View Full Version : Was feeling good but then!!!!!!!!!

18-04-08, 14:43
Well after my good news the other day at the doctors i have been on a high really!!!
I had come to accept in my head(which i couldnt see before!) that the blood test may not show up lymphoma but it would have detected any abnormality in the blood cells and this would have been investigated further.My doctor explained that the swelling was there in Decwhen i had the tests and therefore nothing has changed now and the results are fine etc etc etc.
Anyhow, i had finally accepted this and i was in brief(cos she doesnt really understand or listen) telling my 74 year old mum this tale last night on the phone(bear in mind i think my parents are part of my anxiety flaring up as out of the blue at Xmas they turned up back in my life after 10 years----too long a story to explain but suffice to say i KNOW it has totally stressed me out on top of everything else!!!).My mother said "ooooo my mum, your gran, had hodgkins disease and it does miss a generation so you should be careful---but she did survive it!!!!!!!"".
I mean, for goodness sake would you say that to someone who has just told you they are suffering HA???
My OH said it is a load of rubbish and just forget it. I have just been out for a long walk and do feel better but hey why do i let stuff like this prey on my mind??
On a brighter note i am going out to a MEAT LOAF concert this evening so that is a positive step.
Sorry to rant----hope you are all having a decent day!!!!
Take care xxx

18-04-08, 14:46
Yeah its not just kids who say the "funniest" things is it?.

When i got asked about heart disease in the family a few weeks ago and i mentioned my gran and great gran he dismissed it " i mean the males ", like that would make me feel better.

Enjoy your concert, take comfort in the test results and your doctors wisdom.

Take care.


18-04-08, 14:52
yeah it's great when people say things like that you want to bash them in the head...my mom does that to me!


enjoy your concert

18-04-08, 15:32
Hi there, my mother in law sounds just like your mum jellybean. She knows i suffer from health anxiety but she never hesitates to tell me in great detail about somebodies illness, operation or symptoms, to her its fine and normal, she used to be a nurse, but to me it just plays on my mind for days. In fact now i don't have too much to do with her its just too risky with how i'm feeling at the moment. Best wishes.