View Full Version : I am a mess!

15-04-08, 18:37
I have had two really bad experiences after having kids with super high Blood pressure. I was put on 4 different meds. Each time it seems to come back down to normal in time. It has been 10 months now. I am down to half of a coversyl a day and have been for a month or more. Problem is my BP's have been 80/40 etc. Way too low. I know they are too low. When I try to stop taking my med my Bp goes to around 115/70 or so and I FREAK OUT. I know that is a good BP but not for me, for me I panic and think it is too high so I take my med again and then feel horrible because my BP goes to low. I take my BP 20 times a day.
I sw my doctor yesterday and he said I am doing ot to myself and that I have to stop. But I cant!!!! I freak out if my BP goes anything above 105/60. I hate it!!! I have asked my husband to hide my pills and he has but I feel like I am going mad. I am terrifed that my BP will be to high. anyone have any suggestions before I go crazy(er)

15-04-08, 18:51
I had really really high BP with both my kids(now aged 22 and 25) and was on meds for ages after their births.
Your BP is a brilliant reading at something like you are now getting sooooo please take doctors advice. If you are getting 105/60 without meds that is fantastic---believe me i freaked over BP for years and years.
Mine is about 130/82 now without meds and i just check it once a month at home and the doctor checks it once a year.
I hope this has reassured you xxxx

15-04-08, 19:04
Hi Alison,

How much time do you spend each day focused on your BP?
If this is your Anxiety starter,is it any wonder that you are so distressed?
You are clearly trapped in a cycle of anxious behaviour-so how can you break free?
One day at a time.
Trust your doctors assessment of your BP.
Accept that your meds will keep your BP at an acceptable level.
Stop checking your own BP.
Start finding ways to distract yourself when you feel the Anxiety rise- music, exercise,housework,computing,talking to people,etc.
Give yourself time to make all these changes but it will work.
Believe in yourself.
Best wishes,

15-04-08, 19:07
Thanks Chalky but the problem is I have to stop the meds. I am terrified too. I have to stop them because my BP is too low on them. I spend 98.9% of my day focused on my BP :(

15-04-08, 20:45
Anyone else? Please I am really struggling with this. It causes panic attacks and major anxiety and my doctor is no help!

15-04-08, 20:57
Alison please take the advice that Chalky and myself have given you.
For a start PLEASE STOP CHECKING IT ALL THE TIME---start with say once a morning, once afternoon and once evening.
Then, cut down to daily, weekly and then monthly. Ask your GP to check it monthly when you are happy with once a month and you can then get rid of your BP monitor.
Honestly your readings WITHOUT MED are absolutely PERFECT---and trust me i know cos i was really worried about my own BP for years. You can stop checking it and accept that it is ok.
115/70 is the reading of a really really healthy person---ask any doctor!!!!

15-04-08, 22:29
I thought the norm was 120/80 anyway, you only need to stress when the lower figure goes to high and yours sounds fine to be honest.

Can you not change your diet and excersie that helps bp.
Hope you feel better soon,

Take care,

16-04-08, 02:37
I dont think this was the right place for this post maybe in the OCD forum. It is a serious problem that I cant stop taking it, its not that easy to just say stop,

16-04-08, 15:33
Hi Alison,

You say that you can't stop taking your blood pressure.The proper expression of the term can't is can not.This means that you do actually have a choice!!
You can choose to check it or you can choose not to check it.Trying to cut down on the number of daily checks is a great idea.To stop completely would be a bit too much but cutting down is a great step in the right direction.
Keep believing in your capabilities.
Best wishes,