View Full Version : does anyone get this?

15-04-08, 02:13
Hi all,

Does anyone get it where there breathing feels really heavy and your chest feels wierd? worse when i am lay on my bed at night.

Help would be apriciated.



15-04-08, 21:36
Hi Rick

I get this quite often, especially when I lay down.:ohmy: :ohmy:

I'm sorry that I can't help, as I don't know what to do either, but I've had it a long time and I'm still here:D :D

Sometimes just knowing that others have the same is a comfort.

Sorry I couldn't be more help.

Take care.


16-04-08, 15:15
Hi Rick,

Read through the Symptom section available via the Main Menu.
You are not alone in this.
Then read the Section on Self-Help.
Keep believing in yourself.
Best wishes,

16-04-08, 23:12
in a word yes, i experience the same thing - its an awful sensation especially at night. I really think its my body and mind being in conflict - as in my body is relaxed and wants and needs to sleep but my mind is still overactive. If i lie on my back it feels worse.
As chalky said, its nothing to worry about and every member has prob experienced this - you are not alone xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Best Wishes
K xx