View Full Version : Support for those awaiting hospital tests-and scared !!

15-04-08, 09:46
Hi, I wanted to start this post because I know there are a lot of us awaiting hospital tests and are scared !!

I have had problems with my boob for a while, went to docs last Friday, given a course of antibiotics (I am terrified of meds side effects but am coping with them and only slight nausea), but was referred to the breast clinic. Yesteday I got the call to go next Monday.
I am pleased its so soon, but spent the day having periods where I just didnt know how I would cope, I don't like hospitals and it is a full days appointment involving various tests.
I made the decision to go with my bf just so he knows which clinic I am in but then to be left, I tend to cope better without not only having to worry about myself but also who is with me ! But he will be nearby if I need a hand to hold.
I lay in bed crying last night and as we do working out all the senarios and should I start writing letters to the children and even which rings to leave to each of them, I was sobbing quietly trying not to let the children know how I felt.

Today I got up with a renewed positiveness, (although I am crying as I write this !!). I got up, got dressd and went for a walk to he shops, good because I usually take the car.

I wanted to use this as sort of a diary for those going through the same thing, but please it is not a sympathy post, I know you all care and have helped me so much in the chat room.

This is just my way of coping with a situation that is so scary in lots of different ways and gives me and others the chance to share, vent, cry or get hugs.

Christine xx :flowers:

15-04-08, 10:49
christine hun what a great thread to start. yes waiting for hospital appointments and tests is very scarey and we all need that hug and reasurance. so here is my big hug for you :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: keep your chin up hun and stay positive, it will all be ok. but i know getting that into our heads aint easy. im thinking of you and sending you lots of positive vibes.
best wishes
lots of love


15-04-08, 18:31
Great post Christine, its rubbish waiting for tests/results etc...

Keep positive sweetie and big hugs

15-04-08, 18:45
The last test result I had to wait for was to check for cancer in a second mole I had removed. The first one i had removed was cancerous but glad to say it didn't spread, i got very anxious waiting for the results for the second mole even though they said this one was probably fine and just removed it more just to be sure it wasn't. The wait for the results of the second mole took nearly three weeks to come through and the first one only took just under two so i was getting very worried at the time waiting for the results thinking the worst because it was taking so long. Glad to say this one was ok though but still worried though.

15-04-08, 18:50
:bighug1: Christine. I know what it's like to wait for hospital test results, not only for me but for those I love and care about. Hopefully by writing it down and getting some of the worry out will make it less scary for you. I'm sure everything will be ok, and Im sending positive vibes for you and everyone else who is waiting for their results.

Let us know how you get on


15-04-08, 19:07
Hi Chris,

What a brilliant idea!!

You know we are all behind you- you are a wonderful lady.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Best wishes,

15-04-08, 20:37
Hi, most of you know by now that the thing that gets me through anything is a good sense of humour, well today it's a good job I still have it !!
I have not even had anything diagnosed but have been asked "What colour wig would you get if all you hair fell out ??" "Have you made a will ??" and the best one was my 17 year old daughter, who said "Can I have the house, because then I can sell it and buy a really nice apartment !!"

Luckily I saw the funny side.

Thanks for all the posts of support but where are the posts from the rest of you who are waiting like me, come on lets support each other :hugs:

Christine xx :flowers:

15-04-08, 22:34
hope you manage to keep up good spirits Christine, but you can't jump to conclusions no one has said anything to you. I know it's hard, I do it myself trust me hehe

But you have to think positive! the power of positive thinking is amazing, and did you know should you have anything it can possibly be cured, seriously it's not all doom and gloom. My mom has a terrible time with her breasts and has tests regularly but she is health as an Ox...well lets all hope Ox's are generally healthy :)

Hope your get your tests results soon, and I hope they are in your favour. hope you can keep us update...and if you are worred about the big C did you know that kind of type has an amazing sucess rate for treatment! always look on the bright side of life.

15-04-08, 23:40
Great post Chris and I'm really pleased you've found your own way of coping. Like you, it's my sense of humour that gets me through these tense times.

Stay positive.:yesyes:

Wendy xxxx

16-04-08, 01:05
Great post Christine :yesyes:

It is horrible waiting for test results when it is something you are so worried about, and I think it's a brilliant idea to have a thread where people can post and receive support during that wait.

Very best of luck with your results. Keep your spirits up - laughter is definitely the best medicine!

xxx :flowers:

16-04-08, 17:56
Hi, thanks for everyones posts and I am now one more day closer to Monday !

I have had the usual phone calls today everyone wanting to come with me, but have stuck to my guns and said NO.

