View Full Version : fear and panic

27-03-05, 17:15
Hi all, I have been feeling so much better over the past few months, then yesterday felt quite anxious and dizzy for most of the day. Anyway went to bed and fell asleep ok. Then this morning woke sweating (ass I always do at night) really scared shaky and anxious and remembered then I had woke in the night like choking as my mouth and throat gets so dry and really bad panic and sure I was dying. I didn’t want to get up at all felt so bad and anxious and really scared and though oh no I am right back to where I started which only made me more depressed. I forced myself up and got some breakfast, cup of tea and a shower, it was hell just felt so dizzy like I was going to collapse and so scared. Lately I have been working so hard on affirmations and doing relaxation twice a day whether I wanted to or not. I also read so many self help books. Does anyone think we can overdo the relaxation trying hard to get better and reading to many self help books? I really feel like I did a year ago when I didn’t get out of bed and to scared to go anywhere or do anything. Thanks for reading. Vernon

27-03-05, 17:31
hello Vern,

You are probably just going through a couple of bad days. The important thing is that you are feeling a lot better on the whole and can do things that you couldn't do a year ago. I'm sure that this bad patch will pass soon and that you will be back on your road to recovery!!

Sarah :D

27-03-05, 17:34
cant do nothing today or yesterday sarah feel like i have droped right back over 2 days

27-03-05, 17:35
Hi Vernon

I know exactly where you're coming from 'cos I'm right there myself. I've been suffering with anxiety now for 2 months on and off. I felt fine two weeks ago, everything seemed to be going well and I can honestly say I was feeling 98% better! Then I had troubles at my new job and took the decision to leave (it really was THAT bad!) I felt good about making the decision (the old me would have stuck it out and made myself even more ill), but then the reality kicks in and so of course does the anxiety. My brain goes into overdrive and you start wondering if you're ever going to get out of it. I write in a journal most days, as I was told this was a good thing to do to help with the anxiety on a daily basis, but I do wonder sometimes if I'm over doing it, like you mentioned with your relaxation techniques etc. Almost willing yourself to be better by using these methods. The only thing I can say, is it will get better - we've all been there, so it's not an unachievable goal to reach. And if using relaxation techniques helps then go with them. They can't do you any harm at least. The only advice I would give, is try to find another outlet as well - I find going for a drive or taking my dog for a walk helps. Even nipping down to the local shop for a newspaper or something gets you out the house and away from the same four walls!

Hope you start to feel better real soon.
L x [^]

27-03-05, 17:36
We all get days like that Vern hun - all you can do is stay positive and tell yourself that it will pass. Hope you feel better soon!! :D

27-03-05, 18:15
Hi Vernon,

As you know I am feeling the same today too. But I have been thinking about how i have felt before. I too have felt really good for a good few months now. But yesterday coming back from my holiday was hell. And I felt like I was back at square one today. I keep telling myself it's a blip. I've had blips in the past and overcome them. So I am sure you will too. I think the more good days you have the less bad you will have.

I know what you mean about trying too hard though. I think the more you read about it and the more you force yourself to relax the worse it seems. You have to ride with it and try to think it won't last forever.

But the best thing for me today has been the support from this site. Just talking to you and other sufferers helps me no end.

I hope you feel better soon.

Emma xx

27-03-05, 18:18
hi vern,

Sorry to hear you've not been to good, dont give in you know you can get through it, dont let it win, be positive, you've got all the support here that you need, take care and good luck xx

kairen x

27-03-05, 18:52

Sorry to hear that you have felt dizzy & low again over the past couple of days. It WILL pass--it's just horrible at the moment. You aren't back at square 1, just a reminder that Mr.Anxiety gives us from time to time.

You've had a bit to deal with lately re the hospital & the last minute cancellation---maybe this could be a sort of delayed reaction to what happened a week or so ago?

I do hope that you soon feel better. Don't give up, mate, it will pass. Keep being positive & it will be ok again.

Linda. x

Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.

27-03-05, 19:09
hi vern,

sorry to hear about your blip....and i truly belive that all it is.....i also get them and the feeling of being back to square one but I assure you it will pass......and I would bet in a few days time you will see this for the blip it was but i do appreciate how hard it is to view rationally when your mind is dancing an irrational dance.

the dizzyness is a pain, i get it also but I refuse to dwell on it, I will go for a walk, read a book, anything and if its still there i just say well its just worry....wont hurt me just worry.....

take care my freind,


27-03-05, 19:20
Hi Vernon,

Just wanted to reply as you took the trouble to reply to me, which just shows what a caring thoughtful person you are, and I really appreciated it. It's just a blip you're going through, in your inner self you know you will get through this you've done it before.

When I feel like this, I often resort to my self-help books but I feel I sometimes overdo it. I try to find a nice novel to read, even for just a few minutes to prove to myself that I can occupy my brain in other ways or a nice long soak in the bath with a face-pack maybe, although maybe for you the bath would suffice!

Thinkin of you:D


27-03-05, 21:18
Vern mate

Big hug to you :)

It is one of those things mate and it will pass in time. I am betting that it is cos of the operation and you had all that build up then it got cancelled and now you have all the stress waiting again.

Take care of yourself mate and we are all here for you


28-03-05, 13:55
thanks nic u r probs right xxx

28-03-05, 21:35
Hi Vernon,
How are you feeling now, have things got any better as the days have worn on?

As everyone else has said, we all have these blips and you have given me so much good advice in the past, I hope I can help you if you need it. Work through it as best as you can and hope that within the next few days it will pass again. I have only had that dizzy thing once and didn't like it at all and am still not sure if it was anxiety or a bug, but I know the next day I kept imagining still feeling like it and I was at the school collecting the kids. If I was that dizzy I wouldn't have there![^]

Hope you feel better but I'm here if you need to talk.

28-03-05, 22:13
hi vernon

Try not to worry about these feelings...i completley understand what u are saying....what seems to happen is when people have had some time without feelings of bad panic ..when it returns we seem to automatically FEEL that we are back to square one...HOWEVER this is not the case, and i certainly have felt like you do...we tend to not think too much about anxiety when we have our good days which in turn will make a panic attack SEEM alot worse than our first ones.

keep using your affirmations and please do not be hard on yourself for feeling like you do...take a little time to step back alittle and you will see that your feelings now are no worse than you have had before and saying that, YOU HAVE COPED AND YOU WILL COPE AGAIN.

take care


28-03-05, 22:34
hey vern,
sorry you've been feeling so rotten today. it's so annoying when you're doing so well and then feel terrible again out of the blue. it feels like you've undone all the good work you've achieved. but it really is just a blip - in one of my 'overcoming panic' type books, it says that it's natural to have feelings of 'going back to square one' when you are on the road to recovery.
anyway, i hope you are feeling a bit better now. i find it really upsetting when i start feeling dizzy (my main symptom) - my cbt man has made me keep a daily diary and it really helps me to read the positive entries when i'm feeling panicky or depressed. do you keep a diary?
take care,
henri x

28-03-05, 22:41
Vern You have have so much to take on board with the operation it is only normal how you feel now. You havent taken a step back at all it is temporary and you have other reasons to feel anxious.

You know as well as i do that you can do this and we will all support and get you through this. How you are feeling is temporary and you will get through it with us guiding you.

Dont feel alone hun email me if you want to talk and i will call you.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.