View Full Version : Terrified Im going to die at 22!

17-04-08, 00:02
Hey everyone

Basically, ever since I was about 11 ive had this horrible feeling that I will die at 22, i cant remember how this came about or anything, but it terrifies me, especially now as im 22 in 6 months time! im so worried im having some sort of psychic premonition or something and wont know what to do when my birthday comes round, i actually think i might have a breakdown with worry, or just die from the actual fright of it. my friends find it to be one of my amusing worry quirks that they all know me for, but some days i get so eaten up by thoughts.

i suffer from anxiety- always based around health worries, like cancer, heart etc and ive got massive fear of dying- and am waiting to see a clinical psychologist but its taking ages! so thought id try to seek some help on here!

has anyone else had any fears about dying at a certain age or something similar? or is it just me? ive never heard about it before on the forums which frightens me even more!

Please help if you can!

amy xxx

17-04-08, 00:27
Hi Amy:D

Hey dont worry:D

I have had the same thing for years!!!!

I wouldent live to see 20,30 40

Or if I booked a holiday Id die before I went:lac:

Well guess what.....Im 45 now and still here lol

Please dont worry you are not alone:hugs:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

Pm me anytime:hugs:

17-04-08, 01:15
Hi Amy

I've been there too many many times. I thought I was having a heart attack when I was 12! Never thought I'd see 20 etc etc I'm 50 now.

Personally I don't believe in physics (sp)

Please try not to worry, I know it's easy for me to say, but you have us here to reassure you.:yesyes: :yesyes:

I just got laughed at by my family which made it worse, and I was too scared to go to the doctors.

I hope you get to see the psychologist soon, he/she'll sort you, I'm sure.

Take care and take heart.



17-04-08, 03:25
I have had this all my life and ruined alot of special occasions and missed out on some pretty interesting things. I was afraid of dying since 5 when I was told I had a heart murmur.
I am still worrying at 39. I now feels it is hard on the body to worry and I am trying to break this feeling. I really want to be the lady running the block and exercising and having fun and yet it still is a vision.
Don't be that person, Your young enjoy!!!!!

17-04-08, 05:29
hi im sorry to hear that..im 22 aswell and i always think im going to die of a heart attack or brain tumour, i must say anxiety will do that to you.
its a very terrible feeling and i hope this site will help you ive only been on for a few days and i find it is helping me alot.
i wish you all the best:)
take care

17-04-08, 07:53

My first memory of the fear of dying was when I was 5 years old, lying in bed, obsessing I had cancer.
My Mum is a spirtualist and I partly believe her obsession with that (which is what it is) has led me to be terrified of dying as my Mum speaks about spirits as people.

Anyhow I am nearly 30 now and still here, still panicking at time. But this site is fantastic, great people and they have helped me out no end.

Lots of support here hunny

17-04-08, 12:33
Please dont worry---you are certainly not going to die at 22---I have had these fears all my life and I am still here at 43!!!
I seem to go from one to another---my biggest worry at the moment is will i see my kids have kids as i would love to be a gran one day(my kids are 22 and 25!). I think anxiety can really make you think all sorts of things. Have you been to your GP and told him your fears?
I went yesterday for the 3rd time to a different doctor and I am sooo pleased i went!!I am getting referred to a counsellor and I am sure it will be some help.
Take care---you are not alone xxx

miss diagnosis
17-04-08, 12:40
i was the same except it was 27! ever notice how it seems to be cursed! kurt cobain,jimmy hendrix etc!

Anyway pleased to say im 28 now! actually cried with relief on my birthday. (until my brother rang insisting i was 29 and lying about it ha ha)

miss diagnosis
17-04-08, 12:51
oh and about the pyshcic thing? I always tell my self if i think i have an ill ness it must be a hunch. never right so far!

17-04-08, 12:54
i have always had a thing that i will have children when i am 27 and now that i am 26 it has caused me great distress as i don't feel ready but somehow i have an irrational fear that if i don't have kids at 27 then i won't have them at all.

17-04-08, 21:24
Thanks so much everybody for all your nice words, it means a lot. And it really really helps to know i'm not the only one who has age fears, as I was beginning to think no-one else had particular age fears like that!

i dont know what it is about the number 22 as an age though, but when I used to see a counsellor she said it could just be something as simple as I'd saw a headline with somebody of that age or something in a newspaper when I was younger. I guess a bit like the jimmy hendrix thing! Lets hope thats all the original cause was anyway and not some psychic thing like ive been worrying it is all these years!

I wish you all lots of luck in trying to get rid of your own anxieties. The world would be a much better place without it i think!! And thanks again for your help!

Amy xxxxxx

19-04-08, 21:49
hi there ive suffered with anxiety for years , i used to think when i was ur age that i was going to die soon i suppose i still think like that now, but i remember thinking the same thing years ago and am still so far here, anxiety is such a horrible horrible thing, my problem is my thinking , i cannot control my thoughts and if theres something wrong with me then i dont see it as a small problem to me its the worst thing ever and im going todie , and i just cannot stop thinking about it and checking whatever it is that happens to be wrong with me . today ive had a really fuzzy head and felt a bit sickand tired so started looking on the net for what it could be, which eventually led me to this site, i find what i ve got quite embarrasing cos when u try to explain how you feel to someone that doesnt suffer from anxiety they must think your completely bonkers cos it sounds so stupid but when u actually expeirence something like this its the worst feeling in the world, ..hope im not rambling on to much....x