View Full Version : Terrible day

17-04-08, 11:43
I am having a terrible cancer worrying day. I get like this and it's horrable, todays cancer worries are, ALL OF THEM!!

I am convinced I have a brain tumour as the back of my head is sore and my eye is funny, now my eye gets funny when I am stressed, so yes logically I am probly stressed and my eye is funny but you try telling my brain that!

And I have back pain so worried I have some sort of cancer linked to back pain. Heck I am thinking to myself i am going to just drop down dead soon from Cancer, but yesturday it was a brain anurisim, this is getting old to me, my main fear is dying and leaving my little guy alone plus I have not achived my dreams yet, I refuse to let this get me down but it's creeping it's way in...:mad: this blows

17-04-08, 11:53
Hi please try not to worry about these things as i have found great comfort in this site since actually having a brain tumour removed in Feb, and i had none of the symptoms you described.

My anxiety has got so much better since coming on here it has made me relax more and i hope you can do the same.

Take care
Mandy x:D

17-04-08, 11:57
Aww I am really sorry to hear you are feeling like this---I know that feeling all too well.
I have had 6 months of believing i had lymphoma after finding a swelling in my neck.
Now, after a 3rd Doctor telling me i am ok(yesterday) and getting a referral to a counsellor i am starting to have some positive thoughts. I am determined not to let this ANXIETY rule my life!!
Have you talked it through with your GP? I was absolutely terrified of going yesterday and asking for yet another opinion but, you know what, it is the best thing i have done.
It sounds to me as if you have HEALTH ANXIETY like i have and it is an awful thing to suffer with but if you tell your doctor all your fears you will feel loads better.
In the meantime if you need to chat just PM me---I am happy to help.
Take care xxxx

miss diagnosis
17-04-08, 12:55
is there something going on in your life thats stressing you out? I always find my anxiety is ten times worse if i m stressed about something else. I go from one worry to the next without actually dealing with whats bothering me.

17-04-08, 15:21
Hi everyone,

This is my first post although I have lurked on here for quite a while.

I just had to reply to janieb, what you have posted completely relates to how I am at the moment. I have a good few weeks and then am completely consumed by health anxiety again.

I feel almost relieved coming on here, and realising there are lots of us out there.

I think this is a fantastic forum you feel so much less like your on your own, my main fear is every ache or pain is some form of cancer and will end up leaving my kids behind.

I feel really stupid for feeling like this, but knowing there are other people out there who feel like this helps a great deal.

17-04-08, 15:31
hiya lots of us feel this way and the only way i deal with it is to stay busy and wlak lots too that way when its quiet at night i am so tired from all my exercise that i go straight to sleep and i dont lay there thinking and worrying hugs xxxx

17-04-08, 16:20
Hi there, your post could have been from me. I am exactly the same, i seem to go through stages of this worrying about cancer, although its always there in the back of my mind somewhere. It drives me nuts, every single thing i get wrong with me its never gonna be something simple it must be cancer. I have vowed to myself to stop reading health articles in womans magazines and newspapers and i'm really going to stick to it this time as they just freak me out. At the moment i'm not reading anything other than In Style magazine as thats just about clothes, shoes and handbags and thats about all i can cope with at the momemt! I've just started taking Citalopram again and i know once that kicks in a lot of these thoughts will go. Sorry i can't be of any more help. Best Wishes.