View Full Version : What medicines for panic disorder are safe in Pregnancy?

15-04-08, 00:02
I'm currently ttc baby number one. I'm calling my Psychiatrist tomorrow at the request of my phycologist. She (my psychologist) thinks I need to get some medicine for "just in case" before I leave for vacation. So I'm going to call my psychiatrist tomorrow and see what he'll prescribe. What are some good meds that won't make me to drowsy during the day but still make me feel better?

I have OCD and Panic Disorder :)

I've been on Klonopin, Luvox, Risperdol,Zoloft,Anafranil,and Lamictal. (Note I did not take all these meds at once) The three meds that worked the best for me were Luvox,Lamictal, and Klonopin.

I would like to try to stay away from them if possible due to horrible withdraw symptoms! So if you can think of any othe rmeds that worked well for you left me know :) It would also be a bonus if the med was safe in pregnancy :)

15-04-08, 11:58
I took Seroxat through both my pregnancies and was always told they were safe, both my children are perfect and are 4 and 6 years old, and i breast feed both of them too. Preferably the lowest dose you can get away with through pregnancy is advisable, but in my experience it was all fine on these anti-depressents. Side effects of coming off them however arent nice as i know you already know, but i have only ever reduced them not come off them completely.
Congratulations on the pregnancy by the way, lovely news!!! :flowers: :flowers:
Charlie x x x

15-04-08, 12:01
:doh: oh i assumed you are already pregnant, maybe you arent whoops! - sorry if im a bit premature !:doh: x x x