View Full Version : new to all this

16-04-08, 22:11
my name is teabag and i am 28. I am very new to all of this and am delighted that i found this website. I have been diagnosed with Anxiety and depression which i am sure you all know about.
The thing i am having trouble with is believing that the physical symptoms are created by me and not some god awful disease.
I have been having a sort of fluttering feeling under my skin all over. This is not constant but comes on when i'm trying to relax. Of course i looked it up on google and scared myself to death. My breathing is screwed up and my muslces feel achy and tired and even though i tell myself every day that its anxiety, my brain tells me that it is MS/ALS/HIV- basically anything. (i have to add here that google told me more than i needed to know about the symptoms of ALS)... Instead of google i now come on here.
I guess the reason i'm writing this is because it feels like i am connecting to people who understand and don't think i'm mad. This has been happening for a year and fingers crossed with the help of CBT i will be able to get the stillness back.
Does anyone know whether the fluttering/twitching ever goes away? Also is anyone else finding it difficult to come off diazepam? Thanks- Teabag. :shrug:

16-04-08, 23:01
Hi Teabag.....:welcome: I suffer from HA too and have also had problems accepting my many symptoms are down to anxiety.... that, i think is the hardest thing to do ...but i do now accept that anxiety can produce so many physical symptoms so that when i get one of them i can at least suspect that it may be the cause... which is progress, i think...
The one thing i would say for certain DO NOT GOOGLE SYMPTOMS !!:ohmy:, whatever you do... cos we have all done it and it is never, ever reassuring ... i have scared the pants off myself so many times googling, so i resist the temptation at all costs now....
Soz, but i can't help with the Diazepam question but im sure many other people on the site will be able to.....
Again Welcome to NMP you will get loads of advice here from people who can totally relate to what you are going thru.
Take Care :bighug1:

16-04-08, 23:06
Yes, it does go away. or you become less aware of it. I think it is just the body doing its stuff - we a rel living organisms after all - muscles twitch, nerves jiggle, hairs raise and lower. I think when we have anxiety, we often become very much more aware of these small normal things. It will get less irritting, I promise!

17-04-08, 08:50
hiya teabag :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :D . there is lots of support/advice avalible so get as much as you want. i know i do. dont forget to visit the chat room where you can talk to us all about things. oh my oh my did you google? thats a big no no, it will only make you feel more scared. mr google for symptoms is not your friend. stick with us we are better:yesyes: :yesyes: .
best wishes
take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


17-04-08, 13:29
Hi Teabag,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

17-04-08, 22:08
Thanks so much. i already feel better knowing that there are people to talk to who are in the same boat. And its a damn good place to come to when you can't sleep.

17-04-08, 23:04
Teabag, this is such a great place to be, I can't praise it enough. I joined about 2 weeks ago and although I'm still down, I've not had a panic attack since then ......... I think realising you're not alone in the way you're feeling is the best medicine!