View Full Version : Dreading the next time

17-04-08, 20:14
I go through phases of being well and then having blips when i have extreme anxiety. My problem is that when i am well instead of enjoying it i spend alot of time dreading my next bad attack which usually lasts about a week. Does anyone else experience this? And if so, how do you stop the record going round in your head of thinking about the bad things to come, and "how do i feel now, is it starting yet"???? :weep: I almost feel like i pay for the good times with terrible anxiety in the future....
Dont know if im makng any sense :wacko:
C x

17-04-08, 23:51

I no exactly wot u mean, this is wot i go through and i have no idea how to stop it either :weep:

love mandie x

18-04-08, 00:15
I know exactly what u mean popsy. I cant enjoy the good times because i always feel i need to check in with myself constantly to see if im ok or am i going to panic.
At the moment im anxious constantly and worry about next attack so it stops me from going out etc.:weep:
I dont kno if u get this but i always feel like if iv done something without panicking (going out or even having fun!) the anx and panic will come back and bite me stronger next time-dont kno if that makes sense lol!
Have heard that meds take the edge off worrying about things constantly but am not sure if they are the right way to go.

18-04-08, 10:34
Med's have taken the edge off for me, but im on the highest dose my doctor will prescribe me which is 40mg, and its hasnt 'cured' me as i hoped it would. If you can do it without med's i would advise you too, i feel like ive taken the easy way out in some respect because i have resorted to them, they dont make the anxiety go away they just hide 'some' of it... some days i feel so trapped in my own head its horrible, feeling down today and tired...... :weep:
C x

18-04-08, 11:15
Hi popsy,

What you have is the "fear of fear" as is totally natural, i have it also. Infact i think i upped it a notch by having the fear fearing the fear of fear. Seriously though its not funny. As for "doing it without meds" i was on 20mg Cipralex for 2 years and have stopped them completely after experiencing panic and anxiety on-top of the medication.

The way i see it with medication is that it will "work" better for some than others, many regret taking them (SSRI'S) and others seem to live as close to a normal life as normal is or can be.

Currently im on Diazepam 5mg (grrrr @ no Tamezepam) to be taken 6 times a day as required. Eventually i would like to be tablet free but for now it comforts me knowing if a bad day comes (like yesterday) i can take 8 (NOT recommended) and litterally knock myself out.

Enough about me popsy i appologise.

Have you tried "talking therapies" other than forums?

Also im curious as to which medication you are on as im 1 of 3 people im fairly close too and we were all on different meds.


18-04-08, 12:03
Im on 40mg of Seroxat / paroxatine, i have 2mg tablets of diazapan to be used if i really need them, but once they are gone im not aloud anymore, which i understand is because it could only cause me more problems. I have had 6 weeks of counselling which did help alot and made me feel more positive, this was paid for by my husbands work (and the limit was 6 sessions) but now its ended i cant have anymore because its at least £40 - £60 a session and we just arent in a position to be able to afford that at present. You are lucky you are one of 3 who have similar problems, i dont know anyone else, that must really help. Thaks for your reply, it really helps me on here.
Charlie x x x :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

18-04-08, 12:17
My mother used to be on Seroxat, not going into too much detail but research that one if possible, hence to say she isnt on it anymore.

1 of 3 has the advantage of understanding but the mutual upset that people around you are "suffering" so time to talk about things can be awkward and coincide with other peoples "bad days".

Take care


18-04-08, 12:19
Hello popsy,

I think that all of us who suffer from anxiety/panic/agoraphobia etc probably feel the same way as you do. Like Cons said, it's that awful "fear of fear".:mad:

If you're in the UK you should be able to get help from a psychologist/therapist for free - although you do usually have to wait for quite a while. Might be worth asking your doctor to get you on the list? I found Cognitive Behaviour Therapy really good - it teaches you how to think differently - ie, replacing the negative with the positive. The hard bit for me though was keeping it going once I'd stopped! There's a free online site that may help - it's also in the "Links" section on this site. www.livinglifetothefull.com (http://www.livinglifetothefull.com)

I find the above really reassuring when I'm worrying about panicking etc! You do have to sign up to join in but it's all free and is run by a psychiatrist in Scotland!

Wendy xxxx