View Full Version : Reassurance needed!

16-04-08, 22:31
Hi all,

I recently took positive steps to beating my anxiety. I am already on a waiting list for CBT group sessions but I also went to see a health worker at my local gay mens health clinic last night. I explained my problems and he is going to talk to me over a number of sessions now and even refer me to receive accupuncture. I need to know whether its normal to feel all over the place after a "counselling" session e.g light headed and just not with it for a few days or whether I really am going crazy. I even had nightmares last night after having the session.

Help would be appreciated


16-04-08, 22:49
Hi Carl... i haven't experienced counscelling yet but have been referred, but I was told that these feelings may occur by a friend who has experienced it.. She said that counselling can open up all sorts of memories and feelings that we may not previously acknowledged and that can be a bit weird at first, also just the unknown can be stressful in itself...she had some strange dreams after too, so you are definitely not going mad.
She has said really positive things about it tho, so hang in there and i think you will find it very helpful.... :yesyes:
Take Care

16-04-08, 23:18
well done on taking these positive steps xxx

I had counselling about 3 years ago and after my first session i felt immensely vulnerable and a bit out of it - this is normal as you begin your journey exploring the feelings and memories that may contribute to your anxiety. I had 8 sessions in all and the feelings when coming out of the session veered from being euphoric one week to tearful and guilt the next week. But i just reminded myself that it was essential to my well being - i had an opportunity to take an hour out to speak with someone who didnt know me , had no preconceptions of my situation , and never judged me or thought i was mad or unhinged. After a few weeks i found myslef looking forward to the sessions and on the whole i found it a positive and worthwhile step in my recovery

Good luck with it all xxxx

17-04-08, 21:51
Thanks guys, I still feel very weird like a feeling in the pit of my stomach and trouble sleeping but im determined and will keep thinking things always get worse to get better and its because im facing things rather than running away like i have in the past.

thanks again!!


18-04-08, 03:45
Any time I talk about my anxiety in detail I get some anxiety symptoms.
I wonder if it's just because it tricks my body into that 'fight or flight' mode that causes the anxiety in the first place?
Good luck with the counseling hun!!!