View Full Version : I'm so frightened (One for the women only!)

16-04-08, 00:09
So I was in the bath today, when I noticed a string coming out of my vagina, so I pulled and out came a tampon. It could only have been in there a couple of days maximum, (I always check if I've left one in on my period) but I went straight into having a panic attack, thinking I'm going to get Toxic Shock Syndrome. I went to talk to my Mum and Sister about it, and they said "Look, your fine. You feel fine right? TSS develops really quickly, if you were going to get it you'd have got it by now. And you've taken it out now, so your going to be fine. You'll remember in future now!", which was very reassuring.
But me being the idiot I am I googled it, and am now panicking like mad about getting TSS. I feel physically fine, but I'm so worried I'm going to get it in the next couple of days or something :weep:


Hope 2
16-04-08, 00:24
Hi aliciajane :D

Listen hun , try not to worry plz , yr family r right in what they said .
TSS lets u know it's arrived really quickly . Maybe the leaflet in the tampon box will help if u read it cos it will talk u thru symptoms and maybe time factor ?
I think the one of the early symptoms is a sudden raging temperature . You would have got this sign by now I am sure hun , like yr family said . Just to add , this happened to me once and I was fine mate , I understand y u worried tho chuck .

Take care
maybe ring nhs direct if u still very worried
love Hope xx

16-04-08, 00:51
Thanks :)
I don't think I should ring NHS Direct unless something is wrong, after all I do feel fine physically.
I took my temperature, it's 36 derees C so that's fine.
I'm too scared to go to sleep, and I can't even figure out why.

16-04-08, 08:56
This happens to lots of women- leaving/forgetting to remove last tampon. I agree with what has been said, you would know if you had TSS. Have a lovely day today.

miss diagnosis
16-04-08, 09:32
a girl in my job had pains in her stomach and went to the hospital were they found she had left in a tampon for 2 weeks! all she had was a swollen stomach and once it came out she was fine. NO TSS and that was after two weeks not just a couple of days so please dont worry.

16-04-08, 09:52
never think you cant ring NHS direct, i had to phone them the other night cause of a panic attack that i thought was serious and after the nurse talkked me down i apologised over and over again for wasting her time. she told me off lol! she said they are always there to help you out, reassure you and if something is wrong they can help you straight away which i know always makes me feel better. if you are ever worried call them!!!

With this thought it deifinitely would have shown up a lot faster but if you are still worried call NHS direct or your GP *hugs*

16-04-08, 10:04
I stopped using tampons a long time ago because of my fear of TSS I actually have no heard of anybody I know personally getting it...so I think you are safe, it is really rare but as they said very fast.

I use something called a mooncup. Initiially I thought it was crap and how does it all work but it is amazing I am seriously never going to go back to tampons again it is so so much better and I have reduced my fears of TSS, maybe it's something to look into

Take care!

16-04-08, 10:09
Hi Alicia

TSS is very quick to develop - if you had it, you would know it by now honey.

If NHS Direct will help put your mind at rest then give them a ring, it wont do any harm :hugs:

Jo xxxxx

16-04-08, 11:00
Thanks for all the advice guys, your always so reassuring :)
It took me a long while to get to sleep last night, I was so convinced it was going to come overnight, but I did eventually at about 3/4 in the morning. Just woke up now, and I'm feeling physically absolutely fine!
So I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be alright now, if it hasn't occured over 12 hours after taking the tampon out, I'm pretty sure it isn't gonna occur haha.
Anyway, cheers for all the help and reassuance and always ladies!


16-04-08, 16:20
Dammit I shouldn't have let myself google, i've gotten myself into a panic again.
I've got a stomach ache (although I get this a lot with anxiety) and I keep thinking maybe it's my uterus or something, I read somewhere muscular pain was a symptom.
Agh I wish I could stop worrying, I was fine this morning!!


16-04-08, 16:32
My best friend left one in for over 2 weeks without knowing-and she was having sex nearly everyday too! This pushed it further up and it had to be removed by a GP and she was fine. She went to the docs because she was having trouble peeing
and they examined her and found it-no harm done and no after effects
Sorry to be graphic lol

Lou x

16-04-08, 17:12
I'm sure your fine:hugs: but i can sympathize with your worry, i don't use tampons due to my fear of TSS but i know lots of women that do and i remember a friend of mine in high school left one in for 2 weeks cuz she didn't know she wasn't supposed to. She was/is fine. I don't think its a common thing that happens cuz i've never heard of anyone getting it. Try not to worry:bighug1:

19-04-08, 00:28
The stomach ache's still there, and I feel like I'm having lower abdominal pains too.
It's so odd, it feels like a really really weak period, or trapped wind, I can't put my finger on it. And I only notice it occasionally. Painkillers don't help it, which makes me think it may be anxiety related. That and I only really seem to notice it when I concentrate on it.
I obviously don't have TSS seeing as I took the tampon out 4 days ago, and other than the abdonimal pains I feel fine.
Have a bit of a cry today though, this health anxiety really gets on top of me sometimes.
I keep thinking "So you don't have TSS obviously, so why are you worrying? If your pains are due to anything, it'll probably just be an infection and it'll get sorted out." But my panicky feelings and anxiety are still there.
I swear it's driving me mad

19-04-08, 03:44
Do you have IBS? That can cause the tummy pains. I have it and have tummy pain all the time especially during an anxiety episode. Hope your feeling better soon:hugs:

19-04-08, 22:16
I'm not sure if I do!
I've never been diagnosed with it, but I do always get tummy pains with my anxiety and panic attacks, and end up going to the loo alot.

After I came off here last night, I tried to go to sleep and ending up having a panic attack. But my sister came and lay next to me and helped me through, and we ended up talking for ages about my fears and anxiety. It was so good to be able to talk about it to someone other than on here (not that I don't love talking here!! lol) because usually I'm too afraid, thinking people will think I'm silly. But she wasn't patronising at all, and it really helped me.
I'm just getting it into my head that you if you have something causing the pains, the chances are it'll be pretty minor and you can just get it sorted out!
Anyway, sorry to go on!
