View Full Version : Food Phobia????

15-04-08, 13:56
Hey guys,

I didn't really know where to post this, so I thought General Anxiety would be the best..so here goes:

Well, recently I've been feeling extemely anxious about food.

Especially about being allergic to some foods, and for me, it's mostly nuts and for some odd reason, onions. And sometimes it can be really random like bread.

I've had a look around the net at what information I could find on this particular anxiety, but there isn't very much, except that when there is a worry about being allergic to foods, it is usually something like nuts, etc, maybe because the reaction is fatal for something who is allergic to it. I thought that this resembles alot to health anxiety because it's usually worry about something severe, and fatal.

So maybe the way to deal with this, is to deal with it like you would with health anxiety??

Anyways, I wanted to do a post about it to raise awareness, incase anyone else suffers from this, and also to ask for help and advice, as these worries/fears are really affecting the way that I eat, etc, and I'm worried that it may come to a point where I fear eating all food, so I though I better try and do something about it now, instead of when it's too late and to the point where it is actually having an effect on my health.

I really appreciate it if anyone out there could read this, and if you can share your thoughts that would be absolutely fantastic! Also, I'm hoping that people are able to share advice, because right now I'm at the end of my tether with this and I'm pretty sure that anyone else who has this anxiety is at the end of their tethers aswell.

Thanks for your time, :)

Wolfie xxxxx

15-04-08, 14:31
Wolfie :hugs:

If you'd said, I wouldn't have demanded the cabbage :winks:

No seriously though - I think this is actually quite common hun. I've certainly read several other posts on here where people have exactly the same fear about becoming allergic to foods.

I'm a bit funny about prawns, but I did have food poisoning from them a few months ago! And I wouldn't touch an oyster! (I did once, it was a truly awful experience)

I think the important thing is to expose yourself. Obviously it's also the hardest, but I would definitely try not to avoid the things you are worried about. Have you eaten nuts before? Is there any family history of nut allergy? Is there any family history of severe allergy?

My mum is allergic to onions (and strawberries), but she doesn't have life-threatening reactions. She just gets a stomach ache, so it's not the end of the world.

I hate to say it, but the best thing you could probably do right now is to make yourself a stir fry full of onions and sprinkled with peanuts :blush: I think it's definitely important to try your hardest to eat the things you are worried about, and then you will prove to yourself that you have nothing to worry about.

Take care

xxx :flowers:

15-04-08, 14:54
I can identify with what you are saying Wolfie. With me it usually a phobia of knowing where the food has been prepared. I work in catering and I'm paranoid about germs and whether people have washed the'r hands and stuff. So I tend to only eat things prepared by people I trust. I don't eat any shellfish or prawns and panic really badly if there is a bug going around at work to the point where I just don't eat anything all in case I'm sick. I think my phobia around food is more hygiene related though.
I think all you can do is challenge your fears when you feel strong enough to do so, the same with all phobias avoidance breeds more fear. Unless you have a diagnosed allergy then I would try and confront these foods in a safe way, ie when you're not on your own or in a restaurant etc. I think that it's a fear alot of people have but with some it can just take over and control them as with any anxiety.
I hope you find a way to enjoy food again

15-04-08, 17:32
Hi Wolfie

I actually have a severe allergic reaction to nuts, i'm anaphylactic and have to carry epipens incase I eat them by mistake. If you've had a reaction before or think you might have your GP can refer you for food testing - I had various patch testing done, but because I already knew I was allergic to nuts its too dangerous to do patch testing so I was sent to a food specialist who did various other tests.

I really understand how you feel, but I am extremely careful about what I eat but all my food including cakes and biscuits are homemade cause for me, it would just be too dangerous to take that chance.

Good luck!

15-04-08, 17:43
Hey Wolfie:D

I suffer from this too:wacko:

I have the appetite of a sparrow and every day is a struggle to eat:lac:

I have a phobia of damaging my teeth, now this is stupid cos I go to the dentist regularly etc but I have receding gums so the tops of some of my teeth are discoloured and Im very self concious over it.....nothing can be done about it but Im convinced they will all fall out!!!:lac:

I find the best thing to do is eat what you fancy when you fancy.......like just now I randomly fancied chicken flavour noodles so hubby nipped to shop and I ate them:yesyes:

I also drink a lot of strawberry complan for vitamins etc:yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

24-07-08, 17:56
Hi Twoof.
Sorry you have such a problem, i didnt realise you were this bad.
It must be really awful. Has your doctor not suggested reffering you to your local hospital for some allergy tests? It would be worth asking him.
I had some done 5 or 6 yrs ago where they put 12 different impregnanted patches on my back with things they thought were causing me problems. Mind you..talk about itch...lol, but thats probably why they put them on your back so you cant rip them off, but it was worth that little discomfort to find out what was causing my problems.
Im sorry i cant be of much help hun but i hope you can get this sorted to give you peace of mind.