View Full Version : Tired :(

18-04-08, 20:56

My name is Michele and I suffer from Panic Disorder. I have had this for 3 years on and off and lately it is getting worse :(
I just want to be able to leave my house without worrying about Panic Attacks and if I need to get out of going to work....
Tired of feeling this way

18-04-08, 21:02
hi there and welcome, i so sorry you feel this way but this site is fab and you will meet so many people and friends. you will get loads support too.
i hope you start to feel better soon, just keep positive and set yourself tiny goals every day and try to keep busy to try to stop the negative thoughts

18-04-08, 21:03
Hi Michele and welcome to the forum.

I have had exactley the same disorder for the exact number of years that you have. There is some great advice here as well as knowing that you are part of a community that shares your views and will always be here to listen.

Even today hun i couldnt walk into town which is 5 mins from my house.

Sick of feeling tired and tired of feeling sick.

Are you doing any therapy or have you tried any? Any medication?

Believe it or not this is our bodies way of protecting ourselves, catch 22 in most regards but we have to work with ourselves and others to break the link and take full control of ourselves once more.


18-04-08, 21:06
Hi and welcome ;)


18-04-08, 21:08
Welcome :welcome: ,
You will find lots of great advice on here and meet loads of folks too. It has helped me to accept my problems an dI think thats the start of getting better!!!
Bye Hazel xo

19-04-08, 01:32
Hello Michelle And Welcome...........i Wish Ya Well........linda

19-04-08, 07:50
Hi Michele

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

19-04-08, 19:23
Hi Michele

A warm :welcome: aboard.

Have a good read of the website pages on the left for loads of support and advice.

You will meet some lovely people here.

19-04-08, 19:39
Hi and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :smile:

20-04-08, 09:58
hiya michele :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :D . you will get lots of support/advice and make some great friends along the way. dont forget to visit the chat roon where you can talk to us all about things or just have a giggle and take your mind of your worrys.
best wishes
take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


20-04-08, 15:33
Hi Donna

Thank you very much for replying to me. I am glad that I will meet people like me, was starting to think that I was alone :( I want to keep busy but the feeling is so strong that sometimes it is really hard. Feeling a little bit better today :)

Thanks and keep in touch

hi there and welcome, i so sorry you feel this way but this site is fab and you will meet so many people and friends. you will get loads support too.
i hope you start to feel better soon, just keep positive and set yourself tiny goals every day and try to keep busy to try to stop the negative thoughts

20-04-08, 15:38

Thank you very much :) I was starting to think that I am alone as none of my friends go through what I do and they don't really understand it..

I was on Demetrin which stopped working (Used it too much but did wonders for me) now I have been put on Propranolol which is making me feel worse :( Need to go to the Doctor again to get something else...

I was meant to go shopping today but needed to just go home and stay in my room:mad:, so weird that even going out is a mission..

Well I hope you get better too and thanks for taking the time to reply to me

Keep in touch and take care

Hi Michele and welcome to the forum.

I have had exactley the same disorder for the exact number of years that you have. There is some great advice here as well as knowing that you are part of a community that shares your views and will always be here to listen.

Even today hun i couldnt walk into town which is 5 mins from my house.

Sick of feeling tired and tired of feeling sick.

Are you doing any therapy or have you tried any? Any medication?

Believe it or not this is our bodies way of protecting ourselves, catch 22 in most regards but we have to work with ourselves and others to break the link and take full control of ourselves once more.


20-04-08, 15:40
Thank you very much:D

Hi and welcome ;)


20-04-08, 15:41

Thank you very much, was starting to think I was alone:)

Take care

Welcome :welcome: ,
You will find lots of great advice on here and meet loads of folks too. It has helped me to accept my problems an dI think thats the start of getting better!!!
Bye Hazel xo

20-04-08, 15:42
Hi Linda

Thank you very much:D

You too

Hello Michelle And Welcome...........i Wish Ya Well........linda

20-04-08, 15:43

Thank you very much:D

Hi Michele

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

20-04-08, 15:45

Thank you very much, nice to know that I am not alone:D

hiya michele :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :D . you will get lots of support/advice and make some great friends along the way. dont forget to visit the chat roon where you can talk to us all about things or just have a giggle and take your mind of your worrys.
best wishes
take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


20-04-08, 15:47
hi and big warm welcome

love sandyjanexxx

22-04-08, 17:53

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

22-04-08, 19:46
Hi Michele,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,