View Full Version : Sounds are scaring me? Anyone else?

15-04-08, 14:38
Hi everyone -

Been having bad anxiety lately and the only thing that has been working is valium. I take one before bed. I find as the day wears on - everything makes me jump. Not even just the normal jumpy feeling, but a prolonged feeling of anxiousness. This happens when the phone rings, when I'm outside or even just watching TV, and sometimes even someones voice.

Has anyone else here experienced that?

15-04-08, 14:50
Hi there, yes I get this as well, particularly just as i'm trying to go to sleep, it seems as soon as i close my eyes i suddenly jump, this happens often when i am going through a particularly anxious period as i am now. As you say even the phone ringing can make me jump sky high. Guess its yet another sympton of this horrible anxiety we're all suffering.
Best wishes.

15-04-08, 15:13
Indeed. Sometimes when I'm sleeping, every little sound will scare the heck out of me. Sometimes it's all so overbearing I wonder if I'm going....well...crazy. lol

15-04-08, 15:31
I suffer from this too ..... almost went through the roof this am when the toaster popped! :)

15-04-08, 15:41
I have this too and take buspirone for it

15-04-08, 15:41
Hi, yes I suffer with this too. :blush:

Yes, it's the anxiety, I have noticed it more now that I am going out. Every car that passes causes me to jump and if a bus or lorry goes past 'heaven forbid', I have to stand still and put my hands over my ears lol. :ohmy:

The reason we are more aware of the sounds around us is because our senses are more hightened due to our anxiety. We register every little sound, whereas before we didn't notice them. I have found it gets better when the anxiety lessens. :yesyes:

Love and Hugs to all :bighug1: :bighug1:


'Your imagination is always much worse than the reality'

15-04-08, 17:53
Just wanted let you know having a b12 deficiency can make you very jumpy over the slighteset thing, I was like it for weeks until i got told i had this and started having the shotes for it. it was probably the first symptom that went.

15-04-08, 20:50
Hi Canadianme,
Yes I get this to, even sounds from the TV suround sound can me me feel strange.
I see you also take Valium, It's interesting that you take it before bed.Does it still help you through the day ?
What dose are you on ?

16-04-08, 03:38
Thanks for all your replies!

I take 2.5mg to 5mg of valium before bed, to ensure I actually sleep. When I sleep well, I can tolerate the day in a better manner. If I have a bad day, I'll take a bit in the daytime too. I'm hoping one of these days I'll wake up after 8 to 10 hours and feel normal again and can get back to the gym. The gym used to get rid of my stress - I miss it so much.

It would seem that I can only get by on life with the valium now. Still not working though because I'm not ready.

As for TV, even just watching something minor like star trek gets me all going. haha I even get over emotional watching shows now. I am now resorting to comedy and nature shows. haha

B12 shots? I believe my b vitamin blood test showed up OK though? Does anyone feel like I should still take the shot? I'm considering 5htp too...

16-04-08, 21:10
You could try a multivitamin b groups only tablet, i don't think it would heard i think they can help with stress.

17-04-08, 18:09
Hi Cabadianme,
Anxiety and tension are terribly things .How long have you been taking Valium ? is it still working for you ?
I've been taking 2mg each morning for about 7 weeks now and it's really helped me.