View Full Version : exercise

29-03-05, 04:17
Hi all,

Iam starting my exercise regimen,finally.Im still a little bit apprehensive when my heartbeat picks up though.Does exercise help a lot with panic sufferers.I get a lot of advises that I should begin doing it regularly but I am always putting it off.Can anyone relate to this???

29-03-05, 09:17
hi i can relate to the putting it off part im always going to start tomorrow i know exercice really does help but getting the motivation to start then stick with it is my problem i go ok for a couple of days then dont do it anymore

fan x

"dont wait for the light at the end of the tunnel..........stride down there and light the bl**dy thing yourself!

29-03-05, 10:41
I keep putting exercise off as well. I always say that I will start soon. We really should though as it would help us control our anxiety..:D

29-03-05, 17:59
Exercise and diet stopped my panic attacks a few years ago so good luck with it - it will help a lot!


29-03-05, 19:51
There was an item on the news today about how much excersise can improve depression. In fact some patients in a test were not given ADs but just put on a strict exercise regieme, and it had excellent results.

The dr on that was saying when people are depressed it causes them to be anxious as they feel out of touch with their environment, and as though they have no control over it. Excersise brings this feeling of control back.

With this in mind Im going to start walking every day, Im not feeling up to walking far but I was out for about 30 mins walking today and felt ok for it. Will continue !

29-03-05, 20:47
Elaborating on Rory's post:



29-03-05, 22:14
Exercising uses up excess adrenalin as well as producing the endorphins that bring about a feeling of wellbeing and calm.

It exercises muscles that are otherwise storing tension and becoming achey.

Above all it helps keeps your heart and lungs healthy and functioning well.

Go for it .

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance