View Full Version : Back with a vengeance

18-04-08, 12:10
Hi all, for those of you who may remember I recently made a post entitled 'Terrified of testicular cancer' were I stated I was going (again) to see a doctor about a mild discomfort in my testicles I have had for a while now.

Well, I've been to see the doc and he said there was no sign of any cancers - you'd think I'd be happy right? Well sadly not - he has booked me in for a testicular ultrasound to get to the bottom of it and this has really kicked my anxiety into overdrive again.

Despite his assurances, im worried they are going to find something - I hate hospitals and medical tests aswell so im not looking forward to it. It will take a couple of weeks until my appointment so that isn't helping either.

Just feel crushed really, earlier on in the week I thought it was getting better, my back pain had gone too but it all came back - and I am still terrified of cancer:weep:

18-04-08, 12:29
Hi there, sorry to hear you're so anxious at the moment, just wanted to say that my 19 year old son has had just the same symptoms as you and when he went to the dr's he was examined and told that it was nothing sinister (i can't even say the 'C' word) just an inflamation, quite common in that area apparently and given 10 days of antibiotics and refered for ultrasound. Had that done and was told again nothing to worry about everything normal. I was climbing the walls with worry about him, he just took it all in his stride, suppose thats just me being a Mum, its what i do best. Try not to worry to much I reckon dr's know exactly what their looking for and its their duty to tell you if it was something serious. Take care.

18-04-08, 14:29
I am glad you have been to the doctors--I did post on your previous post.
You will be fine---they do have to check you out as it is their job but please dont worry.My son, when he was 20 rang me in a panic from University and said he thought he could feel a lump in his testicle. I immediately went in to panic mode and made him go and see the doctor at the University(just up the road from where he was in Halls!).
Anyway, he was referred to Preston Hospital for a scan---OMG i was past myself with worry but he just took it in his stride too and ALL WAS FINE!!!
So, they really do just do this as routine if you say you have a pain or swelling!!
Try and be positive ----you will be absolutely fine xxxx

18-04-08, 14:42
Us men are taught how to check for lumps and to imediately report any changes that seem unusual. Your doing the right thing, hospitals appointments a few weeks away but you can always reconcile yourself by bathing and checking inbetween.

sadly didnt read your other post as i only joined today but from what i have read so far many people here including myself project phantom pains by reading too much or worrying too much on a particular area.

lost count the amount of times i sat down on mine and thought "oh ... my ... God .... noooo", but after the stomache aches goes and i bath and check im ok.

I wish you the best and please post up your results as and when you can.


18-04-08, 15:48
Thanks for your support guys

I know thinking logically I should have nothing to worry about with two doctors saying they couldn't notice anything sinister but for some reason I have just read in to this scan ALOT, I don't know why. He said it was probably just inflammation or minor infection but I just wonder why he didn't prescribe me antibiotics if thats the case? I have rarely needed to go to hospital before, I think deep down I have some fear that my body has been winging it all this time and at last, now, there going to find something awful.

Will persevere through what will undoubtedly be a tough few weeks

05-05-08, 20:47
Hi, just thought I would post to share what happened to my OH as it may reassure. He found a small lump on his testicle and had a dull ache. He was sent for an ultrasound and then had a follow up appt with the consultant. I was convinced that it would be bad news after googling but it turned out to just be a small epidydimal cyst and he has been told to forget about it. All the best