the anorexia the attention it needs anymore.

You are not sorry - you knew what you were doing and how it would upset people and that distresses me!

Time-out sounds good to me!

15-04-08, 00:19
Karen you really need to get some help.Professional help and support will only work Karen if you want the help and want to get better.You are pushing everyone away.
My brother has serious mental health problems,we have tried to help him for over 20 years,but the help doesn't work unless he can help himself to.

Maybe time out will do you some good at the moment.:hugs:

15-04-08, 07:02
Hi Karen,

Just to clarify matters with you.

I closed your Thread because it was inappropriate for this Forum.
You are quite entitled to disagree with that.

You are not entitled to start Threads or Post in a manner which appear to be designed to cause anxiety to other members.This has been demonstrated by the number of Private Messages sent to Admins about your latest offerings.
You are subject to the same standards as all other members on the Forum.
Our Forum principles must come before personalities.

I have already sent you a message outlining the rationale behind my decision to close your Thread and asking you to respect the Forum rules.If you feel that you cannot do so,then you should not continue to Post/Thread here.

This Forum has been created selflessly by Nic for the benefit of all and must be used with respect for the fellow sufferer.

Please feel free to PM me at any time to discuss a way forward.

Best wishes,

15-04-08, 08:23
Karen Im sorry your feeling upset , but poor Nic has worked really hard at this web site , and really doesnt need the stress of this.
You know you have had 100% support from people on here , much more than any other member , yet it seems its never enough.

Despite the awful anorexia you are suffering , it is clear that you crave attention alot , usually via : negative shock tactics.

I think you will find that people "WILL" talk to you , but they will not talk to you about anorexia and play a part in your possible death.

But remember we all care about you :hugs: .

15-04-08, 08:52
I find all this very upsetting.I can understand both sides but don't know the solution.Karen,I pray that you will recover from the anorexia,by accepting medical help and realising that people on nmp want you to recover.No one on here dislikes you,I think they are just frustrated that you don't want to 'lose' the anorexia.:hugs:
julie x:hugs:

15-04-08, 09:33

Please realise that whats been happening over the last few days, as not just upset yourself, but its upset many others too including myself, we all have feelings too and are battling with our own problems.

You know we all care about you, but i think it is best you dont post until you are in a better frame of mind.

Please remember also Karen that Nic and Alex have worked hard on this site to be awarded the "NHS" and "Hons" and we never know who will be popping in to check things are running ok. We dont want to set them a bad example do we?

I truely hope things improve for you soon.


15-04-08, 12:08
Hi Karen:)

Theres nothing I can add that has not been said:lac:

Take care

Kaz x x x:hugs:

Hope to see you back soon in a better frame of mind:flowers:

Hope 2
15-04-08, 12:40
Hello All :flowers:

I would like to add that I feel that this extremely difficult situation has been dealt with in the most incredibley sensitive way possible . I feel the decisions made are the right ones for both Karen and NMP members .

Best Wishes to Everyone concerned
Love Hope xx

15-04-08, 14:56
Yesterday all I heard about was how much I had hurt and upset everyone but it didn't seem to matter how much I was hurting.

I accept I made mistakes and I apologised but nothing was good enough. I am not good enough.

It seems everyone will only like me on the condition that I’m fat but being fat means I'm unhappy :weep:

Well I hope everyone is happy now because all the upset triggered a massive binge this morning so now I am really very fat and very very unhappy. I stuffed until I felt sick. I suppose you are all happy now because I am fat but I am extremely unhappy :weep:


15-04-08, 15:09

Please re-read the last paragraph of your above post. You are still doing what you are being asked not to do. The post is saying that it is now NMP's fault.


15-04-08, 15:09
I have followed a few of your threads for a while but resisted posting because you are so negative and don't seem to want to help yourself, so I refused to give in to the attention seeking. Now I'm angry! All I've seen is people trying to help you which you continually throw back in their faces and now you're going for the guilt trip angle............ its not fair.

Those of us who are here all have issues and find it very upsetting reading your threads. We are here because we want the support of like-minded people and are trying to make a positive move in our lives by trying to understand our illnesses whereas you resist any offer of help and actually EMBRACE your condition as though its your friend. It will kill you and this is what makes me angry. you have the help of professionals but you see them as the enemy.

Please understand I wish you all the best in your recovery but it has to come from you, not by attention seeking on a forum.

Sorry if I have spoken out of turn because I'm quite new here but if you dont want a public response then dont post on a public forum

I hope you see sense soon :)

15-04-08, 15:11

You are being extremely unfair. You are losing touch with reality and I have never seen you being so self-obsessed.

Despite what you are saying, everyone cares how you are feeling. Look at how many people have been posting in response to you. I have not seen anyone else, ever, on this forum getting so much support.

People are not saying they will only like you 'if you are fat'. People are just running out of patience with your utter refusal to accept any help, and your determination to shock and frighten people with what you post.

