View Full Version : Fibroid - Help I am Scared!!

16-04-08, 14:51
I went for an ultrasound because I have been having pelvic pain & constipation, the ultrasound tech said it looked like I had an fibroid on my uterus, but I still haven't got a call back from the Doctor. As usual I am worrying myself SICK. Any advice or help PLEASE.

16-04-08, 15:01
Hi Cool:D

Please dont worry:)

Ihave a largish one on the neck of my womb and although its a nuisance it is in no way life threatining.....there are loads of treatment options available but because of my age 45 I opted to just leave it be because it will shrink after the change

I take meds during my period so its not too heavy

In fact I rarely give it a second thought

Hope this has helped

Kaz x:hugs:

16-04-08, 15:10
Try not to worry about it.

I suffer from really heavy bleeding and was referred for an ultrasound scan. It showed I had fibroids. My gynaecologist said they are harmless and are very common. He advised me to leave them alone.

16-04-08, 15:10
Thanks - this makes me feel much better. I appreciate you taking the time to reply!
Have a great day.

16-04-08, 23:46
hi, i had a pelvic ultrasound scan and also a trans vaginal scan last year as part of fertility investigations and i was told i had a couple of small fibroids.
The gynae consultant told me it was nothing to worry about and very common - 90% of the female population have them and are unaware.