View Full Version : help- cant calm down

15-04-08, 10:54
Right now i think i am having a panic attack, i felt a bit off this morning and started worrying about what was wrong with me, then all of a sudden i started feeling really hot, legs like jelly, felt sick, heart racing really panicked cause i felt like i was going to faint, felt so ill, i sat down with some water but although the feelings are so not so bad i still feel very shaky hot/cold and am now worried to move of the sofa, my husband is in bed as he was working nights and really do not want to wake him, i am trying to overcome this on my own but i am so scared.
I cant help thinking what is wrong with me i feel so bad i am sure its something serious and i will have to go to hospital.
Sorry for rambling on but i need some reassurance as i just cannot seem to shake it off.

15-04-08, 11:10
Hi hun,

Anxiety is an absolute begger hun but i promise you, it will do you NO harm. try not to let your mind work overtime as it just makes the panic worse. Distract yourself as much as possible! chat on line, call a friend, anything but sitting there thinking about the anxiety. It will pass hun.

I hope you feel better soon

Love Lisa

15-04-08, 11:34
I find saying "okay then do your worse" and then lying somewhere quiet, relaxing as much as you can and letting it wash over you often helps me wonders, because when you give the panic permission, your saying to it im not scared of you anymore and the panic starts to get weaker.
Nothing is going to hapen to you, dont be afraid, i have suffered for years thinking i was going to die etc.... but im still here.

Or -Try and distract yourself with anything, the TV , a book, a puzzle magazine or even just get moving burn some of that adrenaline off walking. It will end panic never lasts forever, im thinking of you and feel for you so much. Kee in touch:hugs: x x x

15-04-08, 11:39
:) hi helenclaire, this feeling you are getting of impending doom and that there is something wrong and you will have to go to hospital -is all part and parcel of panics, it isnt jus tabout the physical symptoms - anxiety is the mental feeling of terror too! it will pass, take lovely deep breaths from your tummy and exhale slowly - then like bottle says DISTRACT yourself from these symptoms and these thoughts by doing something else!!!!! you will feel horrid i know this is how they make you feel isnt it? really really wretched:mad: but you will be fine, you are in no danger and time will pass and you will feel calmer - keep telling yourself this every time a little gremlin of negativity pops into your head - this is the anxiety over the attack - dont let it take over helen - you have control, take care, emma xxxx:flowers:

15-04-08, 12:22
Thanks for your replies,
still feel a bit wobbly but trying to carry on, going to try and have some lunch soon see if that will help, dont really feel like eating but going to force myself anyway.
Its so scary when this happens as it makes you feel so ill, i am trying not to dwell on it but it is so difficult.
Thanks again

15-04-08, 16:04
:hugs: hi helenclaire, i hope you are feeling better now? it is very distressing isnt it? but you can HANDLE it and you will survive, so try to keep occupied and keep your thoughts away from panic! i know its easier said than done though:wacko: take care, emma:flowers:

15-04-08, 16:13
Hi Helenclaire:hugs: :hugs:
can't add any more to what has been said above , all the advice above is correct, the more you think about the anxiety the more depresssed you'll become and then the more anxious and panicky.
A vicious circle:doh:
It does definately sound like a panic attack though, rather than there being anything physically wrong.
Take care and keep posted
Lots of love Richie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
We all know know howyou feel and can all relate to what u are going through
so take it easy Helen xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

15-04-08, 18:17
Hi Helen
Are you feeling a bit better or are the symptoms still persisting? I know its NOT EASY when people tell you to take your mind off this but I agree with all the other posts. You are feeling alone and miserable and scared but please believe us it is the anxiety causing it as it plays havoc with our mind. I also know that when you are going through panic that its not easy to think of anything else but the trick is to distract your mind with something else even if it means doing something stupid like pulling faces, or slapping yourself, anything thats out of the "norm" for you. when I was told to do these things I thought the therapist lost a screw but it turned out that he was right. You see our subconscious mind cannot reason it just executes commands from our conscious mind so if we feed it positive thoughts the anxiety lessens.
I know that this may sound like "mambo jumbo" but trust me it works.

Best regards


15-04-08, 20:47
Hi Helen,
I hope you're feeling better than you were. I can empathise with you as I used to feel the way you did a couple of months ago. Most days I would wake up and be engulfed in panic with all the same symptoms as you. Yes, I too thought I would either be rushed into hospital or I would die. As you can see, I am still here. It's just panic. It's terrible but it cannot harm you.

Best wishes,

15-04-08, 22:18
poor you there are so many people that suffer and everyone has a different experience but the main thing i am trying to say is that you are not alone try to smile and be strong

15-04-08, 23:35
Hope you're feeling much better now Helen. I can't add any more than people have said already. Panics can be so scary can't they :( You'll get tons of good advice and reassurance on this site.

Take care,

Wendy xx

16-04-08, 10:51
Thankyou all for your replies,
I am feeling a bit better today, and as you can see i am still here, i didnt pass out or get rushed to hospital but i did feel awful, the fact that i eventually started to feel better tells me that this was anxiety but it makes you feel so ill its so hard to believe.
Today i am trying to keep busy and not think about what happened yesterday, although its easier said than done.
I appreciate all your advise and words of comfort it really helps knowing you guys are out there.

16-04-08, 14:44
:yesyes: :hugs: hi helenclaire, just one thing, try to remind yourself every time you feel frightened of it happening again - that you did SURVIVE!!!!!:yesyes: you are 100% okay and you can survive another one if it happens - this way you dont spend the rest of your life like me frightened of it happening again, and having to re-train yourself out of some very bad self-defeating behaviours - you are being very very brave, as its a scary thing to experience, so well done you!!!!:blush: take care, emma:flowers:

17-04-08, 09:19
Yesterday and this morning I felt so bad - this morning I had panic attacks at 3 &4 am so terrifying!!!!!!!
I did not know where to look for help so I typed in "impending doom" and got your post Helenclaire - I could have written it myself. Just that I was in bed and hubby down stairs.
There is always the fear that he will say 'stop being so stupid'. (I know he won't BUT)
At times like this I tend to blow everything out of proportion and terrify myself even more. In calmer moments I read 'the' books and read 'these' pages - and I know you are all correct in your advice - I have even written advice to others BUT when it comes to my self I am lost.:weep:
Yesterday I was overcome by extreme tiredness But thought I was dying - so far I am still here and so is the fear.
:flowers: Best wishes to you Helen and a big thank to :flowers: those who repleid to Helens post. It has helped me also.
Still feeeling rather fragile.
Best wishes:hugs:

17-04-08, 09:24
The daft thought that fear brings..........