View Full Version : going backwards, not forwards

18-04-08, 01:00
Hello all, I,m in a spot of bother:wacko: I seemed to be doing rather well of late but these last few months have been slowly getting worse, i,ve put it down to me being off work {6 weeks now} as i had a knee op. It,s just me and my beloved domino in the day yet her walks are getting shorter and i find that when i do go out i try not to go too far as i start to get a bit panicky.:scared15: But if i spend my days in i,m bored.Last weekend we were so busy veiwing houses [that,s why i could not make the meet up}I really do,nt know what to do , i,m worried if i do,nt do something soon i will end up worse . Any advice is appreciated.:bighug1: to you all xx

18-04-08, 01:29
Hi there,

It's our old "friends" - Bored and Worried. They often walk hand in hand following us together. Whenever we think we'll have a moments peace, they arrive to start niggling us into making us feel ill so that when we try to do things we find them so much harder to achieve.

This is when we have to rally our allies in support to fight "bored" and "worried" off to bother someone else. Our allies are called "relaxation" and "enjoyment".

Relaxation helps to calm the mind to counteract worry.

Enjoyment in doing something we love counteracts boredom.

If we let our allies spring into action, our enemies will be fought off and we'll feel happier as a result.

The more we allow our enemies to trouble us, the more they control our lives.

Let battle commence!:winks: :hugs:

18-04-08, 11:16
Hello, thanks bill and jimmyrock, Bill , you always seem to hit the nail on the head, i will take on board what you have said and hopefully turn things around.Jimmirock, I see my surgeon on the 28th of april , so hopefully get back to work then. Thanks to you both for your input.:smile:

18-04-08, 11:31
Personally the "looking at houses" which i think means your moving is close to heart also. As people claim it is one of the most stressfull events people go through in general.

Shorter walks may have ties with your "safety zone" as being at home allows the control that we need when anxious.

My friend said to me recently " you need to get a job or do something different like exercise at a gym ", my reply was simple and honest " how can i do that when i cant walk 200 yards without feeling like i have to turn back? ".


18-04-08, 12:03
Hi Domino - what Bill said is so right - i feel my anxiety is like a "pollution" and it seeps through rational thoughts like yours is at the moment. Its really scary when we convince ourselves we are "fine" then find the walls coming in again! You have the strength to push this wall out again. We all do - we must be exceptionally strong to cope with something that so many people misunderstand!!
Thoughts are with you
dig deep !

18-04-08, 12:08
This is to Cons - sometimes friends make me chuckle with their simple solutions. I had a really close friend with a fog phobia who would literally lie on the floor shaking when it came. People would say "its only fog" "whats the worse that could happen" ..... how can you explain to non sufferers that you think the world may cave in !!!
Take care

18-04-08, 19:34
Hi domino.

Sorry things are a little difficult for you. I've just had a set back today and at first took it really hard but my hubby pointed out the fantastic progress I've made in the last 9 months or so. I'm sure the enforced being at home has rocked your confidence. We're just coming to the end of the school holidays and I'm scared about the school run again yet I was managing fine before we broke up. I think we slip back into learned safety zones very easily.

You've obviously had a lot to deal with recently so some rest and relaxation plus doing something you enjoy to keep you busy is probably the best idea. I hope you are fighting fit again soon.

19-04-08, 12:03
Hello again,Thanks again for your advice it does help to have someone elses input.Today we have second veiwings ,first being at 12.30.Maybe it is allthe stress of moving and spending so much time at home , my job is,nt really that taxing on the brain but i do miss the company of my work collegues, ah well best get going and see this house. :bighug1:Everyone.