The probs is one of my main symptoms is dizziness and I am just hoping that Monday is a good day, as most of you know we can change from minute to minute nevermind day to day.

I know have the letter with the information set out and so can arrange in my head, parking, where to go and how I can get out if I need to calm down and do some breathing exercises in the fresh air !!

One question I wanted to ask was, should I mention my health anxiety because although they could be sympathetic they could also think "oh here comes another one!" and we all know not all people are sympathetic to people like us, or should I keep quiet and just mention the dizzines as a thing in itself ?? Any suggestions would be helpful.

Christine xx :flowers:

16-04-08, 18:28
Hiya Christine.

I think you should definitely mention the Health Anx. In my experience, people are a lot more sensitive if they realise that you have a genuine phobia about something.

I've found this especially true on flights when I've flipped! Also when I had a general anaesthetic and was petrified. The nurse told the Anaesthetist, but he just smiled. When I completely lost it and broke down, he was really kind and actually realised how scared I was.

Is the dizziness a panic symptom for you? I would just be totally upfront with them and tell them exactly how you are feeling.

It sounds as though you are well prepared for monday, which I am sure will help. Sometimes you have to be pretty firm with doctors for them to take any notice of what you are saying!

Very Best Wishes for your results!

xxx :flowers:

16-04-08, 20:41
Hi, thanks for that swan I probs will mention it its just one of those situations where I am afraid they may judge me and think I am a freak ! But you are right they will probs be understanding.

Christine xx :flowers:

20-04-08, 12:06
Hi, well it is now 1 day to go till my appointment, after my visit to A&E yesterday (under another post !!) I feel a lot clamer.

I am now actually looking forward to going and finding out what is wrong, I feel I am in limbo today, and if it is nothing I am going to eat better, lose some weight, smile more, REALLY accept this anxiety for what it is and get on with things, ok I won't be gettting on a plane but hey maybe actually walk around Teasco not thinking I am just about to die will be a start.

If it isn't good then it needs sorting, but at least I know and am not sitting here thinking what if ? Infact I just lay on my kids trampoline and looked up at the sky and announced to the dog lol, "hey I'm not ready to leave this world just yet !"

Funny how it is not until you realise you may lose something that you REALLY appreciate it !!

Wish me luck guys, and Good luck to all the others having tests this week :bighug1:

Christine xx :flowers:

20-04-08, 12:12
Hi Christine, what a wonderfully positive post :hugs: . I'll be thinking of you tomorrow and will check in when I get home from work.

Take care and all the best :hugs:

20-04-08, 16:25
Thanks for starting this thread. I am at the stage of waiting for an appointment to see the specialist and then waiting for the test to be done and then waiting for the results. I am seriousley considering going private even if I go into debt to cut out all the waiting. If only you could get it over sooner. My imagination is so active and I swear that every TV programme I have seen or newspaper I have read has been about cancer.

20-04-08, 16:56
Hi Christine

Just caught up with your thread hun, and wanted to wish you all the very best and send you good luck vibes for tommo, it must have been such a hard week for you and you have coped so well.:)

Will be thinking of you tomorrow Christine.:flowers:


20-04-08, 21:46
Well done Christine for a great post. Not personally waiting for results at the mo but will be undergoing test soon so will use it then. Hope all goes well tomorrow and that everything turns out fine.

I love your positive thinking well done.

21-04-08, 20:43
Hi, good news everything is fine !!!!

I am so happy I can't stop smiling not only because the tests were ok but because I got through 4 hours at the hospital on my own ! I had qute a few times where I wanted to 'run' but didn't, and I don't think anyone realised I had anxiety, infact I looked quite calm towards some other ladies.

But tonight I have hit a bit of a problem, I am now determined to 'get well' and lose weight, and I don't think the family had realised how much I have taken this as sort of getting a second chance, it really was like a slap in the face the fact that I was so scared it was cancer and I was going to die.
I think it may be hard for them to accept the change in me, but if I can manage 4 hours on my own, stuck in a situation I had no choice but to persevere with, I feel I can achieve a lot more and push myself more than I have been doing.

Hope all the rest of you awaiting tests are still feeling ok, my thoughts are with you all.

Christine xx :flowers:

21-04-08, 20:47
Hi Christine, I'm so pleased for you. I was smiling as I read your post and love how you sound so positive, Go You :hugs:


09-11-14, 13:41
I had an MRI scan yesterday and am waiting for results. I am so anxious about the phone ringing tomorrow that I am thinking of not going to work. It's horrible having to wait for test results :-(