View Full Version : sorry earache has transfered to mouth cancer

miss diagnosis
15-04-08, 15:44
ok now im convinced i have mouth cancer. aside from the earache my gums are red and swollen. I have suffered from gum problems since i was a kid but im really freaked out now after reading about oral cancer.

i have the same gum stuff as before. why now am i thinking its oral cancer? my dentist said before i needed some gum work but i couldnt afford it (it was €2000 euro) ,maybe i have left it to long and its spread into cancer now?

15-04-08, 18:29
My gums get sore from time to time. So I started ensuring as well as brushing I used a decent mouthwash (advice from dentist), and it worked.


15-04-08, 18:41
hiya i am terrible at googling stuff and if i have a headache and i look it up it goes from migrane to brain tumor so i have stopped, it was either that or mu hubby was gonna take away my laptop haha, but seriously mayb see if you can find cheaper or work out a payment plan with them, i have done that before in the past, but please dont worry to much try take yr mind off it keep busy.xxxx

15-04-08, 19:04
I suffer with my gums alot, to the point they were just aching all day long, no matter what i did or used.

I recently switched to a soft toothbrush and i have to say they have seemed alot better lately.

I hate the dentists and they tell me i should have regular cleans by the hygenist, having my first one in 4 years in two weeks and having a filling tomorrow where i get put to sleep cos i just can't cope with them awake i would panick to much.

I always say this though have you had any blood tests lately cos i have low b12 and sore and red gums can be a sign of this, although i have suffered with my gums for about 8 years now.

I'm sure it's nothing to worry to much about though, say's me who has a face full of spots for two weeks and is worried about them.
