View Full Version : Help! The thing that frightens me the most has happened

17-04-08, 14:31
For many years I have been plagued with a fear of rectal bleeding which in my mind is a sure sign of bowel cancer. My Granny died of this and it has always terrified me. On Sunday I was taken ill with very bad abdominal pains which lasted all that night and in the morning I was horrified to find blood on the sheet, a lot of blood. A visit to the loo produced the same results. Called my husband at work and he took me to A&E where the examined me, took blood,X Rayed me etc. The surgical registrar said he was happy to let me home and as a barium enema 4 years ago showed nothing he thought I had diverticulitis especially as the blood tests showed there was infammation somewhere. Went home with codrydamol for the pain and huge Augmentum antibiotics which they rightly informed me would cause diarrhoea.

Phoned GP today to tell him the story and he asked me to come in. He thinks it "probably is" diverticulitis but has referred me to a specialist for a sigmoidoscopy. I was strangely calm until this morning but he has signed me off work and put "rectal bleeding" on the sick note so now they will all know. I would very much value your support while I wait for the test and results. Doctor, who knows about my health anxiety congratulated me on my calmness. Little does he know! Please guys I need you help.

17-04-08, 15:23
Hi Grace,

So sorry to read that you have been poorly. i honestly don't know much on this subject hun but i'm here for you if you ever need to chat.

I hope everything goes well and you start to feel better soon..

Love Lisa
xxxxx :flowers:

17-04-08, 15:27
hi grace im sorry you are poorly but there are loads of reasons for recal bleeding so i know its hard cos i panic too but try to stay calm. i am here if you need to chat hugs xxx

17-04-08, 17:15
Hi Grace,

I am so sorry to hear of your health concerns.I am greatly re-assured by the clearly professional manner with which your GP is treating this.Rather than leaving you wondering,he is ensuring that you receive the right level of treatment and care for this.
Would that all GPs' were so good.
Keep believing in yourself- you will come through this!!
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Best wishes,

17-04-08, 17:22
Hi Grace :hugs:

Sorry to hear you are having to go through this. My dad also died of bowel cancer and I do understand your fears.

Just try to bear in mind that there are so many things which can cause rectal bleeding, which are far more likely than cancer, especially if you have a history of Diverticulitis.

Try to be reassured by the Doctor and that they were happy to allow you home from A&E. When will the sigmoidoscopy be?

Take care

xxx :flowers:

18-04-08, 17:13
Thank you for the messages received so far. I really thought I was doing so well after my hospital visit but my GP seemed,to me, to disagree with everything they had told me. I'm back to the old game of analysing every word he said and wondering 'what he really meant'. Can't get appointment for sigmoidoscopy until results of blood test and the GP can't get that done until next Thursday. Am seriousley consideringet phoning local private hospital to see how much it would cost and would spend life savings to get it all sorted out soon!

18-04-08, 18:02
I had rectal bleeding and the totally shamefull anal test at the hospital.

Sorry to hear about your family history.

Mine was due to a "fisher" which is a tare in the anal wall that wont fix because the anus is so tight. Comfortable seats and relaxing my muscle would cause shooting pains, larger stools would almost always produce blood.

I wish you well and do what you feel necessary to feel better.


18-04-08, 19:13
Try not to worry (yes I know easier to say than do). :)

Like Cons I have an anal fissure and have had it since last September and have rectal bleeding after most bowel movements. I've had a sigmoidoscopy too the worry about it was worse than the actual thing thankfully.

18-04-08, 21:44
Hiya Grace,

So sorry to hear you've been having problems and I hope you manage to stay as calm as possible - easier said than done! I agree with what everyone has said. My daughter has a fissure like Cons and northern_sky. Also, I had either a sigmoidoscopy/colonoscopy a few years ago. I was panicking like mad but when I had the thing it was fine - ggrrrrrr!

Hope you get seen soon and take care.

Wendy xxxxxxxxxx

19-04-08, 00:52
Your doctor sounds very good and very professional. Nowadays you can get to speak to your doctor over the phone usually so if you are worried about what they have put on your sicknote due to your workplace knowing about the 'actual' situation you could perhaps ask your doctor to do another sicknote for you with perhap 'abdominal pains' on it instead as you say this has also been one of your symtoms.

Your doctor sounds very understanding so just explain that this situation has made you anxious which of course is understandable and also explain the reason for absence on your sicknote is also causing you some anxiety due to work knowing the intricacies of your reason for being off work.

Years ago when I was off work due to depression, my doctor put severe tonsillitis on my sick note instead, which wasn't untrue as I did have tonsillitis at the time but it was really the depression that was keeping me off work. This shows Doctors use descretion and be a little flexible about the reason they put on your sicknote.

Hope this helps

19-04-08, 11:00
Thanks again, I don't know what I'd do without you.Poor husband is suffering my moods and can't say a thing right. Has been despatched to chemist for thrush cream poor man. The antibiotics have given me diarrhoea and itchy bits. I just don't want to wait ages for the test and am going to phone local private hospital to see how much a sigmoidoscopy would be. Should make for an interesting loan application!

19-04-08, 11:14
I just wanted to say that there is a guy at work who has this problem. And he also sufferes from serious bowl problems had to admitted to hospital for a week but doesn't have bowel cancer he is fine really just sufferes from a problem within his bowel and intestines, not 100% what it is but didn't ask to many questions I am sure doesn't want to broadcast. I think you are doing every well so far. Fingers crossed everything can sort it'self out