View Full Version : Advice Please...

15-04-08, 14:56
Hi there, I have few anxiety issues that are really affecting me at the moment just wondered if anyone had any advice.

1. My health anxirty is really bad, i tend to be constantly poking and proding myself and whenever i find something i panic about it without even rationalising the situation, i also constantly feel on edge that any day now myself or a family member will get a serious illness?

2. I also always think about death and its horrible because i can't get on with my life?

3. I do tend to get a lot of headaches and have done for the past 6 months now, they tend to freak me out a lot, like i always think when i get a pain in my head that it's serious and i will suddenly die?

Any advice for the above issues?
Please reply
Luv Louise

15-04-08, 17:03
Hi louise

I am the same, I am always poking and prodding and worrying something will be wrong, when I think I find something not right I go in a sweat and feel all nervy.

I am always worrying about my health and its a horrible feeling. I feel nervy a lot of the time and I have a heartbeat that skips a beat and that does freak me out and I am always wanting to check my pulse but then get worked up if it does it.
I don't want what the answer is, wish i did, but you are not alone. I always thought it was just me who did things like that. Even a spot can have me in sweats of panic!

take care
C x

15-04-08, 18:10
Hey Louise

As you can see your not alone. I am terrible for checking, over and over again. I also think about death alot, which of course is really morbid. I have two kids and go through various scenarios all the time.

I get headaches everyday, which are most def tension headaches. Now i try to drink loads of water everyday and stay well hydrated. As I was getting to the stage where I was popping paracetamol like sweeties.

Hugs - many of us in the same boat my love


15-04-08, 18:19
Yes I too am in the same boat!!Drives me mad!!
Went to my GP back at Xmas(see previous posts) with a swelling on my neck---had blood tests and X rays and all fine BUT i still prod/poke/feel every part of my body all day!!!!
Driving myself absolutely crazy. Definately health anxiety which i am going to see another GP about tomorrow after much persuasion by my OH----terrified about going in case he sends me to hospital or something.
Wish i could give you more help----but just to let you know you are not alone.
I also think of my lovely kids and how they would feel if i were to be seriously ill!

16-04-08, 15:03
Hi Louise,

You have made a great start by recognising the symptoms of your anxiety.
The next stage is ACCEPTING that your condition is Anxiety not some mysterious undiagnosed illness.
Check out the Information on coping mechanisms available through the Main Menu.Start putting this into practice and you will notice a difference in your health.
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Best wishes,

16-04-08, 15:17
Hi Louise,

I could have written your post myself. You are definately not alone with this.

I have really bad health anxiety too, and worry that every ache and pain is something life threatening.

I have been suffering with really bad pains/feelings in my neck and head - and everytime it starts I start thinking the worse, which then brings on panic.

I just wish I could accept that these feelings are not life threatening and to not to be so scared of them.

I do get comfort knowing that I am not on my own with this though.

Take care.