View Full Version : Just Wondering

15-04-08, 15:01
How does your body react to Health Anxiety. I seem to lurch from one health concern to another. First its the lump in the throat, can't swallow etc. etc, then its my stomach and pains in left side, now its my right boob. I just seem to focus entirely on that one place and can't think of anything else, it just takes over my life, its driving me nuts and i've been like it for years. I'd be really interested to know how it is for you and to perhaps understand that i'm not the only one who has these thoughts.
Thanks in anticipation.

15-04-08, 17:06
I am the same, if I think something is wrong my whole mind just focuses on that one thing and then I sweat and panic. I get pains and I just think whats that? I get pains in my boobs always the left one too, so think the worst.
I feel sometimes I am breathing funny as if somebody has taken that breath away. Then I feel my pulse and have skipped heartbeats.
I wish I was somebody that didn't worry about health as am sure people who don't worry are much happier and not stressed like me!!

take care

15-04-08, 18:12
I hate the throat thing, sometimes i sit at the dinner table and can't swallow and get myself in a total state about it.

i get very achy and headaches, plus palps from time to time although that has calmed down alot.


15-04-08, 21:08
I totally sympatize:hugs: . I'm the same way, i think my family and friends think i'm a nut case, i Always have pains! If i go to the dr about a pain and he figures out its nothing that pain will usually go away then i developed another one, SO frustrating

16-04-08, 15:12
Hi menomum,

Have a look through the Symptom guide available via the Main Menu.
Don't forget to have a look throughthe Success Stories too for some inspiration.
Best wishes,