Most people post here hoping that they will get some support, and some useful advice. You accept none of it.

Frankly, no-one gives a damn what you weigh. They just want to see one hint of progress, somewhere. If you were 3 stone or 33 stone and making an effort to get better, they would probably have more patience with you than they do now.

You have said many times, that your anorexia and self image is within you, and is not about anyone else. Whilst I am sorry you are unhappy and binging, how can you now turn that about on people here?

What next?

15-04-08, 15:53

I am sorry but i feel your last reply is way out of order, putting the blame on others for your own actions.

People have only ever tried to help you on this forum and you have been throwing it back in their faces the past few days.

Laying the guilt on others for your own wrong doings is not the way to go about things.

I really dont know what you expect from people anymore Karen, people cant do right for doing wrong in your eyes anymore.

I think you do need to take time away from NMP and return when you are in a better frame of mind

Trac xx

15-04-08, 16:00
hi karen i have to agree with sue and others too, i am new and read alot of your threads so many people care but if you dont help your self you wont get better, this site has helped me and i only been here a few weeks, please sort yourself out before its to late

15-04-08, 16:37
Hi Karen

Granted, i don't know you but i have been reading your threads over the past few days and all i have saw is people showing great respect, compassion and friendship toward you. Piglet even started your very own thread so people could show you how much they admire and care for you.

Now to post again blaming those people for something you clearly made a choice to do is very disturbing. You can't blame others for your own actions Karen and to do so was very wrong.

I hope you decide to take the help you so obviously need.

Take care


15-04-08, 16:38
Karen I was quite shocked at your last post,you seem to be very angry and bitter inside and trying to blame everyone around you for your problems.
I think you are looking for an excuse to have a good bindge,and you know if you upset people here you are going to get alot of response that will upset you.
I know what you are doing as my brother who is an alcoholic does exactly the same to give him an excuse to drink!!!!!!

I think you have been quite awful about being FAT,there are people here that are over weight including me,and do get upset about being overweight.

You need to see someone to get right to the root of your problems,very soon.If you carry on the way you are going you will have no friends left here,you are pushing them all away.

15-04-08, 16:49
:ohmy: didnt anybody see any of this coming a mile off? what about boundaries guys? some people cannot be helped no matter how much love there is for them, if there is no love for themselves from themselves.while others are desperate for that care and attention:hugs: please can an admin close this thread now as it is becoming ugly and i dont think it does nmp any good to have threads like this running:lac: is this the point of nmp?

15-04-08, 16:52
Hi Karen xxx
Haven't been reading your thread all the way through, but have seen some of the replies, and it seems that you are getting alot of help and support from NMP.
While i do understand your anger, it does seem that there is professional help there if you need it.
Alot of folk on here are not that fortunate, have to wait for months and months , years even. So if u are pushing that help away i don't understand why?
Don't you want to get better and be rid if the eating disorder you have.?
There must be alot of sites that deal exclusively with eating disorders have you tried them??
I know that it can be a form of self destruction, and i truly sympathise with you as you must be suffering from alot of depression as well.
But please don't blame anyone on here, as we are all trying to cope with our own issues too.
Take care love Richie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Pink Panic
15-04-08, 17:03
Well I hope everyone is happy now because all the upset triggered a massive binge this morning so now I am really very fat and very very unhappy. I stuffed until I felt sick. I suppose you are all happy now because I am fat but I am extremely unhappy :weep:


Hi Karen,

I'm certainly not happy to read your post and i'm 100% sure that no-one else on NMP is happy either.
I would just like to say to you to please seek professional help. I know from previous posts that this is not easy for you but please, please try.

Love & Hugs

15-04-08, 17:13
Im Angry now:mad:

Karen how DARE you blame us for your actions:mad:

You have had nothing but love and support here:lac:

Even when you were in hospital we all supported you......I remember all the members who wrote to you and send you bits and bobs (myself included):wacko:

I agree this post should be closed NOW


15-04-08, 17:16
There is not a single person who has said you are not good enough. You ARE good enough. Of course you are, but blaming others for binging is not the way to gain support, is it? I totally feel for you, i know exactly where you are coming from regarding the ED...but fighting against people who care about you Karen...not good.

When you keep saying you are 'fat' and 'overweight' it does make others feel bad, there is NO ONE on this forum who is as low weight as you, and calling yourself that....makes the people who do struggle with weight problems feel bad about themselves. Whether you do it intentionally or not, you should definitely choose your wording better.

Karen...until you accept you need the help...there is nowt any of us can do.


15-04-08, 17:28
:lac: :wacko: :mad:

Closing thread again.

Karen if this continues then I will have no choice but to give you a 7 day ban to give you time to calm down and re-think your very choice words!

If you want to self-destruct then fine but do NOT blame members on here for your downfall - that is just not fair.