View Full Version : Looking for a way out

17-04-08, 16:24
Hiya all
I have been feeling quite low recently. I still have not managed to leave the house. The person who is meant to be helping me still hasnt phoned when she said she would 3 weeks ago and i still havnt seen the other person who is meant to be helping me which was meant to start months ago. I just get completly messed about by them.
I am fed up of being trapped in the house. Its been two years now and i am scared i will never get better. I honestly dont know how to get better. Every time i have managed to start leaving the house again i have been knocked back to square one after a few months. I don't see any of my friends and am so lonly. I should be an uni,enjoying life and looking forward to the future. I feel like i have been robbed. I keep searching for a magic cure but at the end of the day i know its only me that can do it. Promblem is i just don`t think it is possible and i will live the rest of my life in fear.i am tring hard. I am taking a biology degree through the OU, exercising every day, eating healthly but each day still drags on. And by not doing any thing in the day leaves loads of time to dwell on all the negitives in my life. I spend far too much time alone. And now my parents are away for two weeks on sunday and i wont see anyone. Im not worried about them going away but i know i will get lonly and bored.
Sorry to moan like always. I just feel so alone and cannot see a way to get out of this situation.

17-04-08, 16:44
Hey, don't apologise for moaning. I know how you feel. TEN years of being confined to my stupid little house, undoubtably it WILL effect you.

Have you tried calling the person who is meant to be helping you?

Can you just try going a few steps from your house and gradually building up? I've "heard" thats helpful. I am still trying that one out...

Good luck..
