View Full Version : why the difference in medication given out in different countries?

16-04-08, 15:34

Just wondered, after reading many posts, why do Docs in USA give out benzos to take for many years, when in England, you are lucky to receive 2 weeks worth?

I just dont get it.After starting quite a few differnt ADs, Ive been through hell and back with initial side effects and my Doc and Psych do not agree with benzos at all, and so have not given me any.

Also, have read a couple of threads about Valarian. IS it safe to take with Ads and when you have a "couple" of drinkies??

MAny thanks - Lizzie xx

04-05-08, 18:17
Hi Lizzie,

I can't answer for any differences between doctor's decisions between countries. The only difference I have seen to be honest is that in the UK doctors tend to prescribe valium more often than the USA does. I too had to try just about every anti-depressant on the market (with almost every side-effect) before I found the one that finally worked for me. I also had side-effects for a couple of weeks, but I could live with them, before it started working. I would suggest if you want to go the med route to just hang in there and keep trying until you find the right mix.

Sorry I don't know anything about Valarian. Good luck.

Laura xxx

04-05-08, 22:29
Hi Lizzie,

I believe you're fine taking Valerian with antidepressants... why? Have you heard otherwise? I have taken it with Citalopram with no ill effects. Shouldn't have any problems with alcohol either though I don't advise drinking more than a glass or two if you suffer from depression - I found it made it much much worse.

Apparently Valerian attracts cats in the same way as catnip does too, so could prove useful if you've got a mouse in your kitchen!

Take care,


04-05-08, 22:57
Don't spose you know of anything that keeps cats from poo'ing in your garden have you ?
They seem to be attracted to the pebbles I've just put down.
Apolls for changing the subject.

07-05-08, 08:05
trouble is cats think you have supplied them with a giant litter tray!!!!You can get a sonic deterrant but dont know if they work and think theres a product called Get off my Garden from Garden Centres etc.
